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Roy Focker

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Everything posted by Roy Focker

  1. Roy Focker

    Hi-Metal R

    Okay where are they?
  2. Roy Focker

    Hi-Metal R

    6 minutes to go.
  3. That death was so stupid and pointless. I get they wanted to show Luke's mastery of the force. By showing that he can display such power from so far away. Kylo wanted him dead. They could have easily had Luke appear for real, perform some miracle and then die. That would have made sense. Instead they wanted do one more surprise on the audience by showing that he wasn't really there. But then he dies anyways. What's the point of keeping him thousands of light years away in safe place if he still dies? Imagine watching Indiana Jones and Last Crusade. It's the scene where Indy friends think he went over the cliff inside that German tank. Instead of finding out he jumped out at the last minute we discover that after he jumped out of the tank he stepped on a venomous snake and still dies. If a character is suppose to die. Fine kill them off but don't use their death for a pointless twist. Audience: "Did Kylo just kill Luke!?!" Disney : "Surprise Luke is still alive because he wasn't really there!" Audience: "Wow! You got me there!" Disney: "Surprise Luke dies anyways of a force heart attack!"
  4. Looks like the VF-1S on the cover is jealous of that kiss!
  5. Roy Focker

    Hi-Metal R

    Yes! Now just give me the last 2 Destroids for 2018 and I'll consider this a great year to have been alive.
  6. Pretty sure this was inspired by that "Sweep the leg" music video from years back that featured a Johnny who fell on hard times.
  7. Cool you've found out the truth that Roy....er....I was the one who killed him. At least I think that's me. Not the best drawing going on here. Of course you're all going to find out that Edwards used CGI to frame me for a crime he committed.
  8. Visited my local store. It wasn't on the list of stores to close first. More people visiting than normal. Nothing on sale. Just the same sad store with pegs only half full of unsold product that came out over a year ago. Same old same old. They've been on the decline for well over a decade.
  9. It is strange seeing actual teenagers playing teenagers. I was expecting them to be played by 20 to 30 year old adults again.
  10. Good ending for a cartoon but doesn't make sense if it is part of Star Wars as a whole. 1. Was nice to team them up with all their allies from the past. I too think more character's should die as the first step of Ezra plan was risky one that could easily lead to some rebels getting killed. 2. So our heroes committed mass murder? Blowing up fully crewed Death Stars is one thing. Those are weapons of mass destruction. If Luke had to fire or Yavin would be destroyed. In this cartoon the heroes trapped all the Imperials in one place and then blew them up? It looked they were capable of kicking them off the planet. 3. Why is the Emperor still so confident in his dealing with Luke Skywalker when he failed to best Ezra? You'd think he remember that time one a couple years ago when he was bested by that other teenager. 4. Why do they need "hope" and the think of the Jedi like a myth in Rogue One and Episode IV? Don't they remember that time last year when Rebels on liberated their planet against incredible odds and had all those adventures with light saber carrying force users? Did Ezra's gang heroics fail to inspire anyone outside of that one planet?
  11. Last 2 sample pictures from this set. Rest will for the Patreon The next picture set isn't likely to be another cosplay one and samples won't be shared here. For weekly cosplay & non-cosplay picture updates can be found on Instagram @superdimensionfoto
  12. Roy Focker

    Macross figures

    They took away the arm articulation.
  13. It just reminded of episodes like this.
  14. Yawn haven't watched this show in long time. Mystical vision quest episodes are boring in every single TV show they appear in. Character enter a dream like world where they are visited by a creature that doesn't speak and so the Character spend the rest of the episode walking around trying to discover the answer. Last time I watched this show the same thing was happening. Stop watching after that. Only started to watch again recently once I heard the series was wrapping up.
  15. More pictures of the Misa & Minmay " twins." 2 more sample pictures to go. The entire set will be on Patreon and non cosplay sample pictures can be found on @superdimensionfoto
  16. Roy Focker

    Hi-Metal R

    My VE-1 is arriving today! I'll be leaving the house at noon so it better come before then.
  17. Roy Focker

    Hi-Metal R

    A couple of times I got SAL within 10 days. I have problems paying extras like EMS and even next day domestic shipping because no matter what fast shipping you pay for there's always a chance that the online store will just get behind in sending out packages. What good is fast shipping when someone takes a week just to get a package out the door.
  18. Roy Focker

    Hi-Metal R

    After 15 days my VE-1 has finally arrived in country.
  19. 2 really grown ass men in their fifties holding on to a 30+ year old grudge doesn't make an exciting conflict. It just looks sad.
  20. Roy Focker

    Hi-Metal R

    2 weeks later and my VE-1 is still listed as being in Japan. Cleared Japan's office of the exchange on the 5th and that's the last reported status.
  21. Now Sharing 17th Set Preview Pictures ( March Release) To view all the pictures please visit the Patreon Page by Clicking Here and consider being a supporter. All contributions collected through Patreon go directly to funding this project. For weekly cosplay & non-cosplay picture updates can be found on Instagram @superdimensionfoto Okay time to explain what's going on. I planned on a 3 model shoot. Minutes before she was suppose to arrive the model I picked to portray Minmay called in sick. The other 2 models showed up and I was using rented studio space. Too late to cancel and too expensive to try again with 3 models. Decided to go forward with things. Pictures in this photo set represent the scene in dyrl where Misa goes to visit Hikaru with the translated lyrics only to discover Minmay is there. Misa's model thus ended up portraying both Minmay and Misa. I did later find a new model to portray Minmay for a different set of pictures. More sample images to follow during this month.
  22. Roy Focker

    Hi-Metal R

    Got my shipping notice now I wait 10 to 30 days.
  23. Yes that first scene between them (the first scene of the movie) was just so off. Just so modern in the humor. Like it was unused dialog from any of last year's Marvel films. There's always humor in Star Wars but it never takes you out of the universe - okay maybe the Diner scene from Episode II did that. To be fair that wasn't the first scene of the movie.
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