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Roy Focker

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Everything posted by Roy Focker

  1. I knew was eventually going to happen five years ago. I took a class in geology. The instructor was a professional geologist for the state government who decided to try teaching on the side this was his first class. He explained to us the situation of what would eventually happen. Which it just did.
  2. I hope I'm quoting this right... "There's only two things that I hate. Those who are intolerant of other people's cultures and Robotech" - Nigel Powers. Man this is like the age old debate from the first year of operation. It's a proven fact that Robotech makes baby Kawamori cry. Any hoo moving this topic to the other anime section.
  3. I think we're all in agreement on that.
  4. Are you sure anyways I don't recall posting a Warning on that anyone who makes a childish bash post after this warning will be banned for 3 days either. I don't like to when people come to a conclusion of my thoughts on post when I have hardly said anything. Saying nothing doesn't mean that I do not have a problem with it. I guess for you that topic is the best you can do. Still a lot of it is pretty childish. You could have least changed the choice of adjective used. Looking at the following posts I see you went to your old ways which seems to be a lot about you. Since you are indeed special and deserve special treatment or is that special education? I'll give you a choice. A ban from all Macross 7 topics (because sometimes we need a break about talking about you) or 3 Days away from the forum in switch you return, leaving your third testicle at home when you talk about Macross 7.
  5. See MPC Topic
  6. - Characters were hard to relate to/sympathize with. Great characters can save a fairly weak story. A strong story can sometimes overcome fairly weakly written characters... Well Basara wasn't portrayed as a likable character at first. I like to think the Gamlin's character is suppose to be the audience. Gamlin couldn't stand Basara. I think the audience was suppose share Gamlin's feeling in this matter. Later Gamlin opinion of changed. Some of the audience went along with him. Even so Basara is a character that had little growth. He was the featured character but it others characters who had growth in the story. - Show diverted from core Macross themes. Namely A) Plausible and consistent love triangle Basara & Gigle & Sivil or Basara, Mylene or Gamlin. It's up to you if they were plausible. B) Heavy character development Are you sure? Don't look at Basara he pretty much stayed the same but look at other character such as Mylene, Gamlin, Sivil and Gigle. C) well cheorographed mech fights. Yeah it's a shame. D) Good music . Really that's just your opinion. - Weak antagonists. Star Wars gives you Vader and Boba Fett. LOTR gives you Saruman. Matrix gives you Agent Smith. Strong protagonist characters are only as compelling as their adversaries. Great series have great villians. I'm supposed to be afraid of space whales? That's a pretty agrument you have there since Space Whale were just the focus of four episodes. - Mech designs didn't look appealing for toy production...I don't see anyone lining up for M7 toys now. And yet they made toys that sold. Expections are very important. We all have them. Previous exposure to other examples of Macross such as DYRL? or Plus can leave one with certain expections. Macross 7 does not meet some of those expections and I believe it was intended to be that way. Those whose expections were violated the most have the hardest time enjoying Macross 7 as they have become so focused on what in it that violates their expections. While it might be hard to see it as Macross for some it really does have that Macross feeling to it. If one can look past their expections they can really enjoy it. Interesting to note that Macross Plus, a western fan favorite of real Macross was as I recall not meant to be Macross at all until Kawamori decided it would be easier to get produced if it was Macross.
  7. While I disagree with some of the topic starter post. It was well thought out and not childish bash post. Now a Warning Anyone who makes a childish bash post after this warning will be banned for 3 days.
  8. Just smells like PR too me and that comes with being edjumecated in it. What is Robotech really? A translation dub with a some rewriting to sorta make all three parts fit with a stretch of the imagination. If Robotech is honored the orignals should get 99% of the credit.
  9. This polls sucks on the simple fact it's way too biased. Sure you can't list them all cause only 20 options are allowed but does variants of a VF need to up as a different choice?
  10. Hmm this topic was dead for month and some starts up with silly remark even their cat hates Firebomber okay....
  11. About Unions Talk of them might going into politics: I've been with two different companies but in the same union for over a year and read the current contract. My only personal contact with them is when they think I owe them money. Several times I had to call them and explain to them that I already paid. Besides that they haven't done squat for me. Been joing the union I even sent a couple of email, letters about questions I had no answers. Old employees got benefits after 90 days. New employees get them after six months and the level of coverage is pretty useless until you've been at it for a couple of years. I lost the little benefits that I had when I switch companies. Never left the union but my benefit go back to ground zero. Strange enough my pay does reflect my experience. I thank my current employer for that they offerred me more than what I was getting but said they might have to check with the union about it. I'm still making squat but it just sorta of urked me that they had to check with the union if it was alright to pay me a bit more than other new hires. In a recent union flyer the union said unlike non union companies they make sure workers get a wage you can live on. Funny according to the current contract, "No worker will make less then a dime above minium wage." Unions are only good for those who run them and workers who have been in them a long time. When ever you hear of a strike over some issue that reaches a settlement the results are always the same. The workers get to keep what they had plus a little bonus but the new hires will get less and the Employers are happy. It's a selfish system in which older workers will sale out new ones. I'd like to say I refuse to join the union but than I lose my job. So I continue to pay these mobsters money so that others can enjoy more benefits and higher wages that I'll never be able to get myself. I always wondered why couldn't you just start your own union with in the union?
