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Roy Focker

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Everything posted by Roy Focker

  1. Roy Focker


    This is an old topic. No need to have any intro topics people.
  2. Roy...er... I was shot down. I was just starting the process of refueling when D.D. attacked. I simply ran out of fuel and had to land because of it
  3. I hear that Scott Biao directs.
  4. Hijacking the topic this message. A Little Mod Warning I'm sick and tired of Macross 7 topics turning into a mess. I won't name names but you know who you are and so does everybody else. If anyone post an immature insult about it or flame bait it I'll take their posting rights away for the day.
  5. What Shawn and Graham are selling ad space to porn sites? Where's my cut or my free ho. Don't tell me I'm the only Mod working here for free?
  6. Real interesting but how is this on topic?
  7. I take a weekend off and hell if I know where this topic is going but consider itl over. What problem any one has forget about it. Don't make me interested in examing each and every post.
  8. Sort a on topic....sort a off topic....off topic...
  9. I only catched the last two matches The Eugene character was okay comic relief at first but now that all the superstars are helping and letting him do their moves it's old. This character is getting too much attention and support from the good guys. The storyline for this character (while a okay one) is being pushed on people way too fast. About the big melee in the end, is it just me but are all the fights with a dozens of wrestlers? I expect to see a lot of action when everyone is in the ring but when you look at these type of fights you notice about half the guys are just standing around doing nothing.
  10. www.macrossroleplay.org or www.macrossroleplay.org/boards to a direct link to the boards. In addition to players. If you're thinking about starting a Macross RPG, plan on game mastering it and can show that you have some people interested in being a player there's a possiblity about it being hosted there.
  11. The board that I can't give the new URL out until it's ready.
  12. Just email or PM him if you want to talk to him about his stock or ordering.
  13. The answer is in the Rules and Regulations topic in the FAQ. Btw a dozen closed topics leaves a mess.
  14. Next time try again at the new place. Some of us a leaving to create another board including me.
  15. I was at macrossrpg.com or unspacy.com (can't remember which) for a brief while, but I grew tired of it because I primarily wanted to be involved in a SWI campaign and I wound up getting stuck with a post-M7 bomber squadron flying VAB-2 wraiths (I think that's what it was... based of the Zaubergaran I think) and most of the others I was involved with weren't very active. I was the one running the SWI campaign. Where were you? Of course few of the kids thought that flying around in VF-1 was cool so I decided to end the retro campaign until retro macross became cool again.
  16. The character's of those type of players spontaneously combust with me.
  17. I lost everything too a year ago when I installed a digtal camera. I know your pain.
  18. I hope I can be in the next Conan movie again. I was in the first one. Remember that big boiling pot of human parts? That was me floating inside.
  19. We're in the Cone-Zone baby.
  20. Isn't she cute? Does this even barely count as a topic? This is message board not your personal attention grabbing chat room. Stop treating it as such.
  21. Tada! Being Rick sucks.
  22. Shawn orders Graham to remove the heart of a young virgin. The heart is then thrown into the great tire fire of Kawamori. The rest of us rub the virgin's blood all over our naked bodies. We then cover ourselves in chicken feathers and howl at the moon. Graham then eats the virgin's brain really fast and throws it back up. Shawn runs over, looks at the brains and sees the name of the next mod. Next question?
  23. This should have been placed in the other thread.
  24. Better a C&D letter than of love letter "You turn us on." Harmony Gold, INC. If no new news on this appears in 24 hours or so this topic will likely be closed and you can continue it in the usual debate topic.
  25. Reasons why I'm against such a thing: Currently we have one why I love or hate Macross 7 topic that appears every other month and last two weeks. Everyone gets it out of their system and let their batteries get recharged. I'd get sick of seeing such a thread 24/7. Not every Macross 7 based topic is for bashing or praising. I don't think Macross 7 should be associated as something that causes heated debate.
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