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Roy Focker

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Everything posted by Roy Focker

  1. Not paying $500 on eBay in November.
  2. ripped out of my amazon cart.
  3. Ami Ami - We can't handle this traffic sorry.
  4. These sites are going to crash my computer.
  5. Nin-NIn is screwing with me.
  6. Look at my user name and I was born the same month this will be released - so like get out of my way. I'll cut you!
  7. Did they start early?
  8. 12am PST?
  9. My DHL arrived last night at their hub in Ohio. Left Japan the same day. Says it passed US customs. Today I look to see that's it on a plane to my state and instead the tracking info says shipment on hold. Ugh it made it out of Japan no problems only to get stuck in Ohio.
  10. Only reason why I got and paid extra for Hikaru's VF-1S was based on fear that I wouldn't get the original VF-1S. At least I would have the 2nd best known VF-1S.
  11. Can I just briefly talk about how much better the Japanese postal service appears to be compared to the US model? This week I won my first Yahoo JP auction using Buyee. It was a for VF (of course) Buyee got my package in 2 days and cost of shipping from seller to them was just over $10. Over here a similar VF shipped from state to state has costed me double to triple and would take over a week to arrive. Buyee offered me EMS but considering the delays and I since won the auction for good price I upgraded to DHL for a cost $37. The same price I would have been charged to ship from another state. Here we have the USPS, UPS, FedEx and however else all in competing against each other and none of them ship at good price and quickly.
  12. I'll tell you this. If NY ends up being the only store not sold out on preorder night I won't be getting one at all.
  13. With Frontier they saw that cute mascot characters that wore costumes and did little dances was popular so they decided that a plot or even choreographed action scenes wasn't needed at all and quadrupled down on the cute dancing mascots.
  14. If you want to take another long break from Macross just watch Delta.
  15. Cool I wonder if I'll get my Fast Packs from NY by the time this new one gets released.
  16. All the reasons that I'm saying no.
  17. I need to see more pics of how you use the armor with the figure before jumping in.
  18. New moderators are made based on need. The Admins and Mods make suggestions. If nobody objects that member is asked if they would like to be one. Responsibilities is basically visiting the message boards and keeping an eye on things. Steer things back on course if they go too far off topic. Try to defuse situations. The place is very mellow compared to the old days. As far as online fandom goes it is pretty calm.
  19. I used Nagoya and shipping was about 4000 yen. The Valk was price was below my budget so I was okay with shipping.
  20. DHL is fast! I placed an order with Mandarake. Was worried about shipping cost but figured I got a enough good price on my order that expensive shipping wouldn't hurt too much. DHL picked it up and delivered it here in the USA in less than 24 hours.
  21. Besides Macross... There's that photography thing I've been doing. Which I can't really do right now while socially distancing. Waiting for things to improve or come up with some good work arounds. There's those other Toy lines that I collect. Waiting for Hasbro Pulse to send out my preorders. There's all those old RPG books I collect. There's messing around with my PS4. RD2 Online anyone? Does watching YouTube count?
  22. $70 shipping charge? Screw that. You paid in advance. You did your part. They need to cover the difference themselves. Still haven't heard a word about mine from them yet.
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