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Everything posted by Roy Focker
My problem is that the pictures of the first post do not come through. I have reload the pages a couple of times already. It would be best to follow Azrael's advice to post links to the pictures. Maybe a few picture hear and links to the rest. As for the picture themselves. This what I called cosplay to be proud of. Many people here know I frown on cosplay because most often look foolish. If your cosplay it's great don't cosplay. This is great coplay. Although I would make a better Focker .
For those here posting. Things like, "It's sad what happen, He's a fun guy who made a mistake" and that sort of thing if you are posting this based on that one animated avatar then you are missing what the mistake was. Just imagine it with real people and that will give you a better idea. The following a message from Agent One: Roy, I have been thinking about it and it and I guess you are the only one I really dicked over in my carelessness over the past week. I am really sorry. I know you are the only mod who checks the board every day and you have to clean up the mess I made of that avatar thread. I also apologies to the rest of MW, I often forget that members expect everything that shows up there to be clean... the people I work with expect my screen to have something offensive on it at all times actually. A1 *if you wouldn't mind, could you post this on MW also, I want the whole membership to know that I am not above recognizing my mistakes. It should be known that Agent One is self employed. If people who work with him expect to see Hard stuff like that I think he is due for a sexual harassment suit.
I seriously doubt that Agent One should be made a admin or a mod to any degree here after his recent actions. Yes I know he' s the arrogant, bad boy and tends to break every minor rule. Such behavior wouldn't work as an admin. I've tend to let him slide on a few things like this. However, when he goes to far I will go after him like I'll do with others. Recently Agent One has been posting links (with little to no warnings) to some clearly vulgar images. Whether you directly post an image or just post a link its the same thing. Informing others about such things in PM or outside the board fine. Here is not the place. This offense falls under the catagory of 'never allowed'. One of the more serious offenses that aren't pushed asided by how much we may like a poster. As of now I'm suspending Agent's One posting rights for 14 days and will be consulting the rest of the mods if it should be extended. Agent One is asked not to attempt to use any covert methods to post during this time unless permission is granted. Attempts to do so will likely result in what happens to others that attempt such things.
The funny thing is people keep replacing their avatars. When you find your avatars missing and see others as well get a clue. Like Santa Claus I'm making a list.
What can I say about Virgin Road that hasn't been said?
- Good Times - Horrible black commedy that I am actually fairly offended by. It paints black people as retarted monkies who jump around and scream. Monkies? I'd be carefull what you say. The character of JJ has been critized as being foolish. He was they only character that jumped around and scream. Everyone else acted pretty normal more or less It was a good show but a depressing one. Mine favorite episode is when the father faked his own death, kidnapped a young white boy to be his love save and battled evil with Marc Singer.
No offense but the whole thing over all (head and costome) looks like poo. I would say it reminds me of those old match box figures but that would be too mean. Who's that guy who did those custom Isamu and Guld figures? Those look good. This just looks like a generic doll in a $12 barbie space man suit.
I know isn't ironic that through Keith's actions he's helping Harmony Gold.
Never watched most of those animes that these VO are credited to. However it seems a vast majority of them did voices in the same animes. Does this mean it will sound just like all the other dubbed jobs that these VO did together? Do they have any range? Will it sound like everything currently dubbed but with Mari?
I think I heard something about Sean Connery providing the voice of Hikaru... 347095[/snapback] Have you heard Connery in that new Bond game? Someone with me perfectly described him as speaking while eating pudding! 347367[/snapback] I have been playing that game. I think he sounds great in it, just older than he was when he made From Russia with Love. 347532[/snapback] I need to bring it back to Block Buster soon. Fun game but too easy glad I didn't buy it. 347572[/snapback] I suck at it. I am only half way and I have had it for a few weeks. Did you unlock all the hiden levels? 347687[/snapback] I had the game for 9 days and unlocked all but the last level. I know this isn't Macross btw but I just have to bring to everyone's attention that Agent One isn't perfect and sucks compared to James Bond and myself, who had no problems with the game. Tip: You need to walk slowly with Bond so you get the drop on enemies and really aim your shots. My favorite tactic is shooting the grenades on the sides of guy's belts.
Harry Potter And The Goblet Of Fire...
Roy Focker replied to Mechamaniac's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
You're skating on slippery Ice Guys. -
Harry Potter And The Goblet Of Fire...
Roy Focker replied to Mechamaniac's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
Lets take care about the church comments. -
I think I heard something about Sean Connery providing the voice of Hikaru... 347095[/snapback] Have you heard Connery in that new Bond game? Someone with me perfectly described him as speaking while eating pudding! 347367[/snapback] I have been playing that game. I think he sounds great in it, just older than he was when he made From Russia with Love. 347532[/snapback] I need to bring it back to Block Buster soon. Fun game but too easy glad I didn't buy it.
Harry Potter And The Goblet Of Fire...
Roy Focker replied to Mechamaniac's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
Harry Potter. Churches. There's good and bad in 'em all. Good advice. Okay Harry Potter is something that parents can enjoy with their childern. Fine I'll accept that. I still find it funny that bunch of adults without the childern excuse are really into it as well. I still can't buy the fact that some of you have gotten so worked up over it to the point they easily offended by some my carely stupid comments. What? What is it that is getting so worked up? Its just Harry Potter! Is Harry Potter that important? -
Harry Potter And The Goblet Of Fire...
