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Everything posted by Roy Focker
Some people do care about the dubs, there are some people who hate reading subtitles and hearing a language they don't understand, they just won't do it no matter what you do. And even if they violate some sense of the purity of the show for you or other guys, every dollar they spend counts as much as ours. I say that excuse used so often and it's still as stupid as day one. What idiot can't focus on the images on the screen and dialog at the same time? I never had that problem. My attention is taken up by both but I don't suffer from missing out on either. Only idiots that might have this problem are poor readers. Some people don't even want to hear Japanese? They love to see the Japanese pictures but not the Japanese language. Those are some pretty crappy racists. True their dollar are a worth as much as ours and even more. The vast majority are stupid or at least that what most importants of forgein movies etc think. The more you dumb it down the more attention you get. Really is it worth trying to make some thing that appeals to everyone at the expense of the art itself?
Neither of the two entities are going away, so either learn to live with it or keep up the none productive sarcasm I rather enjoy the non productive sarcasm. The guy seems to be able to take the usual antics without having a hissy fit. Thats something to be proud of. As for him offering to help fellow fans get rare item in Japan. I checked his IP Adresse it is from Japan. I will remind people here you give money to people at your own risk.
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Roy Focker replied to 1st Border Red Devil's topic in Hall Of The Super Topics
Land too? Wait a minute so all the shitty crap from the Sentinels and the novels switch me and mine decided to ingore when we were Robotech fans is part of the offical cannon now? -
I'm surprized no one mentions this ultra rare items... Basara's Vibrating Microphone Lead Based Zentradi Face Painting Kit Yellow Dancer 1:1 Love Doll with Interchangable Partst
Connery was the best bond. Lazenby had the best Bond movie and was the best Bond for the part. As for this new guy. He look more like a slimey euro-trash ganster to me. Bond needs to be a sexy dangerous looking mo'fo like me. They talk about doing a Batman Begins Job on Bond but what Bond been about recently? Cross Marketing! If you want a gritter Bond you need to make it a period peace (like have it back in the cold war) but the tempation for using the modern day and product placement will always be to great.
From what I read the next movie will be Casino Royal and they going to go for a less gadget more gritty, younger Bond. In other words they copied Triple X in Bond 20 and it stunk so this time they are going to copy Batman Begins for Bond 21. I'm at a total lost at who that actor is. If he's playing James Bond he's all wrong for the part. He has to look like me. I was already promised the role back in 97 after Bronson leaves.
Kami? You mean Kiley mignow...what's her last name again.
The WWE and Pro-Wrestling Thread
Roy Focker replied to areaseven's topic in Hall Of The Super Topics
On a semi-relative side note. When the WWF was on Spike TV I also watch the UFC reality constest show. First season was good but this season is was filled with product adveristing that you can spot a mile away. Stuff like, "Welcome to the Right Guard Extreme Challenge" I can expect but they have the constests talking about their Xycience like it's part of their normal speech. It's too much. -
As the saying goes the only good Smurf is a dead Smurf. I'm glad someone is flying taking action. We all know the Smurf's were a major source of illegal drugs. With their mushroom houses and all.
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Roy Focker replied to 1st Border Red Devil's topic in Hall Of The Super Topics
I'm really sad that I haven't really been joining in on the fun here as much as I like too. In a way I think it's cool that they have attempted to make their own new cartoon and at the same time it's funny that they decided to go with the Sentinels. What ever chance I believe they had to make an okay cartoon is slipping see this Sentinel revamp. -
Wait a minute Max didn't censor tit or tits but censored poo?
poo Poop tits fart fart dick hell damn Switch one are we talking about? It was Max that did that. I think it was funny. I'd be happy if this was one free retard LEET area. Any other slang fine.
I don't need it I just have fun spiking it. I'm dandy What people don't like the old Roy? Is this social experiment of mine working as expected? Look Myriad get this straight the mods are posters like anybody else. We don't represent the the entire community, we aren't always poltically correct, we have our own opinions and feel the need to shove them down anyones throat like everyone body else does. Plus well throw in a little bit of fun dialog like, "are you stupid or something." In fact not every time we make a post is in mod mode. Yes I used the words, "What are you a flipping idiot?" in that earlier post. What was wrong with us talking like one of the guys? Gee I thought people thought Roy was some cold heartless bastard. Who just showed up to close or delete a thread and only made a post to tell people to stop talking about stealth. I bring back the first 6 months of Macross World Roy. The fun loving, jiving talking, in your face, break dancing, human cannibal that will still bust a cap on mod action and the peasants get all freaky like? Maybe people preferred mean mod Roy persona best of all. Once a Mod allows themselves to post like not as mod but as as regular poster of the boards all of the sudden there are double standards? Members posting such a way are okay or are ingored but people will start crying, bitching, whining and pointing once a mod does so.
