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Roy Focker

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Everything posted by Roy Focker

  1. Yeah its a fine job. I asked people for some logos a few months back and Exo provided some. As I said at the time I was running out of time to really work on the boards and had to stop for a while. My professional work is currently not that busy and saw I could spend a few hours a month working on the boards appearance again. Sure I had time last month and the month before but really I only thought of me and went out on the town or went to friends houses. I should have just stayed home and work hard too impress people who don't pay a dime. Knick pick what you want. My offical job description here is moderator the not person in charge of the boards appearance. Thats someone else job. Until that person does the work themselves or hire a professional group to do it, enjoy a few small touches do with donated graphics. There are a few more pics like this. In the process of picking which ones to use. I decided last night to test a couple.
  2. Yeah the its been a running tradition to exclude Fan Fiction. Fan designed macross inspired character and mecha art have always been accepted. Now if that character or mecha art featured a paragraph or two on how this character beat Max in a fight or the history of the creation of the VF- Love Boat then it would be considered fan fiction.
  3. Actually I finally removed the stealth ban. I don't think its of importance now that will become an over done topic like it was in the past. As for notices there still be some who will be shocked. Think of it like this. In your snail mail box is a letter from the place you brought your car with the words "Final Notice" on it. You panic and rip open the letter and read that its the final notice for there stupid sale. Every month they keep sending you that same letter. You either throw it right away or keep it in a big junk mail pile. Then one day you find that they reposessed your car. You make some phone calls and find out some payments didn't get through. You scream, "If you never got the payments why didn't you try to contact me!" They explain that they sent you a few letter. You look in junk mail pile and you see a letter from them titled "Notice" you thought it was just another ad for a stupid sale. I can leave messages all over the place but some people will still think its either junk mail or something they'll read later.
  4. Yeah Duke was suppose to die but he lived. Really I think it was a bad idea just to kill off some character just to introduce new ones. Look at the Transformers Movie they killed off nearly everyone and replaced them with a had full of characters. As for Zarana you know she's got a few stds from living her punk life style as the Dreadnoks boomerang whore. She does have a soft spot for middle aged computer geeks.
  5. Was gonna move this topic right now but you're lucky I'm short on time today.
  6. If you're reading this topic it mostly like because you found the topic you wanted to post to was closed and move to this forum. The topic you were looking for lived a good life but was showing its age. In this youth dominated topics with tons of pages look old. Not to mention there is already such a long discussion going on it might be hard for new people to get caught up or simply too easy for some one to ask something that was already asked 30 pages ago but no one knew it. If you've got some information to pass along about these topics or had an mind blowing response for the old topic then please be the first to restart the topic. When that topic looks old we'll trade her in again.
  7. I didn't want to be first. Sanjuro. Come on lets see 100 votes.
  8. Mari asked if I would mind waiting for her to finish signing autographs and such so she could take a better picture with me in the lobby of the place. How cool is that?! Dude she was coming on to you and you blew it!
  9. Another problem is that after so many days a thread won't appear. Unless you scroll down and select "Show threads from such and such a date."
  10. Are we old?
  11. Old bucket's head new helmet reminds me of Russel Crowe's from Gladitor.
  12. Here's another question or a heads up of something I'm thinking on. What are some feeling on a restart of the offical/super threads? Close most of them and move them to an forum of closed threads for reference. Then allow things to start again at page one.
  13. A little background from you on your own experiences (how many macross have you seen) will help us to know how much we'll need to explain to you.
  14. I did a movie once called, Snake in my pants.
  15. Without being too detailed what make him a pervert?
  16. I know the scarf is all wrong it should be a turtle neck! It might be hard to design a turtle neck to look the right way but any turtle neck is better than that. There is the problem of the entire turtle neck fitting under the jump suit correctly. A dicky could been used. Maybe that's what they are tying witht he scarf but it just looks wrong. Instead were gonna be forced to track down loose 1/6 turtle necks to modify.
  17. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/entertainment/4808746.stm Was luke's childhood interesting enough to last 100 episodes? If his life was so interested why was he so eager to leave?
  18. Hikaru's nuts were small. In order for Hikaru's nuts to grow. Roy had to die. Hikaru then grew some bigger balls.
  19. Yeah seems cool at first but then sorta falls flat towards the end. Makes you think some cooler scenes happened between episodes.
  20. Yay someone went my idea to hold it the same time. Let's see I can drive down Friday. Spend Saturday at the expo. Sunday at the Con and drive back on Monday. That's if I can request time off without pay. I can get offical vacation time I'll spend more.
  21. So if crashes what happens? A few over priced comic book or Online stores close? Toy Scalpers leave at least one action figure on the shelf? I can buy more for my dollar on ebay?
  22. Guilty Btw you answered you know question with your topic title and starting post. Yeah the forum's headings pretty much indicate that there mostly about anime, toys, movies, comics, etc. So what's the hub bub about then? Is it because you weren't told why it was closed at the time? It sounds like you had a pretty good idea why it was removed and yet you still wanted a reason so you post a whine topic in the forum where the missing topic was. So why do you want a reason when you pretty much knew the reason? To cause a scene? To get people on your side You own ego? Why no posted reason? If the reason is pretty clear to start with posting one is a waste. Why is it a waste? Imagine seeing the first page of a forum with half the threads closed just each person has their reason. Why create such a mess when the reason is clear. What about a PM? "You're topic was moved." "You're double post was deleted" "You're spam was deleted" "You know what you did" "This taking all day" Oh yeah I'm closing this topic too but I'm not gonna tell anyone the reason. You all smart. Your first guess is the right one.
  23. Yeah just like every cute Japanese pop singer is doing a homage to Mari.
  24. According to the horse's mouth it's a just a rumor.
  25. Commentary: Every now and then I see the member creation of a topic with the words "Offical", "Mega" or "Super" attached to it by the author. The words give the topic more authority but by whom's authority? Did the actually copyright holders of the subject in question offical authorized it? Did the message board owners? No someone just decided to slap the "Offical" label on it. Doesn't that lessen the importance of a topic being the sole and "offical" place to discuss a said topic in question. If six different member right now start six "offical" threads in one forum wouldn't it just be meaningless? I wonder if "Offical Threads" should actually have offical meaning. Should only admins, mods and mini-mods have the authority to label something as "offical" or should it just be something that members do now there own still. Right now I compare them to those ebay listings with the prefixs "LOOK" or "A MUST HAVE."
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