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Roy Focker

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Everything posted by Roy Focker

  1. I don't have either game but I've read notes from the compedium and people's webpages of about how to beat the games. I know enough to piece together the stories. Does anyone care to write a nice detailed synopsis about the stories in the two games?
  2. I did. You see it when Claudia comes over to visit him. The poster is of blonde and on the wall right above his head board. I can't remember the color of her panties.
  3. What you guys have just noticed that? I'm revoking your Roy Focker Fan club membership!
  4. Once there is an offical complaint that avatar is history. BTW: I think you saw the preview for Austin Powers II.
  5. No one is posting here anymore? Lets see if I can bring this topic back to life. I'll name 4 cameos but I'll have others find them. The following makes cameos in either Macross TV or DYRL? Find it, make a screen grab for proof. Mcdonalds Coke Captain Harlock's Ship Zanzibar Class Zeon Ship (20% that's it's not this ship. I'm not perfect)
  6. Why don't you just leave some really vulgar sexually suggestive notes for the elf and arrange a motel to meet them at.
  7. Can we really call this a real topic?
  8. Can we really call this a real topic?
  9. Zentradi= Mankind or Men. Zentran = Man. Meltran = Woman. Meltrandi = Women.
  10. I'm a bit lost what's the point of this topic?
  11. I only rent like one game a month but here are my favorite games of this year. Grand Theft Auto Vice City and Dynasty Warriors 4 Way of the Samurai is good too but I don't know if it came out this year or the last.
  12. Just read everyones post from the last time we talked about it. There is enough information to believe whatever you want. Read everyone post and decide for yourself and learn how we all talked this subject to death.
  13. Way back in the day the first mean Moderator (nice try Max) use to have the time to lecture everyone to death on why their post was moved or closed. Then we really started to grow and then there are alot of these people who just post to every thread in the world. We going through so much that do not always have time to tell everyone why this was closed, moved or deleted. It will take a lot of time at keep posting, "This is too slightly off topic for the forums at this time." "This is more suited for a chat room." "This place is called Macross World." "We have a forum for topics like this." "Look two pages down." "We don't need a poll on such a topic." "Maybe you can use a PM for this." "Why you contact their actual customer service." "Do you honestly need 5 topics asking people what you should by?" "Interesting topic but we already have some like this with the same format and we are trying to clean up." "I would ask a Doctor before asking us." A bunch those short reasons do add up. Most of the time we repeating the same thing again and again. I will tell what is often a prime reason why I delete threads that often seem harmless is because we don't want it to turn into a circus. A lot of times we have people who are eager to thank Shawn for such a wonderfull message board and how it's so much better than 'blank' & 'blank'. At the same time some these people will start to say the mods are too strict. Things are 'so great' here because we are willing to get 'strict'. For the first or for the last time the Moderators are not public servants to serve the Members. The Moderator here were created to maintain a well run message board and keep the members in line. Imagine Shawn is this nerdy little kid and we are his hired bullies who make sure all his little playmates don't do nothing to make him cry.
  14. He had to live so they can make Mission Impossible 3 Spy, Samurai in 3D! It was good movie even with Tom and all the historic inaccuracies. I'm glad in the last battle they and the camera actually focued on both leads. One problem I really have is Tom's is super fighter can kill Samurai left and right. Sure he fought the Indians but that was an Officer on top of horse issuing commands. I have doubts he can kick ass. Later after 6 months of Samurai life he's killing 3 armed man with his pinkie finger.
  15. Deleted. We don't need a bunch of on going topics where one poster post one pic after the next. They are a pain to moderate (I can check 5 other topics in the time it takes to review one of those) and not to mention we're doing some spring cleaning. Sure we all love taking turns staring and making wishes to that enchanted half empty jar of mayo in the frigade. Sometimes we just have just to start cleaning up no matter how much we love sending time with that enchanted mayo.
  16. Fine that's it. MacrossVF-1S, you can't obey the rules and you ingoring what we say. Enjoy your the next couple days of posting. I said that Macross World doesn't want to see it's forums used as someone's battlefield about a subject that we can careless about. Did you or anyone else listen? Hell no. When a Mod has to stop in and say enoughs a enough that is a BIG warning sign to all that this is the end of the argument. Looks like there is going to be at least one banning and I'm gonna review every post after mine to see if more are needed. Everyone pretty much had a pardon for nearly everything that was said before I had to step in. Now we'll see how many people who kept going are finished. Might need to review the old list as well. I have confession to make for the last couple of months I was moving and couldn't be around the forums that often. It seemed that people were behaving enough for me to go without things turning to crap. Well guess what everyone The Original Mean Moderator of Macross World is back to kick some ass. PS: Merry Xmas from hell
  17. ATTENTION Macross VF-1S May I draw your attention to this from the Regs: 'If you have a past grudge with someone that belongs off the forums.' Seems to me that you have some issues with that group. Guess what I don't give rats ass if their quality is good or not. What do care about is people who clearly have some grudge and want to use these boards to settle it. Not only that but you are irrating people with this as well. If you don't like infusion complain to them directly or tell every other message board about them. Stop using MW to do so. YOU ARE TO CEASE POSTING ON THIS TOPIC. As for the rest of you bums please don't take the law into your own hands.
  18. Why doesn't this topic have a real title or description? Is it because it's not that important and could have easly been place with in another topic or someone thought no one would care to look if they knew what it was about?
  19. I'm glad that I didn't eat turkey. I don't hate turkey (I love left over turkey in a sandwich) but I hate knowing a year in advanced what I'm gonna have for dinner. Nothing is more unappetizing to me then the traditional American dinner (Pot roast, stew, meatloff, kitchen in oven etc). Thanksgiving is a celebration of unappetizing bland food. I don't want to be bound by some tradition that says I have to eat a certain meal on a certain day.
  20. I remember GLOW. I use to watch it all the time. Who was that wrestler who had that really bad broke bone that popped out of her arm?
  21. Pinned: What's wrong with my Yamato, Bandai, etc. (Pages 1 2 3 ...4 ) Common Repair Questions. If people are choosing to ignore a pinned topic at the top of this forum then I will just start deleting these other repair topics instead of just closing them.
  22. From the Compedium: "The next project after the Macross Zero video series is in the works. More details will come in the future." I guess Kawamori and Company aren't retiring yet. Hurray!
  23. Komilia's 17 in 2036? DOB is 2019? That can't be right.
  24. See all those little 'messager services icons' like AOL, MSN & Yahoo? people who are letting you see those icons are telling you that they have one of those programs. Start a chat on one of those and invite some people. Then you can have a free talk for all.
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