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Roy Focker

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Everything posted by Roy Focker

  1. Next stupid question. Clone Troopers are they castrated or something? Ten years training and another ten fighting the clone wars do any of them decide to make babies not bombs?
  2. Stupid question why doesn't the emperor let him die and clone another Skkyyywaaalllkeerr?
  3. Glad other people hate the jedi too. I'm siding with the Empire. I bet Vadar "boys" got burnt off as well.
  4. I somehow doubt the kids in the pic above are taking a nap. Not every leaked image may make it into the final product. Has it actually been rated yet? An image like that might end up being edited out or shown just for a spilt second. While I'm fine with dead Jedi kids your likely to hear little kids asking their parents in the middle of the movie about it or crying. Ever had to watch something different because something even slightly suggested upsets a little kid (I don't blame them)or worst a girly man adult?
  5. If Lucas still wants a PG rating I doubt you'll see kids die or even bodies on the floor in the finish product. What you'll like see is Anakin approaching kids with a angry look and a light saber. Then a scene of Obi wan and Yoda walking in to the room later on with only a reaction shot from them. You'll never see any bodies but you'll be able to piece it together.
  6. The Jedi Council Forums ha! That place is as lame as some would say Macross 7. It's a slow working forum. Not to mention but I actually banned there after making my first post. I said something based on opinion. I think I was talking about my dislike of the focus of jedi in the novels. I said something like, "I use to enjoy the expanded universe novels but now to me they seem like those fanasty paper backs that you see some greesy over weight nerd reading on the bus." Next thing I know I was banned. I was speaking the truth. You ever see the people that read fanasty books on the public bus . I sent them a PM and got unbanned with in minutes. Yet it made me think they are a little more sensitive over there.
  7. I did say that didn't I? Well you heard him (me or another mod) send a PM with details such as links, etc. Don't expect instant results or a reply.
  8. Okay explain this too me! In the first three movies IV,V & V they didn't have CGI to make Jedi do all bunch of crazy super ninja poo. Alec Guiness fought like and old man and Vader fought like a very tall guy in a stiff suit. Thanks to CGI the Jedi can do all sort of stuff in the new movies. Even Luke looks weak compared to the jedi in the new films. Now my point will go off to this. The farting Emperor gets killed by being thrown down a shaft? Yoda bounces of the farting walks. You'd think Palps could have done some kung Fu and float up right back in his thrown room.
  9. In the US Toys R Us was truly the world's greatest Toy Store in the 80's and early 90's. You walk in and see a mountain of toys. You need a map, light and a canteen to navigate through every section just to get to the section that you wanted (boys action figures of course). Then they started remodeling them to be more open looking, old stuff stayed at high prices and nothing new really came in. The baby section were always great and now when I go into a Toys R Us I see that 80% of it is a baby section.
  10. Okay I'm confused. I always heard that Vader fell in to Lava but think about it. Lava! Ever watch those science shows on the stuff? You fall in you're dead. And Palps. He looks fine day day leaving the senate. When he comes back the next day looking like chalk colored crap and no one cares?
  11. I believe there was a 1980's D&D as well but it was a teen thriller flick. I remember that I think it was called the Dungeon Master starting Richard Mull aka Bull from Night Court. Came out 1984 (maybe) had to drive to one little theather some where in LA to see it.
  12. Try viewing the site on a something like IE. If you're viewing it directly on AOL it might do things like that.
  13. No cracks on mine but I do have a couple of errors were things just freeze. One on episode 1 or 2 and on 9.
  14. You made it. Barely. Congratulations! You scored 51! Whether it was the fact that you could run faster, or were just plain lucky, you made it out alive. Even you aren't sure why. But you're sure as hell not going back, or risking your ass for anyone else from now on. Man I sucked!
  15. Don't worry if she doesn't want to sing I'll do all the singing. "Kyun! Kyun!" I am totally up for this but not all of us live in the LA area anymore. We'll need a date written in stone and a few months to prepare.
  16. What are we talking about again?
  17. See the DYRL Story Board Book.
  18. Correction: For those who think that the african american figure with the machinge gun and breathe right nose strip is Road Block you are mistaken. That figure is Heavy Duty (or Doody). A minor character from 1991 which Hasbro in recent years has been trying to push.
  19. Beside Macross I collect G.I.JOE (mainly from 1982 to 1984). Hasbro has been making these new 3 and 3/4 sculpt figures for the last few years. I didn't care for them that much but they did have a following. Hasbro has recently announced that they are putting the 3 and 3/4 and 12 inches aside for G.I.JOE Stigma, 8 inch figures with cloth pants that will retail for $14.99.
  20. From what I've seen (and all seen the same things mentioned on these forums) they're working on a online inventory for Seichi, loading magazines scans and the model section. I've seen no mention of a skin. I assume that it's low on the list of things to do.
  21. I thought about doing this myself. I'll only do it if it's through the JET program. I think they pay the most and give the best deal. You might be able get a good deal with a private organization but they may pay you lower than others and most importantly private organizations don't pay your air fare over there. Even with them assisting in moving over your still going to need a nice chunk of money to get yourself settled in. Paying your own airfare may hinder how much you can have in that chunk.
  22. I'm sorry did someone say something? I didn't hear you with Max talking so loud with Agent One and I here in the bath house.
  23. Connection? They both use mythology for names and they're not the only ones that has done it.
  24. This is the second time that I recall closing a "Joke" post by 1st Border Red Devil. I said in the last topic, "This isn't the place to post, check out this (stupid, Joke, crap, whether) that I've found". I've closed topics like this when I've found them. I'm starting now to remember names of repeat offenders. There will be at least a week to a one month banning if this person is caught doing it again.
  25. This ain't offical. Please hold me.
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