Question why the hell are you typing Porn as pron? Some sort of spineless computer geek talk? I laugh at it. Use pooper engrish pees.
But I still am missing your point about Mr. Universe. How did the character 'Jew it up' as you say? You still haven't clarified how Mr U. did this. I failed to see how he portrayed a Stereotypical Jew as you say. Yes the character wasn't running a jewlery shop or complaining about coffee, etc but my point is with the casting. They put a stereotypical looking Jewish person in the role. Who had a stereotypical accent and mannerisms. When roles call for a person of a different background they use the most stereotypical person for the role. As far Zoe's losing it. Yeah it can happen but it's what's expected to happen in movies. If you think about her actions they were very stupid. Speaking off character's that should have died is River Brother. That character was pretty dull and he wasn't some one you hated or love he was just there. Hey Myriad I love you too, lets make love. You name the time and place and I'll make a you feel like a woman.
know, the purely professional character is a cool archetype, and the operative in the film really pulls it off, but having a character behave like a real human being is much better, especially for protagonists. See, in the real world, people have these things called emotions and they sometimes over power our better judgement. That only happens in the movies. Look at the recent hurricanes there were plenty of reports of people whose job it was to help people who stayed at their job when most likely they wanted to be with their own. How many soldiers in Iraq right now would rather be home? These people put other before them because it's there job. Yes not all stayed. I can excuse a unprofessional character for losing it but a professonial losing it like so in a movie? She nearly got them all killed. If another character died because of her reckless actions they should have then had her blow her brains out of guilt I forgot about the wedding, yes, but I'm still failing to see what stereotype you're bitching about here? I'm not aware that "Jews are all neo-anarchists who believe in freedom of information" is a commonly held belief. I'm talking about the sterotypical Jew in general. No not just Jewish lawyer or Doctor but that New York nebish (spelling) cut from the same cloth as Woody Allen, George and Jerry (from Seinfield). You can have characters of different ethic group portrayed in media without having to have them, Jew-it, Jap-it or Black-it up. If you were to make a list of actors that are least part jewish you would have a very long list. If you then made a list or actors who play Jewish characters the list would be much shorter. If you made a list of Japanese actors in hollywood production you would have a short list. If you made a list of actors who played a Japanese character you'd have a long list with few of them actually being Japanese. Audience or Film makers think people are stupid. If you seen one asian you've seen them all. That actress doesn't look Jewish enough, find me a ugly woman with a thick accent. Look at Italian actors. The men all look like heavies and the women fat ugly mama types. Consider the Miss Universe contest. There are some damn fine fine looking women out there around the globe but the Hollywood stereotype would make you believe certain woman are ugly. If the plot elements (such as they are for the situation in Serenity) make that a likely possibility, then no I don't have a problem with it. A likely possibility? Sure it's likey but is a pretty cheap solution but if it it works for your simple mind.... Now I'm running out of time here so I'll let any boob who wants to speak for me until I get back. Be sure to include phases like, "Stop sniffing your own crotch!" "Of course I'm right!" "I can't help being so attractive!" "Think I give a rats ass?" "Lets make love."
Opinion Piece: Parents are just afraid to say "no" to their little brats and want others to look out for them. Where I live people are concerned about people driving fast near homes and schools. There are so many traffic signs it's confusing. When ever some people talk about fixing the confusing traffic rules some parent group or another step forward and scream "Won't some body think of the childern?" Won't some body think about us adults who think it's retarded to drive this way? No I don't want to run over someone's kid but there would be nothing to worry about if a parent just watched the little bastards. Yes people are morons who will let there kids play out in the middle of the street. Instead of doing their job and watching their kids they expect society to watch out for them. Same thing goes for the kids form of entertainment. Hasn't nearly every game or movie that some parents flip have out about been clearly marked as not for kids? Ratings or not titles and subject matter gives you a pretty good clue of what's for kids. I've been in a video store once and saw a kid pick up a MA rated game. I've pointed out I think that's too old for you. Then saw the clerks sale the kid the game. You can say lets make a law so the clerk won't sale the game or a law that will ban all such games from being made. However, who should really be looking out for the kid? The parent who should see what their kid brought home and kick their asses for doing so. I'm a selfish arrogant a-hole of adult who doesn't give a crap about your little pissed faced bastard spawn of satan. If I see your little bastard is in a burning building I might risk my neck to save their worstless life but I'm not gonna give up my fun cause you don't want to watch your waste of DNA. Merry X mas!!!!
I heard good reviews about this film but are there any scenes with aliens or robots?
