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Roy Focker

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Everything posted by Roy Focker

  1. This forum isn't a place for stupid crap thank you. Yes I realize a lot of stupid crap is posted in a topic but there's a difference between making a stupid post and starting a stop topic, stupids.
  2. I quite frankly don't get anime music videos or any fan made music video but a TV. I was at a Star Trek convention in 1992 (was a STNG fan) and they played this music video with current music or classic with images of the characters. I thought it too be very lame. I think the same thing about anime music videos too. Doesn't the anime, TV or Movie already come with it's own music? Do we really need some boob making a video?
  3. He might be refering to the Commie-Nazi which started as the chief villians in the McBain movie featured in a scene of the Simpsons (when it was funny).
  4. What show hasn't found them?
  5. Ha Ha your Yang! Still cool though!
  6. My speed is normal and my connection is Dial-up, but at times my computer freezes a little cause of the boards. The problems seems to be for those with dial-up.
  7. Why is Macross World's forums so slow to load? Yes my computer is five years old and is on dial up. Up to two to a year and a half ago I could visit Macross World and have over ten topics open to review with no problems. I can still do the same thing at other message boards but once I go to Macross World's forums I have to cut that number by half and things drop down to a crawl. It gets slower when I make a standard reply. Not that many topics I am viewing have a lot of images in them either. Does anyone else share this problem but with this board specifically?
  8. That warning was more to others.
  9. Macross World has a no fan fiction rule for some time. If there were no pictures this topic would be deleted.
  10. Macross World has a no fan fiction rule for some time. If there were no pictures this topic be deleted.
  11. Okay I'm buying this.
  12. Some times I wonder why I even bother. First you have members bitching about Shawn updating things. I take it upon my part to at least a little something to board appearance. What do I get some whines about some of the changes of the forum. Then there are whines about the new colors. Instead of just living with it for a day or two people decide to click a buttom and screw up their skin even more. I know cause I decided to to figure out what some of you were doing. If you come to the message boards and see something unusual stop freaking out. I'm not working on the board appearance today because it's a work day but I did take the time to take the dark blue away just to stop some of this panic hysteria.
  13. The dark blue was an attempt to copy the main site. Need to figure out how to make the text in that area white or I'll turn it back.
  14. Gonna be playing around again with in the next hour expect some funky colours during this time.
  15. Bitch...bitch...bitch... Look the How to build toys and models were combined because many techniques can be borrowed from the two and it makes things more neater. As for possible closing the how to all together. There are still people posting topics that could be posted here in the normal models and toy sections. Then there are some topics which I think could be posted in both sections. As for detailed how to build guide posts the forum aren't the greatest place for them. Some topic get old and don't appear with out an active search for them. In the past several topics have been pruned. It is quite possible that someone's really progress guide here will get lost. The main site could really benifet from members submissions. It is a great way to save you guides and reviews for all time. Now until the witch doctor can bring Shawn back to life as a zombie that is something to be looked into later.
  16. As you can see I've been playing around with the skin controls this morning. I'm sure one day one Shawn recovers from hybernation sickness we can come up with some really fancy skin. Until then I liked to see a temp skin that's a little more Macross-like. Right now aiming that temp skin to have an similiar appearance to the normal Macross World site. The new logo is one of several I test in the last hour. I like to see more logos. Maybe some that include images of Macross toys, model or characters images. For today this is all I have time to do.
  17. Any contruction from me will come on my days off. So, your looking at a half an hour to a full hour a week from me total. As for new Admins. Shawn trapped in another galaxy. We're trying to build a star ship to reach him.
  18. Roy's has a hammer and a bucket of paint. He's doing some cheap remodeling based on things some of admins and mod talked about. Expect to see mess as things are tossed around.
  19. First I tried to delete everything that didn't count as a review but that was taking too long. Pick up a paper and see what a review is. A short paragraph doesn't cut it. Little short opinion posts on something that you just bought belongs in the toy section. I combined all the review into this one topic. I'm leaning towards removing this Review Topic all together. If you want to write a detailed review to last for all time than it should belong in the submission section of the main site http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/submis...ssions_main.htm That is where I'd like to see Reviews.
  20. It might be better if you posted updates in this thread: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...ic=16065&st=160
  21. In once scene her bars are blue I think. It's really hard to say. I don't think she was demoted. Could just be a redesign of the rank insigna. Didn't Global have 3 bars in Macross TV?
  22. Sounds like some of you guys are in denial. "I like X number of shows/OVAs/ movies but.... I'm not an anime fan. How dare you call me that..." Please I think maybe you are confused. There nothing in denial. I know that some of my hobbies like liking a few anime shows and discussing one of them here is dorky. I don't care that I have a few dorky hobbies cause I like them. However when I see an anime fan I see either two groups of people, the young teens who appear to like any crap that is marketed to them and the adult fans who look like they have jumped out of the anime fan's closet. If the above two groups are the anime fans that I encounter and most non anime fans think of. I'm a fan but I don't want to be seen as one of them so thus I'm a self hating anime fan. Okay Im new to these boards obviously. But Im not new to the world of Anime. I am an Anime fan. And according to you Roy Focker this apparently makes me an ugly perverted freak. No your just an ugly freak. You'd only be a perverted one if you exposed your little smoky or donut hole. Well as a part of this websites staff you should be ashamed of yourself! putting down fellow members of the community. Just being a member here makes you a fan to some degree. Also being a fan of a certain anime and not anime in general still makes you an anime fan. So I welcome your sick ugly perverted self to the group! What part of "Opinion Piece" do you not understand. I'm sick of fricken idiots who think staff members have to have no opinions what so ever. Have I in this thread stated this is the offical MW stance? Sure I'll put down members of the anime community down if I think they look like a disgrace. It's not about being a fan. It's about being embarrassed of the "fanhood" thanks to the sheer stupidity of so called "uber fans/otaku". Exactly. Yawn... Show me a hobby or show that don't have a band of dorky or idiot fans. That's true but anime is a hobby in which has a large number of dorky idiots who don't mind parading their fanhood.