Roy Focker replied to Mechamaniac's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
There's a way to ask and then there's a way to ask while making yourself look stupid. Guess which way you chose. You're welcome to make fun of it all you want, but make fun after you have some knowledge about the subject matter at least. What you probably wanted to make fun of was the "fad," since you obviously don't know anything about Harry Potter for your uneducated ramblings to hold much weight. Okay I'll speak slowly so you can understand. I'm just messing with adult fans that have taken to these books. I don't think reading all the books, watching the movies buying all the cross promotions to required to poke fun at a fad. Am I speaking a bunch of uneducated rambling? Yeah stupid! I am! I think that's the point. Have I've been attempting anything else in these topic but to look stupid? By getting so worked up by my unducated, stupid rambling your well kinda looking stupid. -
I think I heard something about Sean Connery providing the voice of Hikaru... 347095[/snapback] Have you heard Connery in that new Bond game? Someone with me perfectly described him as speaking while eating pudding!
I paid top dollar for the Animego set back in the day. Back in the day? That was like what two to three years ago? I have my set. They haven't melted yet. DVDs haven't been replaced yet. Sure I'm interested in hearing the new dub but I don't really need them. I may rent them should they come to a rental store near me but there's no need to buy them.
Harry Potter And The Goblet Of Fire...
Roy Focker replied to Mechamaniac's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
And theres a certain ease with audiences where the hero isn't tall, strong and perfect. Lets not kid ourselves, look at why Star Trek is so insanely popular with the socially disenfranchised ( i.e. people that most hot chicks do not want behind them while drunk and straddled over a pool table) In Star Trek, its ok to be different. It makes you special. Yeah but Trek fans so can you see a mile away cause they've got nerd written all over them. A lot of Potter-Heads look normal and that scary! I mean you know with a Trek fan so can keep their Trek talk under control (or they won't shut up about it) A person might surprize you about being a Potter fan and will blab and blab about their hoggentialwarts to you. It's like the whole world is turned upside down and it's frighting! If you don't understand, then why open your mouth and make obvious your ignorance? It's not simple confusion of a fad if your first words in the thread associates Harry Potter with gay, which, knowing you, was meant in a derogatory manner. Maybe if you bothered to read the books, you would understand the "fad." No one here is touchy about Harry Potter being put down. I am just touchy about Harry Potter being put down by an ignorant fool. Fat or Ugly switch one are you? Christ it friggin Harry Potter I make a joke about it and my lack of getting the fad and you get your panties in a twist. I will wholeheartedly admit that I held the same opinion as Roy That's the Royight way to think! ....before I saw the first film. What something can defeat my brainwashing? Thanks for your intelligent and constructive arguments Agent Two, but I find A1’s bashing to be more colorful and original. Nevertheless, you make a fantastic job keeping the boards clean of Stealth threads, so of you go. Please do you even see Agent One here? He lacks the balls to talk about Potter. Part of my lack of wanting to get Potterized is mainly general dislike of stuff that is hyped. If the mass buy the hype then it might just be hype. Another I don't get is why so many are senitive about it? Instead of hearing people say, "Yeah Harry Potter is based on Kids books. Go ahead make fun I'll enjoy it anyways" I'm hearing, "Don't you dare make fun of Harry Potter. It hurts my feelings" That sorta of reaction still surprizes me. -
Harry Potter And The Goblet Of Fire...
Roy Focker replied to Mechamaniac's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
Jesus. Not the one you're thinking of. I'm talking about the other one who sells rugs in that empty lot behind Burger King. Flame bait? Agent One's club. Please I was greater then he'll be. No it's simple confusion on the whole Harry Potter fad. Grown men talking about Robot I can understand. Most little boys go nuts for robots, war and killing. What kind of man buys his son a toy gun, sword or truck? A good one. What kind buys his son a magic wand? Why grown men are going gaga about something that isn't traditonal boy stuff is beyond me. Haven't I read or watch Harry Potter. Don't understand hub bub about it. Yet some here are clearly touchy on the issue. While I think the current Star Wars movies were lacking I could feel for those who kept defending it. What real man wouldn't have a soft spot for Star Wars but a kids story about boy wizard at wizard school? Isn't that for your sister or the kid next door whose cries at a drop of a hat? On E's (talk) Soup, a poll was shown. Will you see the new Harry Potter film? 50% yes, 25% no, 25% which answer won't get me beat up. -
So you have to read every topic that mentions Macross 7?
- 415 replies
- Game of Thrones
- George R.R. Martin
- (and 7 more)
Fantasty books? Okay fatso don't let me find your fat bald and geesy faces riding the bus.
- 415 replies
- Game of Thrones
- George R.R. Martin
- (and 7 more)
Harry Potter And The Goblet Of Fire...
Roy Focker replied to Mechamaniac's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
Harry Potter = Macross 7 = Gay I don't get it. Years ago I here these stories about some popular childrens book getting it's own movie. There a big buzz I think who cares. Now we have adults here talking ooh and awe about the latest movie. Who chopped of your balls? -
*Austin Powers* "I'm a sexy Beast baby Yeah! * Austin Powers*
If it's true, awesome and "f**k you" too!
Worst Actresses of all time 10. Pamela Anderson - Would Do Her If Not For Hepitis 9. Paris Hilton - Would Do Her If Only Doctors Can Find a Cure For Her 3000 VD. 8. Tawny Kitaen - Would Totally Do Her in 1987 on a hood of a Car. 7. Madonna - Would Do Her 10 Years Ago. 6. Winona Ryder - Would Do her but I would have security check her pockets afterwards. 5. Lisa Bonet - Would Do her only in front of the cast of the Cosby Show. 4. Jessica Simpson - I Don't Do Men. 3. Kirsten Dunst - Would Do her but she has to sing "Do me Spiderman me Do me" the whole time. 2. Lindsey Lohan - Would Do her after she gains some more weight. 1. Rosie O' Donnell - Wouldn't Do her but Agent One Would. Wait wait wait minute what was this topic about now?