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Roy Focker

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Everything posted by Roy Focker

  1. It's not in the Robotech books.
  2. Tell us, oh wise one, what DID happen to the Megaroad? It became the Miniroad? Hehe. Yeah, you know, that black hole thing. Misa says, "Hey wonder what that is?" and they all die. Seriously now, SOMEBODY PLEASE scan the booklet for the SegaSaturn game so we can bury this beaten, dead horse. I agree. Someone please do that.
  3. I say, if he likes the attention he gets as man-fay, let him do his thing. he's not hurting anyone. What about our eyes?
  4. No you're not the only one but some of those elements just really turned people off. To me I can see why people don't like Basara. In the first few episodes they had him get on the nerves of the other character who then started to hate him. The creators of Macross 7 did a good job at that, a little too good. There a little rule of that you don't have characters in a movie mention how bored they are because that character's feeling might rub off on the audience at some level. The other character's early dislike of Basara might of rubbed off on the audience. Oh By The Way. Hijacking the topic this message. A Little Mod Warning I'm sick and tired of Macross 7 topics turning into a mess. I won't name names but you know who you are and so does everybody else. If anyone post an immature insult about it or flame bait it I'll take their posting rights away for the day.
  5. Legioss that's funny. and Legios's comment is even funnier. I read other some other message boards (non Macross and Robotech ones) often (for years) as well but not as an active poster on them either. I lurk those boards only posting rarely. Does that sound what you sort of like you? See there's a problem with a lurker who reappears out of the blue moon just to set people straight. It looks like they have been lurking all this time just to do that. There is history here of certain posters who are hardly ever an active part of discussions but when ever news information from company x & y come out these posters look for something or someone to straighten out. The rest of the time you rarely see them at all. People mind those that appear or reappear only to attack or defend something. Just so you know - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (paraphrasing) Section IV: Robotech ...If there is discussion (about Robotech) expect to see a more pro Macross stance and even people being critical of Robotech. You will see intelligent comments and stupid ones... ...Please don’t just come here to attack or to defend Robotech. The forums are for the discussion and promotion of Macross. Don’t make attacking or defending Robotech or Harmony Gold as your only reason for being here. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bring that foot. I only post when I feel like I have something to contribute or when I think things are out of hand. I've been reading this mb almost every day for 3 years...so I'm active. Just not an active poster. The more people talk, the less they usually know You post 'when things get out of hand'? I take it you're a moderator here to policing the boards? There are others here that make "straighting out things" posts and most members here tolerate them because "straighting out things" post doesn't appear to be their primary motivation to be an active part of things. If "straighting out things" is someones primary motivation to post they should expect the members or administration to tolerate them forever. IFY that warning was actually a clue for others. Now that I'm being dared I guess you really want to make sure that I don't forget about you. You should of read this comments carefully Pay close attention to the first line. On a side note I'm at point where I'm not as easily interested or entertained as was before from the usual debates (insightful ones or not). I really would rather see these debates among members who have been a active part of these messages boards and not those who wait a long time and only start to post again to set people straight. You see some topics and or debates require a moderator's full attention. If a moderator is unable or unwilling watch one they may stop the topic and or debate. I'm not that interested anymore in moderating a debate in which some who are debating appear to have only returned because of the debate. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Section: VIII State of Emergency ... During a crisis such as the any announcement that would cause a temporary surge in posting the administration may become strict. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Feel free to blame it on those that posted before you but we all have our limits and I've already hinted that mine was growingt shorter. You want to dare me fine? Here's an offical announcement, I will be very strict in the next couple of weeks on those that appear to be only popping up to attack or defend Robotech (this in relation to the new news, etc). If I catch you (as in anyone) in or at the start of what could be a big debate you better make sure that you've been an active part of the discussions here. If not expect anything to happen. If anyone wants to bitch about how strict they are a MW at other sites. Go ahead tell them. I am sure people will start saying they got kicked out for defending Robotech at MW. I am also sure they'll neglect to say that there are many people left who are still defending that weren't kicked out and they'll neglect to say that they themselves only started to be active again to defend it. Happy 4th of July y'all.
  6. Better get used to that here, pal, if you're gonna stick around for any length of time. Trust me on this. I've been a member for years...I just don't post a lot. (Not to mention, everyone's account got reset). Anyway, like I said, I don't post a lot. Only when the absurdity level has gotten ridiculously high...like now. People are criticizing something they know nothing about. People are just having fun. Making jokes about Robotech always gets a laugh. When HG comes up from a name like Shadow Force its just begging for people to make some cracks at its expense. I think people here know that their comments and or criticisms are sometimes ridiculous. That's part of the fun. No one should honestly take these type of comments seriously. I doubt that the author's of them do. On a side note I'm at point where I'm not as easily interested or entertained as was before from the usual debates (insightful ones or not). I really would rather see these debates among members who have been a active part of these messages boards and not those who wait a long time and only start to post again to set people straight. This is a warning: If I see anymore lurkers returning from the dead to set things straight out any time soon I'm going to straighten my foot out in their ass. This is not saying people can't try to straighten out things. It's saying that these people better not be those who weren't active.