  23. Was busy at work so here's some more. He would then proceed to laugh anytime anything serious happened, (characters dying, climax of a series, that sort of thing). This reminds me of my experience at anime expo. I found that the screening rooms that played anime 24/7 (or how ever long it was) was a good place to rest until an event you wanted would start. I take a seat. Some anime I never seen would be playing. Trying to make the best of my time I would watch it. How can I watch it when fans are laughing or acting awe struck at every little joke or fight, etc. I'm not sure if this supposed to be a serious thread or a joke, either way I am quite amused. I personally find it funny that anyone who visits this board can even judge someone else's hobby and come off sounding serious liks some of the prior posts. I mean seriously what is MW? its a place that people can get together and discuss an ANIME TV series from the early 80's, as well as all Toys and other merchandise. So the last time I checked "Toy" collecting wasn't a line to pick up chicks. Remember the line "People who live in glass houses, shouldn't throw stones." And guess what, I like Macross, I have a collection of Macross toys, and I am an Anime Fan. I don't need to justify it to anyone nor do I honestly value the opinions of people who mean nothing to me. But don't worry I'll try to find something "cool" to get into let me go ask Agent One he seems to be in the know. It's a serious topic done in a light hearted tone hows that? Man, from a mod that's uncool. Like the topic said. This is short opinion piece. Cosplay in general is silly, but saying caucasians can't pull it off and Asians can? Have you seen the cast of Macross lately? Not even Hikaru Ichijo or Misa Hayase look Japanese, I've yet to see an Asian pull off a good Roy Focker. Not many blond haired,blue eyed, 7' giants in the Asian world. I think Japan pulls off higher quality cosplayers simply because they take it more seriously. And I single out Japan. I can't say I've noticed Chinese, Korean, Thai, Indonesian etc. as showing some noticeably better cosplay than anything else outside of Japan. Cosplay is cheesy the world over, but I don't care if people want to have fun and embaress themselves a bit. Yep, whatever happened to the old MW slogan, "We've learned to embrace our geekiness, have you?" Are we the land of the beautiful people now? This is all Agent One's fault... I was saying most asians tend to be smaller in size. Anime character designs are drawn by Japanese. The designers are likely to base the size of the characters with sizes they are familiar with. If a female (or even male) character is petite in a western standard of sizes there is a greater chance that more asian cosplayers will fit the part then a western one. Few westerns select characters that they can pass for. Combine that with a crappy costume and you have a freak feast. Nah I don't embrace my geekiness. I have geeky hobbies but I have never let my time spend with them take time away from looking beautiful Super saracasic mode switch on: Some people were just un lucky to be a natural born ugly fatso. Even if you fat or ugly you can still maintain a level or grooming. Some geeks seem to go for the slob look. If your average size and forget to groom you look scruffy but if your larger you look like a fat slob. If you look like a fat slob and your wearing an anime shirt standing in line for a theatrical release of some movie and talking out loud to your geeky friends about anime you look really sad.
  24. An Short Opinion Piece The Self-Hating Anime Fan Club So, who among us is a member? Have you heard of this club? It's not offical as of yet but you may already be a member, I know I am. While I enjoyed the Macross series, the Patlabor movies, Orguss, UC era Gundam and Gunbuster I don't consider myself an anime fan. I consider most of the popular or mainstream anime to be silly, lame immature crap. Anime conventions are freak shows. Asians in general even if they have a ugly face tend to be smaller in size. Most of them can carry off cosplay. When you see some large Caucasian male or female doing it most look pretty sad. In fact there is nothing sadder then a fat and bladding guy with a anime T-shirt walking into the same store your in. When I over hear strangers talking about anime I rarely join in. I could be making instant friends to discuss anime with but these people I see are like the nerds of the nerds and are talking about some stupid anime or worst Robotech ( ). I realize that I like some anime but that's classic stuff by default this may make me a fan. Liking anime in the west for a kid is okay but for an adult it is a geek's hobby. I have a lot of geeky hobbies but unlike you dorks I still look pretty good! I'm not as awesome like Agent one. He had to work his body to get to such high levels of awesomeness. Had he not I would be naturally more awesome. It hurts being too cool for everybody else. Torn between the beautiful people who looks down on anime and you ugly, sick perverted freaks who like it.
  25. I'm afraid I'm gonna say it is. I rented this Samurai movie released through ADV. There was a generic preview at the start of the movie for ADV anime. The voices of the voice over were sounded very much like young teens. Anime has been mainsteamed through places like Cartoon Network. It is market to kids. There is some good anime out there (like Macross!) but when I look to see what's on TV or on the shelves a lot of it is lame, gay assed looking anime that is brought over dubbed and played for the kids. Mainsteam Anime is immature.
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