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Roy Focker

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Everything posted by Roy Focker

  1. Roy Focker

    Hi-Metal R

    What Hikaru already up for preorder? I haven't decided if I really need him or not.
  2. Roy Focker

    Hi-Metal R

    Mine was shipped 5 days ago and they haven't bothered to update its status yet. I'm pretty sure that Japanese mailman who picked it up hasn't been driving his mail truck around in circles for the past 5 days.
  3. I bought the Star Wars themed version for $449. I thought that was a good deal instead buying a Pro for $399 and the game for $60. If the regular Pro is now $349 I'll save $100 without getting this game.
  4. Screw this I just learned Best Buy (place I got my Star Wars PS4) at is now selling the regular version for $100 less than what I paid. I thought buying the combo and saving $10 was okay deal. First chance I got I'm returning this PS4. I was waiting for some titles that interested me before I bought a new console. I can now live without this game. I could now a buy PS4 pro and 2 new games for what I paid for it.
  5. I'm just getting back in playing video games. Bought a PS4 Pro Star Wars combo before hearing about this pay to play controversy. Why can't I play online multiple player mode? I need to join PS Plus? What? I'm confused. I seem to remember being able to play multi player games on PS3 with no additional paid membership. Last month I think I played GTA 5 online with my PS3 and didn't have pay extra to do so. Is every PS4 game like this? I just want to play what I paid for. I don't think there anything in the description when I bought this PS4 online that said a paid membership was required to play.
  6. Roy Focker

    Hi-Metal R

    Mine been shipped. Now I just have to wait 2 to 3 weeks.
  7. Roy Focker

    Hi-Metal R

    Got my notice from Anime Export that my VF-2SS is ready to ship.
  8. When I first saw this I thought it was a parody trailer.
  9. I think they only stay good for 5 years.
  10. You mean the same 2nd Edition RPG that decided the Tomahawk has a crew of 2 despite line art and animation showing just one seat? Harmony Gold approved that?
  11. I've decided there's enough good games coming out to upgrade to a PS4.
  12. Last 2 sample pictures from this set. Rest will for the Patreon The next picture set isn't likely to be another cosplay one and samples won't be shared here. For weekly cosplay & non-cosplay picture updates can be found on Instagram @superdimensionfoto
  13. Fear the Walking Dead is fun show to watch. The lead family are the stupidest and most selfish people on television. They always screw things up. You have to watch it as it were a comedy.
  14. The real airport employees and plane owners were wearing t-shirts and jeans. Just two more sample pictures after this. All will be on Patreon in November.
  15. The Orville is improving. It's a strange show. I would sum it up as if someone found a stack of discarded STNG scripts. Read them while taking notes of funny things they've noticed. Then filming those scripts and adding their notes as in character dialog. End results are some episodes dealing with heavy themes that has characters making a few jokes to each other here and there.
  16. Thanks and here's two more pictures of Misa at the controls. As you can see one of the planes she's in was still being worked on. All will be on Patreon in November.
  17. Roy Focker

    Hi-Metal R

    I remember when HLJ was pretty much the only game in town. I stopped using them because they're usually everyone's first choice for preorder madness.
  18. Roy Focker

    Hi-Metal R

    Messer's VF-1S was an easy one to skip.
  19. Now Sharing 15th Set Preview Pictures ( November Release) To view all the pictures please visit the Patreon Page by Clicking Here and consider being a supporter. All contributions collected through Patreon go directly to funding this project. What's Misa doing with Hikaru's jacket and helmet? Simple Hikaru has gone missing and Misa is going to look for him! The real reason is that we were asking people about interesting locations. A small airport said yes. We rushed over as soon as we could. In case you're wondering where's Set 14. That picture set didn't include cosplay. There will be an alternating mix of cosplay and non-cosplay content. Some more sample pictures from the 15th set will be posted here during October. Regular updates for all sorts of photography will be posted on Instagram @superdimensionfoto
  20. Roy Focker

    Hi-Metal R

    Got my Hi-Metal VF-19S Blazer last week and broke it. I had no idea the main head laser couldn't move. Had to glue it back on.
  21. What is with all the over bites? And is that 2nd cover legit or a fan made one? I've seen that photo before. Did they work a deal with photographer/Computer artist or just found it online and borrowed it?
  22. That's what I heard too. They brought in new owners a couple of times or something and with each new owner created more debt. This hurt their potential to make more. Worst is the baby sections eats up so much space. Parents can easily go to any big box store for Baby stuff. Many families have more than one child. Why stop at TRU for just baby clothes when still have to dress your other kids by shopping somewhere else? I miss their walls & walls for toys warehouse design. It was the place to be if you were a kid.
  23. Why couldn't have been 2001 when I was a younger? The 2021 date is going the make the movie a hard sale. Even if you convince a studio that Robotech is going to be the next big thing you might only get to make one movie. A studio is not going to invest a ton of money with the knowledge they might not be able to make a sequel.
  24. Holy overbites batman!
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