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Everything posted by Roy Focker
Could it just be the he was just so angry with Robotech's boards that he assume that MW would be the exact opposite? I admitt alot of things are different but message boards are still gone censor people. We might do it for different reasons but its still gonna happen. When it does happen it not be because the board might have something against them.
No. They are idiot whiners like you. You know what some of your problems are is that you think you all deserve an explanation. You post was the best post ever written because you wrote. Oh how dare they censor the voice of god! "Why was my Off topic deleted or moved to another forum?" Duh it was Off topic. If the reason topics are closed, deleted or moved is because they are off topic than is it really a surprize that it happens? My favorite is "I know this is off topic but does any one here..." which is followed after the topic is moderated, "What happen to my topic!" Idiots you admitted that you knew it was off. So why are you all surprized that it was deleted? Its not that we think you stupid idiots but that you are smart. Some things are common sense. Common sense would tell you that your off topic post would likely be deleted for that reason and Common sense would tell you why your 'for sale' post was moved out of the toy section to the actual 'for sale forum'. Instead some of you want a reason. Here I am thinking someone you have a brain. You're not all as stupid as you act. If you knew what you doing when made the post you can figure out why it got moderated. A specific reason just for you is only for your ego. Think of how much time would be wasted here if everyone got a reason and a PM as some would like it for every single time a Mod had to make an edit? People would be asking, "Why didn't you mods close that topic where everyone was fighting" we have to tell them "We were writting you a letter on why we deleted you topic on post your favorite x-rated url." Also note the the mini-mods are assigned to certain forums while the mods go all over. Of course this reply will cause some to whine. Oh look how the mean mods here don't care! When someone is told why a topic is closed is because the Mods think it is needed. Everyone doesn't need a reason when 90% of the reason is pretty clear. As for Robotech.com they can do what ever the hell they want. Yeah censoring topics about other companies stuff is stupid but hey they're a business. What I have always been like this! If we seemed more tolerant it was because we had fewer people. The more people sharing the swings the more we have to occasional throw off to allow everyone a fair turn. Why do some people get worried about that sig? Its just a joke of Macross 7 and what people accuse the mods of doing. Don't you all see I don't like having power and laughing at you because of it. I love laughing at you when you make this isane claims that the Moderators are out to get you specifically! No one likes being told what to do. Face it all lot of people here are outcast, nerds and geeks. While some of us might be a muscle bound Hugh Grant look alikes like Agent One. He is still by his hobbies a geek. He might not look it but he has a geeky hobby which he is practicing. Thus by this he is a geek. As such geeks are sometimes treated bad on the outside world. The internet is where geeks can run free without judgement! They can act without the man telling them what to do or judging them. Here the mods are the man. We get to tell them what to do and some of you geeks get all insecure about it. Some of you hip cats get the reasons why we do what we do and get the jokes but others are just too caught up in their own insecurities. Agent One is a perfect example of a confidence. He's so not insecure that part of him is a geek that he hides it behind a giant wall of confidence. Btw I think he'd be a terrible mod cause who would he have to ban besides himself? Didn't that dude Jesus say something about, he without sin cast the first stone? Agent One without sin? I think not. So he can't cast any stone. I'm perfect I can throw sharp jagged stones at people all day. Some old topic deserve a second look but really if the same old same old is brought up again week after week but are just the same replies do we need to see it again? Wouldn't such a topic be better served under a pin topic, as a faq or allow only such topic on the subject a month? Yes Mod have to sometimes make judgement calls on what is unworthy even if it's no topic otherwise things might became stagnate as people are trying to find something new to talk about. I belong on some large boards were I visit them in morning than then 3 hours later only to see three new pages of topic all discussing the same thing. I'm glad when places attempt to keep things fresh.
Honestly I'd prefer it to held the same time that these other events are being held for two reasons. 1. Those events are for a couple of days but rarely is there's enough to interest me all the days of the event. Would be nice to go that "event" on sat and then go MW Con the next day. 2. Some us might like to go to all of these events but only have so much vacation time. What week do we choose to take off?
Oh those guys suck! One of them. This one guy had the nerve to kill off one my characters by having him cut off his own head with a sword. My character was trained since birth! The guy said he did it cause I stopped posting. He wouldn't allow me to play my first character I created either. Cause he said they're aren't Zombie Cyclone riders in Macross. What's worst is they threaten to kick me out for a game post I made. My character was porking another in the ass trying to break a record and gain information. They said I was too crude and vulgar and their RPG wasn't a hentai one. Didn't these idiots see the Sentinel's Comic Book character art of Minmay? Avoid that place!
I'm sorry but I'm gonna close this topic. It's just too stupid. Mini-Mods Feel Free to use that line when closing one.
Please Change My Member Title Back To Normal
Roy Focker replied to lord_breetai's topic in MW Site News & Member Feedback
When Member Titles were first being handed out. I explained the following they will be granted upon members for something they did, known for or said. Like a a knick name. Don't ask for a specific title for yourself or others. The deflaut ones were added later by other mod. Even so the Mods have still been giving out special member titles. The assigning of a member title that quotes a board reg or an offense against one is fair when it something that people are ingoring. Since the offended have been walking propaganda of the regs there has been a drop in Animated Avatars. It is not meant to cause laugher at the offender as was suggested in a PM sent to me. As said early in the post member titles were granted upon members for something they did, known for or said. Like a a knick name. The topic poster has been posting here and PM me on their dislike for this practice of "No avatar" titles. Based on what said said they have inspired me to give them a new specialized title. They might get all sore about it but most people are good sports. -
Sure are a lot of pretty girly boys in this group. If you get impants call me
Hey! Hey! You shut up Exo! Can't you see that the story of Agent One tossing dishes is a great story even if it doesn't relate at all to the subject in question?
