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Roy Focker

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Everything posted by Roy Focker

  1. I caught the end as well. Benoit seemed stronger in the match overall but Evolution enter came to the ring. Benoit sees them, is distracted and Norton does the RKO and wins the match. Balistia (spelling) throws Benoit into the steps knocking him out and then Evolution starts clapping and praising Norton until they all decide to turn on him and beat the crap out of him. Here the really funny part when triple H punches Norton in the head he adds his own vocal sound effects of the punches landing.
  2. I'm not sure that I'll have the will-power to deny Mila Jovanovich in Resident Evil 2. I could watch her all day, whether it be spouting lousy dialogue... killing zombies... dressed... undressed... taking a bath... taking a dump... vaccuuming... plucking her eyebrows... flossing her teeth. Whichever way. I can think of at least one thing on that list that I wouldn't want to watch her do. Big deal the film made number 1. Should making number one count during a slow movie period?
  3. Save it for the debate topic.
  4. Gigle's and Roy's are sad but so is Physica's. Well more like Gamlin's reactions when he goes to find Physica's family.
  5. The people these places hire are generally teens or twenty somethings that don't give a damn or middleaged uneducated blue collar schlobs that never bothered to do anything with their life other than work at a retail store. Mostly True. They are usually uneducated (or in the case of the kiddies in the process of trying to get educated, sometimes even doing their homework on the job), low paid, treated like crap by their management and basically told to do the grunt work that the white shirts don't want to do. Mostly True. If they could get away with it these places would just hire illegal aliens and pay them a shiny new nickel every other week to do the same job. Most places want workers to be good at English. It's only at call centers where speaking English isn't important. You rely on some blueshirt to give you the info... and most of the time they either don't know, don't care, are talking out of their ass or have this strange "holier than thou" geek attitude that just makes you want to cave their head in. What do you expect most of these places only train people about a week at the most and expect the more experience workers to do the training. The experienced workers are too busy at their own job only help train the newbies. I worked in retail, still do. I can't escape it even with a degree I got during long break from work. Ever wonder why a few workers seem like they almost have some mental problems in some giant chain stores? Look at the application you have to fill out. There's a page or two asking if you get government aid for a variety of reasons. Stores get tax breaks for hiring 'special' people. I filled out applications for retail and unretail professional jobs. It's only in retail that I've seen this. As for non-special people they aren't brightest either but besides that they are poorly trained and paid low for the work that they do. With low pay some workers aren't going to care. Workers who are smart aren't sold on that "Come on we love are customers and want to kiss their asses because we love them and not because of the pay" attitude. You also have petty co-workers wanting more power and people acting like their on a reality tv show. Me, I'm trying to work hard, earn some bread and get as little hassle from customers or coworkers as possible. Customers aren't the easiest either. Some are great, other fair and some like to create a hassle. That battery story sounded like one that happen to me. A person had a rain check. The item was in but wanted to use the rain check on an item that cost 300% more. The customer was lying, first they knew there a difference in the items and then they didn't. To cover my ass I called a manager who said what I said before letting the customer have the different item. The customer was pulling a scam, infact a lot of customers pull scams. If a customer is being difficult and abusive you're suppose to give them what they want no matter how ridiculous their request and by ridiculous I mean ridiculous. Some customers know this and have no problem making you jump through hoops for them even if they can see 10 customers are already in line. After seeing workers handling difficult customers only some places will management come to the employees afterwards to give them a pep talk, "Yeah that customer was a jerk but you did well." Others will show up to tell an employee what they are doing wrong. The best customers are those in banks. Since your handling people's money few try to get on your bad side. My biggest problem is a messy store with no selection and no one to help you. Also notice how the cheaper the store the clearer it is to see security features? Do we really need an uniformed security guard at the entrance of Target? Also try to return items to a cheap chain store compared to a fine department store. I worked in both. A fine department store you walk up to the area where brought the items 2 minutes later you got your money back. In cheaper store you stand in this big line which make you feel like you stole something.
  6. Posting the link to the pic isn't that much better than posting the pic.
  7. Die another Day was poor Bond film but it was just because Bronson. If you listen to Bronson commentary on the DVD. You hear him mention stuff like that's the first a CGI Bond, we now have to do that to compete. If more gadets and new CGI isn't working get a new younger Bond. I remember reading that Tarrantino wanted them to remake Casino Royal with him directing. He planned to have set right after OHMS with Bonson a Bond. That would have been a good new. Bond movies are really just a 90 minute commerical for the latest in automobiles, cell phones and watches.
  8. People please stop tempting me to act on my warning.
  9. First Off: If anyone wants to send a PM to the Moderators saying "ban this guy" go head. Do not open up such a topic in public. Instigating the public on your side to go against another will not be tolerated. How often do we side or approve of mob rule? Like I said in an earlier topic meant for Hurin and Haterist: Just stay away from eachother. This means don't post on the same topic. Don't make posts that is meant as as insult to the other. If you want to fight do it off the boards. Going against that is what is going get them ban for a short period or forever. Topics like this one one isn't. If they cause trouble inform us in private and we'll check it out.
  10. NOTICE: Okay what ever Hurin's or Haterist problem with each other is I don't care. I don't care who started what. I know this isn't the first time you guys clashed. You guy's fighting isn't that interesting. In fact seeing you two clash bores me. Just stay away from eachother. This means don't post on the same topic. Don't make posts that is meant as as insult to the other. I you want to fight do it off the boards. Your God...er Mod has spoken.
