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Roy Focker

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Everything posted by Roy Focker

  1. In Robotech End of the Circle they came back. In Macross I think they just vanished. I assume vanished means they ceased to be.
  2. Am I missing a part? How do I transform this? Where do the stickers go? I think mine is broken? Get the idea? You post your concern and someone answers it. I'm going to close the other topics and delete the new ones that come up. That is unless it is a new current toy. In that case all the broken parts and repairs will be new news. Please just state your concern and another can state a solution. Let's not turn this thread in to debate.
  3. Okay the idea behind this thread is simple, you newbies tend to ask questions that are for better words are either easy to find common knowledge or sound pretty funny. You don't want to look stupid and we don't want to have mod a bunch of little topics. If you have a question about Macross like, " Whose that green haired lady?" " What happen to Rick hunter?" " Did Minmay kiss her brother?" and other newbie questions like these post them here. *I want to make some ground rules clear* * It's only for newbie type questions about Macross. * That's from a real newbies not from you clowns wanting to have some fun. * When someone post a simple question here hopefully one the more experienced posters will tell the newbie the answer. * It's question and answer format only. Nothing more. * Newbies tend to be lazy and ask questions about everything. If you can point the newbie to the source it's better than just telling them the answer straight. * If you see a newbie question about Macross somewhere else direct them here and their other topic will be closed/deleted. Warning do not break the grounds rules. PS: the answer to over half of a newbie's question www.anime.net/macross PPS: For viewing past Newbie Qs http://www.macrossworld.com/cgi-bin/mwf/ik...2;t=2359;st=420
  4. I'm still me and to prove it just wait until my powers are returned. Then watch how fast I close nearly every topic.
  5. Hey don't spam the new boards trying to build you posts up.
  6. I hope something like that.
  7. ME: Name: 'Roy' Height: 3ft 2 inches. Weight: 319 lbs. Age: 67 Occupation: Man-ho. I sale my body at the nursing home I live at. Body: a head, a torso, 3 arms and 1 leg. Relationship status: Married to 20 women and engaged to their under 13 year old daughters. We are planning to buy a farm where we can live with out those with morals imposing their laws on us.
  8. Tip if your in PST set your clock to EST and you should see the correct PST
  9. I for one would want and do all that I can to bring it back (once I get some powers returned). Yeah there was some nasty fights but remember the reason for it in the first place. To keep all the debates about the subject in one place. The next time some screwy with BW & HG happens do we want 20 new threads about it or a newbie posting, " What this deal with the Yamato and HG?"
  10. Well right now I'm powerless to stop anyone. We do have old records and data on the um... 'yo-yos'. I think it should be possible to adjust this board to. Although I think none of the mods have access right now. If anyone gets pass. I think they will have to try their best be good. It's not like we won't ban people again. B)
  11. Don't worry I'll move this topic! Ugghhhh!!!!!! Evil Moder....ating powers...not...able to...move topic..strength leaving..me!
  12. Got ask a few things. Can we move any of the old topics to these new boards? I think the mods might have a few in mind. Like some of the pinned topics or the last 5 most current thread and don't forget the ones on the Admin forum for example.
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