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Roy Focker

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Everything posted by Roy Focker

  1. Instead of posting his personal information send it to people involved through a PM.
  2. Glad that you found the place but, I don't think we really need every new person to get into the habbit of making a introduction topic.
  3. Agent One, How many times do I have to remind you. The opinions of girls with adam apples don't count.
  4. That's 'Focker'.
  5. Guilty. Just so you know if your post was removed once it is not a good idea to post it again. Your review was moved want to know why? This is Macross World not Robotech World. If it's not Macross don't too surprized if it's moved.
  6. Hint if you know how to find Harlock's ship you should be able to find the 'Zanzibar thing'.
  7. It is? I guess someone is a spoil sport and someone else did them a favor
  8. I watched Starship troopers on FX last night. So, I guess thats one of mine. I dig the Infantry leading and the fights scenes but the rest of the movie is corney. "I'm a citizen!" - Lame "Want to know more?" - Really Lame "Who cares I've been bitten in half." - Cool!
  9. Ditto to Greenguy's comment. Alot of what we are getting is still american and kiddie friendly (or I say CN) anime. Companies are likely to all focus on what sales instead of what is good.
  10. Correction you were the third.
  11. These titles are meant to be friendly jokes,etc. Nobody is getting what they deserve.
  12. Didn't you see DYRL? the shoulder pads acted as light source and I assume protection for the pilot. The dot is there cause it's purdy. The lid is there cause it's purdy. They removed the joystick between the pilot's legs? OW!!!!! Watch DYRL? or grab yourself a DYRL? art book.
  13. Good cause I'm planning on killing both Max and Milkman X.
  14. 18.14596% I only scored that high because I did watch all those movies and tv shows.
  15. Wait I got the most important question of all! Does a valkyrie toy make a cameo. Like on desk in the background?
  16. Okay right now it appears that those with access to the controls can hand them out. After banning DR I gave a him a title. Then I placed my old titled back. After that I read a post from Bsu Legato saying something like, do you have to get banned to get a title. I decided as joke to give him one and then I thought I'd give Agent One one as well because who wants to forget his suggestion about what Mecha Mechanic should do to his door knob. This other board I visit gives out surpize titles and I thought it would be a good idea here too. I'm sure how the other mods will do things but don't ask me for a title. I'm not about to take request after request. If I see something along the way that makes me decide to give a member one by surpize I will. PS: expect most of them to be jokes in nature.
  17. I'm still rewriting my first screen plays. Took me 6 months to write and has take at least a year to proof read. Good thing someone here is indeed making progress. I haven't seen any of the Leprechaun movies. It might be too hard for me to follow the story.
  18. I saw it twice in the last 5 years it's pretty good as TV mini series go. Part of the reason why the lead seems so stupid and has to be told stuff again and again is because it's a mini series and new viewers could come in at different parts. If you have been watching from the start you get sick of it.
  19. What people are still here? I thought we could all take the day off. I look up one thing online and decide to take a quick look at MW. I'll guess all be take severals peaks through out the day then. Hmm now about this poll.... Take a good look at these smiles and guess my answer.
  20. I hollered for my wife to get em, but she was too busy hammering another ten penny marlboro nail into her coffin to bother . Gee that's nice. In case it is a wacko killer she can face 'em first.
  21. Destroid Rage: You were living on borrowed time any ways. We banned you before for other stuff. No one who was banned before had a full pardon. Thank you for trying so hard to get me to review your case. Merry Xmas. Jem Stone: It is extremely stupid to drop down to such a level to fight with someone who was here on borrowed time. You're involvement could of lead to your own bannning. If we were going to make a new big list of who gets banned this week you could haved earned a place on the first draft. Remember when I said I would reopen it after an hour? I lied. This topic went so far down the crapper I'm keeping it closed.
  22. (Note by the time I get this message posted I'm sure 50 others have already made a post here.) First off: Destroid Rage, We all decided to ban you (for life btw) on the old forums. The only reason why your still here is because most people have been good and we're all in a good mood. I would be keeping a low profile if I were you. If the mood of everyone changes here then it's really smart for you to reminds us all that your still here. Now for the rest of this: I remember the good old days when I was only mod that everyone hated. It makes me sad that no longer that popular. Mod leaving slightly to very rude comments before closing threads: I'm guilty as well. I'm sure we all are. Typing things like, "Duh we already have 5 topics like this going already. Are we retarded or something?" is easy too do, when you have the time and you know others are thinking the same thing. Some mods don't have the time to post witty/smart ass lines like that all the time. When a liked mod does it they are witty. When an unliked one does it they are a jerk. There is often little difference in the tone (or sometimes the intent) of the comments but they can be perceived differently depending on who gives them. As for Roy Fokker's signature, That is bit of mod humor that some of older members get. As the original most hated mod I too was known for getting alot of complaints. I thought it would be funny to change the lyrics of a Basara song. The sig is making fun of the image that I had. It's (like everyone else sigs) are not to be taken literately. Btw the way who is this Fokker guy? I was a former Moderator over there and we never: That has been used by others. 'There' and 'here' are two different places. The only people who really can use that agrument properly are former MW Mods. I believe their are 2 to 3 of them. and I'm forced to bring my beef with him here because he closed the first topic and other mods threatened to close the "Secret Elf" thread. Well the "Secret Elf' topic wouldn't be the place for it now would it. This thread is better place but I can think of other places that could beat it. Like Max's PM box, another Mods PM box or maybe even god's (Shawn's) PM box. Starting a topic like this in public is just trying to build public support and it may have been better if Max saved his last comment towards you in the "Elf topic" for your PM box. Sending complaints directly to Shawn would seem like people really have a complaint using the forums instead often seems petty. Even if that isn't your attention it is going to draw supporters for you or him that is going to make it look that way.
  23. (Private eyes are watching you....)
  24. When I first saw this topic I thought it to be totally idiotic and moronic. I decided I would close it in a few days (if someone had it closed it already). Fews days I saw it was closed and open again. Max wasn't bitch slapped by the admin or the other mods. Some just thought hey it's xmas let them have this topics. There are alot of topics while fun aren't on topic or are too much a chat room in nature which get closed all the time. This topic here is still going because it's a special occasion. Now I believe we having a moronic discussion about about killing elves who leave candy outside mecha mechanic's door. If we are going to talk about Max Jenius instead of evil elves then does that mean this topic is over and should be closed before xmas is here?
  25. The bud has been done a thousand times already.
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