  7. I wondered why she was even in this movie. It seemed like a plotline that was going to go somewhere, but then Raimi decided to drop it. As it stands, she has no point at all. vinnie Throw some make up on her and I wouldn't be surprized if she was a former high fashion model (note I said high fashion not super model). My problem with the character was that she lost the accent a few times. The receptionist I believe was one of Peter's earlier girl friends.
  8. Good question. Judging by those pics it look he might have been making a scene in general which would have drawn the attention of security. If a woman had the same hairy and flabby ass I would want her to wear a coat as well. If it was a firmer, hairless ass (female or male) would it be less offensive? Some people are just dressing up or down for attention/shock value. While it pleases the eye to see a healthy half-naked female body their ittentions are the same as the of the owner of an unhealthy half-naked male body. You could rightfully ask both of them, "Have you no shame?"
  9. BW or Big West: Japanese Producers of Macross TV, Dyrl? and all Macross made in Japan ever since. Kawamori and Studio Nue (considered the creators of Macross) have been linked to most of Big West Macross productions. Tatsunoko: Japanese Producers of Macross TV and looks like Dyrl? They have recently been trying to say that they have right to Macross outside of Japan and it looks that believe there claim includes a whole lot more. Tatsunoko and HG are pals. It's a big battle of ownership. Involving the producers that the creators dealt with and the producers that were brought to help to do the work. Imagine I want you to paint my house. I have enough to pay you but not enough to buy the paint for the job. In exchange we come up with some crazy deal in which you get to use my house to. Later you think you can use my house any weekend you want while I think it applies to only one weekend a year. It's a big mess with a long history. Just to read the pinned topic in the other anime section. ===================================================== I've read about people wanting the RT dubbed cast. If some one wants to dub it again fine but it's Macross not Robotech. Don't confuse people even more by using the RT voices. Unless HG is using a Macross item that is connected to the creators or bigwest I'm not interested in it no matter how offical they say it is. HG can make a Macross offical themed condom but unless Kawamori, his associates or business partners desiged and tested it then it's just a 'name'.
  10. Wouldn't it be funny if Robotech Shadow Force is just recycled footage of Diamond Force fighting that is spliced together with combat footage from the sentinels
  11. A bit painful to see but it's good to see that the man is in control.
  12. Just realizing you have the rights after 20 years is very suspicious. HG and/or Tatsunoko must have the world's crappiest lawyers working for them if this is the case. Not saying it can't be true, but it does insenuate a high level of incompetence if it is. Breaking News: Harmony Gold's lawyers have just discovered that Tatsunoko's name was on the Louisiana Purchase!
  13. In this case it's okay to post the link (with a warning ) but please no posting the pics here.
  14. You know it is likely that people would have made fun it no matter what it was called. This name just makes it more easy.
  15. She grabs a hold of them and sings, "I've got a lovely bunch of coconuts." Nothing happens she's changing her clothes. It pretty ends there. No they don't cut to her pulling off her skirt too, sorry.
  16. That looks like the same plot for the live-action Thunderbirds preview I saw the other day.
  17. I'm curious about the year it takes place in. "2044-" Macross 7 took place in 2045. I wonder if Max and Milia appear are they going to them look different.
  18. See pinned topic.
  19. I don't want to dig up my membership info but Shadow Force sounds pretty lame. I can't wait for this cross over... G.i.Joe Ninja Force vs Robotech Shadow Force. Dick Hunter: "Come on Shadow Force lets Shadow Dance." Snake-Eyes; "mmmurrpp."
  20. Of course it will be something that is only recently discovered. Yeah is Toynami really going to want HG to make a deal with Yamato? HG: Hey Toynami I know we had deal and all but you stuff sucks compared to Yamato, cya. Toynami: boo hoo. HG is an honest company that honors deals that it make. We might like Big West not to be dicks and start sending them some good stuff but why would they want to? HG acted dickish at the start of the Macross Plus fiasco I'm sure that Big West be eager to help them now. Of course a truck load of money can heal all wounds. Special Note: Anybody that wants to say HG was just doing what they saw as protecting their rights go ahead I agree with you but I still think they being dickish about it. It wouldn't be much of a surpize if BW act like dicks later on. Okay this for International merchandising rights but does it included right to distribute the film internationally? I think merchandise as coffee cups and t-shirts.
  21. Even if he pulled his punches Spiderman could still pull them enough to still knock him senseless.
  22. Like all Mods I love the sound of my voice and get ticked off when others start to ingore it. Execute this topic my Ninjas!
  23. Interesting debate and all but keep it friendly.
  24. I just got back from seeing it and was going to mention how odd it was that Doc Ock didn't get his head crushed in with one punch. I never like that villian. In the cartoon/comic he looked like Moe from the Three Stoogies. I mean how scary is that? In this film I enjoyed him. As for the 3rd the problem with the Vemon etc it's too out there. Alien snot that Spiderman rejects I mean come on. We have an audience accepting science experiments gone amonk lets not push it with alien snot. My bet on the 3rd will involve the Green Goblin and the Hobgoblin. Harry will be the former and he'll get Astronaut Jameson to be the Hobgoblin. Think about it Astronaut guy dumped cause MJ loves a super hero. The fool will think he has to be one too and the Green Goblin will help him out.
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