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Roy Focker

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Everything posted by Roy Focker

  1. An email I got last week from NY said fast packs have been moved to 12/23.
  2. If you've seen the 7 Samurai you can just skip episode 4. Instead of 7 there's only 2 defending a village. The 7 Samurai is a nearly 3 and half hour long movie. This episode covers it all in about a half an hour. He makes another 1 or 2 episode partner. I kind of want these partner characters to stick around. Either with the Mandalorian as his crew or a separate crew that he just keeps bumping into.
  3. Email from NY they have started processing my order.
  4. Ami Ami requested payment.
  5. I'll see mine in February 2020 with NY.
  6. I too am a member of the 700 club and waiting.
  7. Nada from NY.
  8. No prep notice and I login an hour ago. With shipping it is costing me like $290.
  9. No shipping notice from NY. I pre-ordered it at their scalper prices you'd think they at least be quick in getting them out.
  10. Episode III The fan service episode. Finally an episode that isn't mostly a side story. They do repeat a flashback that was already shown. Not going to spoil Mando's delivery of the bounty just but it is easy to predict what happens. They should have combined the first 3 episodes into one. There was just way too much filler. By the time the first season episode ends I'm sure I'll say this entire season should had been a single made for TV movie instead of season of episodes.
  11. I've been busy and just read the Legioss is 160mm or 6.3 inches? Looks cool but at that size and price I'm gonna have to skip it.
  12. COPPA has the potential of being something very damaging to YouTube channels. Marking your videos "For kids" will not only get you less ad revenue and you'll lose several features used to promote your videos. Nobody will know you've made a new video. Marking a video as "Not for kids" will have very negative effects if the FTC determines that your video is actually for kids. Even if your video isn't made for kids they'll be looking at whether it will appeal to kids. Everyone's praying that the FTC watching a video doesn't declare their videos as "for kids" just because Spiderman, Mario, Transformers and Star Wars are in it. If you play it safe and mark "for kids" you risk less revenue and less audience. Mark it "not for kids" you risk a up to $42,000 fine if the FTC sees that animated still from Macross Delta and they believe all cartoons are made for kids. This will start in January. The FTC is still taking public feedback. We don't know how heavy handed they'll be but there's enough to be concerned about.
  13. But baby Yogurt is 50 years old. Yoda would have been alive during some of these 50 years. Wouldn't Yoda have felt the presence of Yogurt while waiting for Luke?
  14. For The Adult Collector? That doesn't look very adult appealing.
  15. The pacing of episode 2 was better. Entire episode was better and most of it was about a filler side quest.
  16. Wasn't that impressed. Felt like a live action episode of the Clone Wars. The pacing was slow with the traveling from one place to the next taking forever. The first bounty started with the capture, a walk, a speeder ride and ship ride. They showed our lead walking doing his errands. In the later half he meets a guy and they ride some lizards. In the episode he meets a few comedic actors who don't add much to the story other than to lighten the mood. If you edited out the excessive traveling scenes and character interactions that have no effect on the story the entire episode would be half it's length.
  17. Oh I'm so ordering mini-me.
  18. I too finished watching season 2 last night. Overall I enjoyed it. I wish it had a bigger budget. The cinematography is very basic. Paused the grand fight several times the actors did most of it. The majority of kicks weren't kicks they were pushing with their legs. Glad to see someone finally get hurt. All through this season people were getting kicked in the head and walking away. More than one character in the end fight should have been in equally bad shape.
  19. So will the entire series be available from day one? I want to get Disney plus for a month and then ditch it.
  20. I kinda agree even through the Empire are space Nazis. The Emperor worked the system to take over. He didn't corrupt the Republic it was already corrupt. Naboo a member of the republic was helpless to Trade Federation and the Senate couldn't or wouldn't do anything to stop them. The Jedi takes force sensitive babies away and raises them to have no relationships. That's asking for trouble. Slavery exists but the republic and Jedi do nothing to stop it. The republic was already a failure even without Palps schemes.
  21. Only Amazon JP delivers Valks in 3 days everyone else a week to a month.
  22. Roy Focker

    Hi-Metal R

    I would pair the scout with Hayao. An unarmed enemy with a less popular hero. Both good for serious collectors.
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