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Roy Focker

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Everything posted by Roy Focker

  1. Why aren't they drinking beer? I don't know anything about this Super Hero. From the picture it looks like a teenager got him to buy him beer from the convenience store. Yet they're drinking cola?
  2. Roy Focker

    Hi-Metal R

    Skipping this one. I've got first VF-2SS with red markings. Another one with blue markings isn't that much a difference for me.
  3. Roy Focker

    Hi-Metal R

    I need more than just repaints or new parts added to an existing toy. I need a new Destroid!
  4. Comcast is horrible company. People hate having to use them is their ISP but they've got no choice. Disney just ruined Star Wars. Comcast has had a more negative impact on my life than Disney has ever had.
  5. I think Patrick Stewart is bit too old to be running around the galaxy. He's nearing 80 and the character most likely retired to take care of the family vineyard. Does he become the new Boothby?
  6. Ordered one. Just to evaluate it. I'm like 60% for it based on appearance alone. That's enough to pass on it but I do like the scale. Maybe it will look better in person. If they make more that do look better in preview pics then I won't have to hunt for this one. I did pass on Minmay as I really don't like that green and yellow dress.
  7. Extreme depression and suicidal thoughts don't make sense.
  8. I never saw problems with them casting Alden as Han Solo. Haven't seen the move yet. I'm sure there's actors who look and sound more like him. Alden did have a feature part in Hail Caesar by the Coen Brothers. The critics love them. Alden acted in several scenes in that move with some really big name stars. When casting someone to play Han Solo in film staring Han Solo they don't just use the actor who looks best. They use someone who has acted with the best. It's the idea that if you've worked next to somebody good you must be better than those other guys.
  9. I'm debating see this. I'm sure I'll rent it but after Rogue One and The Last Jedi I might be done with seeing Star Wars in the theaters.
  10. And being weak I decided to order Ray as well.
  11. Boba Fett is a man of few words and villain. How do you make a movie featuring him without changing these things? Multiple comedic sidekicks!
  12. Alright I pre-ordered Stick. I would've ordered Ray too but price is too high for what's pretty much the same toy. At least I'll have one ride armor toy. If I like it I'll get the other 2 characters when they make them.
  13. That is a really stupid cameo. More of the got to tie the movies with the current expanded universe. Watch all DVDs, play the video games, read all the comics and novels if you want to know what the bleep is going on. Everything you needed to know was from the movies. Everything else was just extra. You didn't have to buy side media to find what happen to an important story element in one movie that wasn't addressed in the next one.
  14. Kind of pricy. Each will be close to $200 shipped. Are they worth it? I always wanted a ride armor toy. It looks cool but that price. Are the very sturdy? I won't be seeing a stress marks after the 2nd transformation?
  15. Now Sharing 19th Set Preview Pictures ( July Release) To view all the pictures please visit the Patreon Page by Clicking Here and consider being a supporter. All contributions collected through Patreon go directly to funding this project. For weekly cosplay & non-cosplay picture updates can be found on Instagram @superdimensionfoto Now here's a familiar face! Here "I" am in the new regulation flight suit. Had to borrow Max's jacket. The other sample pictures from this set (Roy part 1/2) will be shared over June on Instagram and other social media sites.
  16. What I want to know is how can you take your boss seriously when he his such a stupid hair cut?
  17. I read those stories from Sacha as well. He wanted to focus on Freddie with the movie ending with his death. They wanted it to be about the band and how the band goes on without him. I'm guessing in this is going to conclude with Live Aid. As the story goes everyone thought Queen lost their steam prior to it and stole the entire show. It makes a happy conclusion to the movie. They'll freeze frame it on Freddie and text on screen will tell us the rest. A movie about Queen the Band is awesome rocking fun. A movie about Freddie Mercury is good storytelling.
  18. You know I wonder if this SJW talk borders on Political debates. I'm sick of term SJW. I'm sick of watching some YouTube opinion piece where I'm in agreement with some critic's on view pop culture until they start talking about how it's the fault of the SJW. If you spend 20 minutes viewing online fandom you'll believe everyone is either a SJW or Misogynist. I like to believe those people only represent 10% of fandom. They just have the loudest voices. Majority of us don't have the time to make videos, podcasts and engage in every discussion. Sometimes these extremist of both sides have valid points. It is easy to feel pulled towards one team when the other team accuses you of being an SJW or Misogynist just because you agree with them on a couple of things. You'll start thinking they were right those people are impossible to deal with and your journey to fandom extremism begins. Yes I think they over do it with the diversity. There are already minority characters out there who they could easily expand on without having to change a 50 year old iconic character. Yes I thought that movie sucked. It wasn't because of the changes for diversity. However, team Misogyny was bitching about it for months before the movie was finished and now team SJW will accuse anyone of being homophobic, racist and sexist for not liking it. These politics of fandom serves the media industry. Fandom outrage is marketing tool. Teams Misogyny and SJW reach goes beyond just fandom. You can't read the comments section anywhere online without seeing it. Fandom is really taking the joy out of enjoying things.
  19. Haven't seen it but I agree with this statement. I enjoy movies set in the real world. I'm willingly to accept that science can create super humans for movies. Space aliens, Gods and Magic is just a step too far.
  20. I too signed up for the free trial to watch it and then cancelled the trial. Nothing else about the service seem worth it. I can't justify paying money to watch Youtubers. Warning though once you cancel it you can't remove your credit card information until the entire month goes by.
  21. I can see wanting to continue with the Rock. He's a movie star who will help fill seats.
  22. Roy Focker

    Hi-Metal R

    Good night.
  23. Roy Focker

    Hi-Metal R

    Finally 1 from Ami Ami. Takes so long for the ordering page to load.
  24. Roy Focker

    Hi-Metal R

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