Well you can't blame people not to call them dolls. They are barbie sized and you dress them. Sure the placed the title action figure on them but now a days most consider action figure to be smaller. The larger size has the advantage of more detail and some can be moved in more positions then a barbie or a g.i.joe figure. These aren't toys but higher collectibles. Still in appearance they are dolls. Yet the clothes offer the advantage of realism and the ability to make an easy custom. I only bought one of these in 1993 and thought I never would again but I started to collect about 4 these last two months and waiting for another too arrive soon.
Yeah it doesn't count color that much. I used the same pic in color and black & white and got the same results. The higher the score the better chances.
Another tip try to have use a straight face pic. If you one at an angle then the results will show people with there faces in the same direction. Which why it pays to use multiple pics of yourself.
Well I see one problem with the Hikaru doll which hope is fixed on the finished version. Hikaru wears a turtle neck type undershirt in the animation so does figure just has a stuffed piece of material sticking out? For $3 I can buy a loose 1/6 sized turtle neck. For $80 this figure have one too.
Yeah make sure you try a couple of pictures. Avoid pics If you have things block your face like glasses, facial hair or hair over your eyes or forehead.
$80 bucks for Hikaru so what will a taller Roy figure be $100? I was really hoping for something like $60.
www.myheritage.com Try it. Up load a picture of you and see what celebrity you look like. For best results try a couple of pictures of yourself. Results may change from picture to picture. I also had a few pictures of Agent One. No Arnold didn't come up but according to the results and percentages of some of his closest matches. 60% Kurt Cobain (A1 a dirty druggy musician like Basara?) 58% Hugh Grant (A1 a British fop that stars in sissy romatic comedies?) 57% Kevin Costner (A1 as the boring American guy who takes the roles Hugh Grant doesn't want?) As for some of my matches... 65% Alec Baldwin (Just what the world needs another Baldwin brother) 61% Oliver Kahn (Some sorta German Soccer Goalee) 57% Dudi Balsar (Some sorta Iraeli male model) 54% Bruce Willis (Only 54% but he showed up on a few pictures I used). What really odd one was this... 41% Christina Ricci Hmm A1 can be the next Hugh Grant and Kevin Costner. I can be the next Alec Baldwin or Bruce Willis. Don't know about you but I would rather see my movies. If this site proves anything its that I'm one handsome action hero male model type and Agent One is the perfect wuss for a girl flick.
If I had the money. Okay I have the money but there was this other figure I wanted first and if I got this one at the same time it would be $120 total. I can't spend that much on a toy at one time unless it's a VF-1S http://www.mwctoys.com/REVIEW_040805b.htm
They look more funny than heroic.
I'm not sure about a close Macross 7 topic. It is part of Macross and this is Macross World. Why should it be in protected area because a few people can't control themselves. How about a special education thread were some members are allowed to post? I've talk to Agent 1 before about Macross 7. Once I thought we had a compromise. He's allowed to post his opinion and then is to step back allow everyone else to talk. Instead he sticks around to talk his favorite subject himself. People have right to talk about Macross 7 either praising or criticizing it. They also have a right to do so in a matter that doesn't involve someone taking over things. I'll say again in ego enhancing language. "Your awesomeness (i.e. your massive penius) is so huge that it draws attention towards it when exposed. When you enter a room keep your awesomeness covered and don't point at it or use it to point to others."
No need for intro post here just find a topic and start posting.
Please Change My Member Title Back To Normal
Roy Focker replied to lord_breetai's topic in MW Site News & Member Feedback
Sorry but until we have other reason to give you a knick name that member title stands. You have to see where I'm coming from. I placed few post on the boards informing people of the news. Few paid attention. I deleted some hoping people would get a clue. Some did. Other just placed them back up and never question why there was a lack of animated avatars all of the sudden. Tried a 3 day ban on those that keep replacing them, I knew something else would have to work. Contracting offender would take too long. Then it hit me. Erase the avatar and change the member title. They would figure it out that way. Plus how perfect! Free ad space of the rules. By posting in various topics your letting more know about this. This is a valuable tool to go get the message around. -
So what then is a "pudknocker?" I thought I know my slang.
Why all the long answers? Here's a short one. While not all parts are equal it still gets an "A" on the report card as a whole.
Some of us think that his opinion on Macross 7 is well known. This poll will prove it once and for all!
Well a lot of these companies use people in house or ones they have used before. They are loyal. That says something good about them. On the other hand screw loyalty when someone else better can do the job. If you want to support your friends give them a job getting coffee.
More Shadow Force news
Roy Focker replied to 1st Border Red Devil's topic in Hall Of The Super Topics
Hey remember that fake Robotech live action movie that someone made with our suggestions here. Mark Hamil was billed to play Exedore. We deserve our 10% cut of his salary for casting! Mr. Hamil can send his check of $6.74 to Macrossworld.