  11. In addition to Macross World I also volunteer on www.macrossroleplay.org an online Macross message board RPG. The Administator of that site is thinking of creating other playing squadron. I thought it would be best to conduct a bit of research into what people are actually interested in. For those interested in Roleplaying Macross (or maybe not at) all what universe, era, mecha etc interest you the most? Not asking anyone to join I know some people think RPGs are filled with fanfic facts (I agree) but I'm trying to figure out what aspect of Macross currently invading your day dreams. I'm a big fan of retro Macross TV and DYRL? I love the VF-1S Strike Valkyrie. When I'm bored I can easily street day dreaming about one flying around against hordes of Regults but I have a feeling most would rather day dream being a clone of Isamu then flying around with Roy, Hikaru and Max.
  12. Well in the years just after the Space War One (later half of the series) the provisional government seems to be martial law based in Macross city with Global pretty much acting as a dicator with other military officers advising. The New United Government was already establish during this time but from the anime it clearly looked like Global was in charge. We also see that in this period that the Government was made up of cities not nations and some these cities where leaving the UN to form City-States. In 2014 Global's is installed as United Nations Government representative (anime.net/macross). In 2030 there's a mention of United Nations Government Chair person. We also hear about colonial disputes etc (see Macross Plus). I would think that everything in the post era is about city/colony-states. Most of them are members of the UNG or the UNG created them but a few are not. There is reprensative government but the UNSPACY is in charge of defense and could pretty run the show if they want.
  13. ? Milia isn't chronologically 35 at the start of Macross 7. There is little known evidence one way or the other that says she was 'born' at '16' either. Your suggesting she was 'born' durning Macross TV. This is incorrect. There is plenty of evidence in dialog that suggests she has been alive before the space war one. As why she doesn't look old she's a clone. Have any of them aged? Exedol was old in Macross TV and DYRL? and he's still old.
  14. Ah Match box Robotech Toys or what I like to call my first taste at Robo-crap. I used to case after these things. I made special trips to collect them all. I think I had to return most what I've bought. Those pieces of crap broke the second you took out of the box or were already broken inside the box.
  15. Found something in the Gold Book today. Many of you know that when Roy died and Hikaru went missing Max was moved up to the Skull 001 spot. You also know that when Max went missing Hikaru was moved up to the 001 spot and he got a promotion either just before or after that event from 1 red bar (2nd Lt) to 2 red bars (or 1st Lt) but did you know the Max had a bigger promotion than Hikaru when he was moved to Skull 001? Earlier in the film both Hikaru and Max have 1 red bar (2nd Lt). Hikaru was promoted up one rank. I'd assume Max was just promoted one as well. In the footage you never see Max in his normal day to day uniform after Hikaru's return. I was flipping through my copy of the Gold Book and on page 268 there's a line drawing of Max with 3 red bars (Captain). Both Hikaru and Max got a promotion when they took the position of Skull 001 but it looks like Global decided to give Max a bigger one.
  16. There is no need for introduction topics here. Just find a topic that you like and post.
  17. I think I like every thing but the face. She looks too much like a average white woman whose been treated to the Glamor shots whore make up treatment.
  18. To add: Closed and links to moved topics take up space. It's a mess to enter a forum and see in this order 3 pinned topics, 1 active topic, 2 moved topics, 1 active topic, 3 closed topics and 1 active topic. Not so nice words were edited out before when we saw them. Someone decides to be funny and replace the words. In the first year we had a lot of fun but as we got more people we had to change things, make up rules and all the boring stuff.
  19. The level of Moderation changes with the numbers and content of posts. If everyone is acting cool, we're cool. If everyone isn't acting cool, we're not cool. If some people really acted uncool about a thing then we may not act cool around that thing ever again. The moderators may miss every inappropete link or a complain about one if it is posted in a topic. Don't bother with the report a Mod button. It's been abused too much. Send a PM and be specfic. As for the cosplay topic the rules were layed out, with a few reminders and folks started to push it. Some topics due to their history need to have a Moderator checking it through out the day. If a moderator was unable or unwilling to watch the topic they might kill it. The amount of posts to edit greatly increased. On average I was editing 2 post per visit to that topic which is alot for one topic. Last time I would have had to edit the last two pages. That topic was drawing away too much of our time which we most liking were going to have to use for the Anime Expo posts that would soon be coming up. The topic was allowed under a few conditions and people we so concerned with having fun that started to forget things. Reason why people might not be able to say the "wrong thing" as often is a simple case of abuse. Blame it on those who crossed the line way too often or misunderstood one allowed case of being "naughty" as an excuse of being "naughty" all the time. Blame it on our numbers of members here. The Mods are here because they like Macross and want to read and discuss things about. This is a message board not a chat room or for better terms a play ground. Creating an environment for Discussions of Macross is first on our list. Day care is second. When we start to see that day care is taking too much resources way we pick up a bat and start bashing in baby's head. " Stop fighting you two! Agent One get away from that door knob and pull up your pants! All of you now just sit done and shut up! I'm going to read you a story. You're all then gonna take a nap and I'm going to that bar across that street for a drink."
  20. This is me but I don't know who he is.
  21. www.macrossroleplay.org
  22. I'm sorry but that Roy one is far from perfect. Where's the little hand holding up a bottle of booze?
  23. For the record their Macross II RPG Game isn't meant to be part of their Robotech Game. When their RDF field manual came out no Robotech Book had a OCC for the Fighter pilot.
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