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Everything posted by Roy Focker
Doesn't boiling it in hot water make you sterile?
In the orignal cut after Anakin screams "I hate you!" Obi-wan takes his temperture with a light saber.
Big deal. The guys proud of his work and has to justifies to himself still. Whose honestly going to say, "Yes I worked on Robotech. Man we turned it into a piece of crap but hey that was the times. Sorry fans." Hell even one felt that way they aren't going to say it.
Okay I volunteer to direct thia film. I want to put the "X" as in X rated into Xmen!
Blank vs Blank = Cast a Macross Movie = Stealth.
ever had one of those %^$@* relationships?
Roy Focker replied to MSW's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
How nice. -
Like I said earlier enough of this movie.
Hmm how do we know that Anakin wasn't force to kill the younglings? Maybe he was trying to escort them to a safe place when the little snots saw the Clonesblasting jedi. The kids who had their own light sabres actived them. Anakin was forced to kill them.
Revenge of the Sith ROCKED! (spoiler free)
Roy Focker replied to 1st Border Red Devil's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
I pretty much agree with nearly everything CWModels says. Do you want my baby? This is why I hate Star Wars. Plastic-lightsaber-wielding, Yoda-quoting, Jedi-wannabes who can't get up off the floor from bowing at the altar of Lucas long enough to see that what they are worshipping is so much celluloid poo. They've become worse than the forty-five-year-old, living-in-the-basement-of-his-parent's-house, speaking-fluent-Klingon, dressing-up-as-Captain-Kirk-on-the-weekends Trekkies LOL. You're some what right. I get the feeling from reviewing Star Wars forums not just topics here that Lucas can do no wrong. Every Star Wars movie, novel, etc is good and if you say they aren't your not a fan. If you don't agree with the popular thought your not a fan. I love Star Wars but I know what sucks when I see it and we know that my opinions are facts. -
Now my opinion a day later. The characters were still idiots. They made the Palps so evil and Anakin such a self little bitch for the audience to see that it made every character for not seeing it out an idiot. Palps becomes the Emperor by playing the victim. "Doku's dead but they tried to kidnap me. The war won't stop until we get that droid general." "The Jedi made me fugly! Lets kill them and create an empire!" Did the senate really love him that much? He could of created other victims and promise to avenge them. Anakin motives to joining Palps is still weak. "I won't let Padme die!" The film even gives a better motive that never takes place. That the council and the senate finding out about their marriage and the possible results. Anakin could of just gotten pissed at the scandal it causes. The Jedi kicking him out of the order, etc.
Revenge of the Sith ROCKED! (spoiler free)
Roy Focker replied to 1st Border Red Devil's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
The movie sure was entertaining but would I consider it a good movie? Nah not really Now that I have spoken the rest of you can shut up. -
I'm so fricken sick of hearing about this movie! I think for the past two years someone starts a topic about this movie and how similiar it is to M+. From now on I'm gonna just delete every new topic about this film.
Ah the mod files that takes me back. Five years Max I can't believe that it's been that long.
Clone Troopers The Jedi are not immortal. They are not all powerful. Turning your back on an ally who is really your enemy is an easy way to get killed. Yes but considering the origins of the Clone Troopers only an idiot would turn their back on one. The Emperor He knew his life wasn't in danger. He's a Sith Lord. Yes at any moment he could use his Sith powers to save him during the rescue but there also many situations in which he had no control over (like the ship's crash landing or just a random explosin). Anakin/Vader I wouldn't say he has evil in his heart. The Jedi control the Force, while the Sith are controlled by it. One he started down the dark path, it took control of him, and it twisted him beyond a point of no return. He did turn Palpatine in to the Council, he was trying to do the right thing. In his mind he knew what the right thing was. Killing an unarmed prisoner (Doku) was bad, turning in Palpatine (good) even stopping Windu from killing Palps was good. Anakin want him to face trial not to be killed in cold blood like he did to Doku. Yet with his emotions he only thinking about himself, "I don't want to lose you so I'll join the side of evil." Jedi or Sith The Sith care about power, pure and simple. That is, unless you bought into the Emperor's twisted lies, which is sounds you migth have. Have you turned with Anakin? And as I said before, once Anakin went to the Dark Side, it was too late. It had control of him, and he was powerless against it. Hey I already was turned!
To add: CGI background human characters without helmets (clones, Tarkin) just looked creepy!