  12. The show was okay I didn't wait all week for it to come on but if I was flipping channels the show was good enough to watch if I didn't want to keep flipping. moving it around it's time slot to accomodate whatever football/baseball/NASCAR/redneck games happen to be on that day, and generally crapping on it. Yeah hate when networks do that. Sure a lot of people watch football but aren't you crapping on the audiences of your normal programming? Anyways isn't this off topic? Yes it is.
  13. The commentary is with seeing the DVD. It's all in Chinese or subtitles off course but is pretty funny. Chow and the other comedic actors pretty much spend the whole time making fun of the movie. My favorite lines are, "As you know American Food sucks." "Hamburgers are good."
  14. I lived in several cities across 3 states. My experience is different with carriers in each place I live. I've been living in the same city for my god ten years already. USPS: They are really bad on updating their site with tracking info. I get a tracking number. I know a package has been delivered but the website doesn't say so until three days later. The Carrier keeps sending me mail with the person who has the same last name. An old lady named Doris doesn't live with me. I keep writing "Not a Address" and I keep getting this old bat's mail. If don't write not at address it just lands back in my box. The Carrier also had the habit of making and letter or package fit my small box. That problem's been fixed thanks to special large boxes my building has put in for large packages. The staff at the local Post Office are the best that I ever dealt with. A few mix ups do happen but it's not a pain to go up to the counter. Fed Ex and UPS: I thought these guys needed to actually hand you a package and get your to sign it or at least give it to your buildings manager. Fed EX & UPS instead have left a package on my door. Sometimes I'm gone for a long time at work it's too tempting to leave a box there. Last time I dealt with Fed EX they dropped the package at my managers but never left a not on my door. So I had no idea it ever arrived.
  15. www.anime.net/macross Go there read the entire site.
  16. Haha... No I am 227 right now, thats the limit... Not ever going over 230, but never under 220. I prefer to just be a balanced perfect athlete with endruance, flexibility, strength, and speed... Bodybuilders just have strength and size.. Notice you never see Arnold run in his movies, he can't his hamstrings limit his range of motion. Also there are considerations when it comes to my feet and shins in supporting that weight, I get pain at times when I run as my feet have to support a large amount of wieght. I can see myself getting a little leaner at the same weight.. Thats it. 321509[/snapback] Doesn't that have to do with your general body frame? Like someone who's bigger bone can carry more weight than someone who is small bone.
  17. I showed your pic to a girl. Her words on seeing it was, "If he's was any bigger he'd be a freak." Are you planning to keep getting bigger? As for those six meals a day what do you eat?
  18. Hey Connan you look short in that pick. Webster can kick your ass!
  19. COnan! The Adventure! Conan! Warrior With Out fear! He'll do anything with his mighty sword protecting his rear! I can't remember the rest!
  20. I think most airlines and traffic controllers speak English. English is clearly the offical language for passing orders around over the radio and on paper. To me Japanese looked like the unoffical local language. Fact: Dana Sterling was the first baby born in space! Source: Stupid me and my friends back in the day. The ship was in space for months. How stupid of me not to think there weren't any other pregant passengers or no one else did the nasty.
  21. You seen my avatar? You want naked pics? I actually have some I could send to you, just ask the guys an Anime Punch. I am SEXXXAY!! HAHAHAHAAAAAAA. 319947[/snapback] Please, please, put your shirt and pants back on...I'll take your word for it... 319954[/snapback] Lemme know if you change your mind. 319960[/snapback] Don't you get enough attention from the 1000 mirrors in your room? Btw everyone I got a great ass compared to most men. I didn't have to work out into some beef cake to get it. Say does anyone want a picture of it? It's not gay to appreciate a good ass on man. To stare the round shape and admire it's glory is something that all real macho men do. Why Jean Claude would often comment Arnold on his Ass while he oiled it up.
  22. Just for you JBO!
  23. Okay I'm going to close this poll. The following Macross babes got at least 5% of the vote. Someone else can start a new poll with the semi-finals. Lynn Minmay Misa Hayase Milia Ishtar Emilia Lucy
  24. I enjoy the save feature.
  25. I wish I could put all of you on ingore.
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