Zoe (the wife of the guy who gets killed, Wash) does lose control for a moment. Yes, she's an ex-soldier (she served under Mal in the war), but she's human too. Humans have been known to lose composure due to grief. Yeah but as a professional she would know not to screw it up for others. The I'm gonna get some reckless revenge is a stupid idea for a professional. He's Jewish? I didn't get that at all. Even if he is, it's not the first time the setting has used straight-up Earth ethnic groups/cultures (in the TV series we had a cockney brit and US southerners, f'rex). I'm not sure of your point, though. Are you accusing the film of being anti-semetic? Did you miss this wedding footage of him and his android? Note never saw the TV series. No I'm not accusing the film of being anti-semetic. I am accusing it like others of using sterotypes. Some things doesn't have don't have to be negiative to be cheap and weak. The sterotype that asians are really smart, get good grades and know martial arts is a positive stereotype but it's still a stereotype. Really are all Jews on film/TV a step or two from being like Woody Allen? Ethnicity can be included without being reduced to cheap stereo-type. Hey that one character has brownish skin. Could we give him a ethic name and maybe bit of accent to show his ethicity? Nah lets give him a turbin and have him act like Apu. Finally a movie that treats its audience as intelligent viewers and doesn't feel it has to telegraph every freaking plot point. Just because Hollywood has completely forgotten the value of surprise doesn't mean we have to. Bringing it up earlier would have ruined that scene because we would have all seen it coming. No thanks. Are you some kind of a flipping idiot? Sure it was a surprize but clearly it was a weak last minute save. Here's a made up example... "What you're alive I set you on fire?" "Yes! Years ago I sprayed my clothes with an anti-flame agent"
CPT Gloval, in a previous life.
Roy Focker replied to Metal_Massacre_79's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
So they both have soup strainers? Why don't you just say he's Mario as well. -
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Roy Focker replied to 1st Border Red Devil's topic in Hall Of The Super Topics
Stealth! Nice Try! Nah the Sentinels were garbage. It was the Sentinel that first put doubts in my mind. With Robotech they had the already animed footage to work with. The Sentinel cartoon, books and comic was all there's. Prepares this time they'll do better. I like how they have to tell you "It's" Kyle. That really does help considering the guy doesn't look a thing like him. -
Well I saw the movie the other day and read some of the spoilers here before hand. Since I never watched the series the spoiler mean nothing. I gotta give them credit for taking a cancealed TV show and making a good pop corn movie out of it. I didn't feel that you had to have previous knowledge of the series to the get the story nor did it seem to be giving too much back story to bore fans. I did have a few of issues. The blonde guy who gets speared. A nice sudden unexpected, un heroic death. Yet it was no surprize I hardly saw that character away from the controls. Now I question his lover or wife's part in the battle. I got the idea that she besides being second in command might have been a former soldier. If so she recklessly went against the cannibals how was she helping the others? As we saw the rest got injuried had she not to gung ho they would less injuries. If River can kick ass why didn't she do that before the others were nearly dead? Mister Universe = Jews in Space? Even in the future your stereotypical New York Jew is still the same. Now there are a lot of Jews in Hollywood and several leading males that are half Jewish (Harrsion Ford is one) by why is every meant to be "Jewish" character are all same? The last fight scene. Early on it's established that the british brother has this pressure point attack. He uses it on our hero but the attack fails and the reason, "Long ago I had that nerve removed" What kinda of a week excuse is that? It seems like such an after the fact save. Maybe they could have establish him getting that nerve earlier in the movie.
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Roy Focker replied to 1st Border Red Devil's topic in Hall Of The Super Topics
Hey my grand parents lived in West Hollywood for years! When ever we visted (staying up to a couple of weeks to months a stay) I was confined in doors most time on fears that I a little boy would be kidnapped and recruited by the locals. Yet they allowed me to watch Robotech!!! I would have been safer if they allowed me out doors! -
Max's voice is meant to be deep that's part of his charm. He's suppose to be better looking than Hikaru with a deep smooth talking sexy voice. Robotech's Roy VO was one of the better voices however, Robotech's Roy has too much of that Optimus Prime fun loving mentor vibe going on. Macross Roy has to have more shirt chasing, beer drinking passion going on. Not saying Warren could do it but I wouldn't want a repeat performance. I basically don't like Subs. One of the biggest reasons is that all the voices sound the same. Yeah a lot of the same people do all the voices but few have any range.
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Roy Focker replied to 1st Border Red Devil's topic in Hall Of The Super Topics
Okay when people told me about MGREXX being a stupid little annoying bitch that needs to be banned. I told them just ingore the dick then. I think I agree with these people now, however I find it very funny as well. Maybe once the funs end so will he but as of now I'm getting a kick out of this fool. He reminds me a Banky but retard.