Saw it a couple of hours ago. Some thoughts... Clone Troopers Okay they look fricken cool but I’m still confused why the Republic would use them. Some Jedi no one has heard about orders an army of clones. The Clones are based off of Jango Fett a Bounty Hunter who was connected to an assassination attempt on Padme. Jango was also with Count Doku. Who would accept these clones? Idiots! Maybe they really had no choice. They needed a army to fight the droids. Still any smart Jedi would be careful not to turn their backs on one. Hmm only Yoda avoided an up close assassination. Other Masters were killed up close died like suckers. These are friggen Jedi! The prequels (thanks to CGI) show that Jedi are capable of doing all sorts of Super Sh*t. Yet once the Clones attack the Jedi are weak? “Execute order 66”, with those magic words the Clones turn on the Jedi. What were the chances that someone could of told a clone those same words on accident? Why not use something like, “The Jedi are a bunch of Homos?” or “I want to get nasty with a Wookie?” The Clones are a military. Words like execute, order and numbers would come up around the clones. Maybe even in the right combination. The Emperor Is the Emperor stupid? He sure put his life in danger in his staged capture and rescue. There were a few times where he could have been killed. Strange that he seemed evil every moment of the film. Anakin must have been a idiot not to see it. Anakin/Vader “You were right about me.” Was Luke really right? Was there still good in his father? When we are introduced to Anakin in Episode I we have a talented little boy. We see that he cares for his mother but at the same time we can see that he really needs a father figure. Children in general are “good”. In Episode II Anakin is all grown up and he’s a whiney, immature little bitch with the powers of the Jedi. He cared for his mother so much that he murders an entire Tusken village. In Episode III Anakin is torn between his heart, which tells him to do bad and what the Jedi told him. Anakin/Vader is just an emotional, immature man. He’s so immature that he’ll do evil deeds. Luke’s entire picture of his father is from Obi-wan. He’s the one that made Luke think his father wasn’t a whiney little bitch. The only thing Anakin cares about is his love ones. Does that make him good? Even evil people can have people that they care about. Maybe Luke's faith in his father led Anakin to believe that he wasn’t all evil (even though he was). Ws Anakin destroying the Emperor an act of goodness? He was seeing the Emperor attacking his son so he killed him. Remember Anakin cares for his love ones. He lost his mother and wife. He wasn’t going to lose a son. Anakin cares but he was evil in his heart. Yoda vs The Emperor Obi-wan, Yoda and The Emperor are all on the same planet. Vader is elsewhere. Yoda sends Obi-wan off to kill Anakin while he’ll get The Emperor. Why didn’t they both go together to kill the Emperor they would have succeeded. What idiots! The Security Tapes Instead of running of to fight the Sith Lords why didn’t Obi-wan and Yoda take the security tapes and broadcast it all over? Idiots! Jedi or Sith The film hinted that the Sith were once in control but oppressive. The Sith care only about their needs while a Jedi cares about others. Is selfishness alone make one evil? It’s what deeds you’re wiling to do for yourself and others that makes one evil. That makes the Emperor and Vader bad. Still the Jedi aren’t that good either. Hmm I wonder why didn’t Vader just go and kill the Emperor at the end of the film. After killing him he could kill himself. He could of made things right. Anakin's only reason for joining the Emperor was to save Padme. Once she died what was the reason? Padme Man this character got stupid. So strong willed in the other movies. She's reduced to Anakin stupid wife. Plus she loses the will to live. Man how lame. Her heart was broken that she had nothing to live for! Wait a minute what about her children? She was just selfish just like Anakin. Every character got what they deserved. The idiots! On a bright side. Obi-wan rocked.
Star Trek: Enterprise SERIES FINALE is tonight.
Roy Focker replied to UN Spacy's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
Holy crap did Riker and Troi look like poo! If they were the "Current" Riker and Troi I would had no problem but they are suppose to be themselves from what 12 years ago? WTF! -
Star Wars Episode 3 Spoilers Thread
Roy Focker replied to zeo-mare's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
Hey is Mark doing the Captain Morgen? I'll be seeing the movie Thursday at 10 am. The 12:30 am showing is still open but I'm half asleep by then. All my so called friends the Rat Bastards are going Sat to see it together the same minute I get off of work. In order not to be the only person in my circle not have seen it I have to go Thursday morning. If some reason I didn't get to go Thursday had to wait next week I would of spoiled the film for them. What a sad sad person I am. -
Here's a question how much and when will it come out?
We always had flitters but never used them until (Max I think) decide to have some farting fun. He's such a dirty little poo face mother farter.
- West End Games Star Wars: Man, we played this for years. Brought the same four characters from just before "A New Hope" to five years after "Return of the Jedi". We had tons of d6s by that time, but the system was streamlined enough that adding dice up didn't slow anything down. Best chase scenes and dogfights I've ever run were in that game. I loved Star Wars under WEG D6. Easy to learn, Easy to play and fun too. Some times deadly but pretty simple overall. Even though it was a simple gain you never felt cheated. Still need to check out their latest version of D6. Palladium, I think it's good combat system provided you using low level characters against other low level character in a fight that the doesn't involved ranged weapons. Jump into mecha or have a just more SDC and combat just becomes a matter of who has more MDC. D20 bored and curious I bought my first D20 Game, SW RPG Revised. I wanted to know what was so great about this system that seems to be the giant hording the hobby/book store shelves. I've been reading it for a couple of days and it just seems too complex or might just have more rules, modifers or feats than is needed. Maybe it's success has more to do with the OGL. Another OGL system is Gold Rush Game's Action! System. It's similar to Fuzion. The system is alright in skill use and combat. I find character creation to be some what of a low process. One benefit is that the company is customer service. They are rather small and it's easy to get in contact with the makers if you have any questions.
This is a revisted topic of mine. I've bought or learned a few more system since the last time I started a topic like this (at another forum) and I want to get your opinions again. Of every system that you have/know how to play or GM please Give your opinion of it's Combat System (In general, close/melee, ranged & for mecha/vehicle purposes). Skills or Task System Experience/Improvement System Character Creation System Damage/Wound or Recovery System Equipment/Weapon System Feat/Advantage/Perk/Talent etc System On anything else that you want to add
The basic Palladium system could use a revamping or at least a huge book of just the rules for a generic setting (don't want to play Rifts). I just bought my fast D20 book and so far I don't understand what so great about D20. The Action! System is not bad. Someone made a decent mecha version of it. Still best, easy, deadly and fun system I ever played was the WEG D6 for Starwars.
I think I was Global for Halloween in 86. Eleven year old me looked a hell of a lot better.
Star Wars Episode 3 Spoilers Thread
Roy Focker replied to zeo-mare's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
Must resist tempation of including another joke.