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Roy Focker

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Everything posted by Roy Focker

  1. I read an article in the business section of the paper. It seems Walmart will be changing with inventory. The exact plan hasn't been set yet but Walmart will focusing on items that sale well instead of having a well arounded selection. In other words you come into Walmart looking for Fresh Berry sent Tide or your favorite version of Coke you may not find it any more. A lot of companies according to the article consider Walmart their number one customer. Since Walmart seems to effect everything expect you ability to choose lessen to various degrees at other retailers.
  2. Hey what makes me the expert? I'm just running with Phalanx's comment about the danger of unprotected sibling sex.
  3. The average Zentradi is not bigger than a Valk. A Valk can't fit into a Regult like an average Zentradi. The use of a disguise as one of the enemy to conduct a rescue mission is just a common theme. To believe Max could do it you had to scretch your imagination a little.
  4. I loved how they made jokes about their own show.
  5. So a guy maybe pushes a 9.99 figure for 20-30 bucks online. After you subtract online related fees, gas, time, packaging, mailing, emailing, etc etc, its probably less than minimum wage per hour. Aren't most Scalper the guys who charges the highest shipping prices too? Well a $5 toy is marked up to $8. Shipping and handling could be $4 (if you go the slowest route). That $5 figure becomes $12 and 5-10 business days by the time you get it. Not every thing I am interested in is worth it. Some items I'm on the fence about. Need to see them up close to close the deal. Some would rather do that they drive to every store in town. I have never really drove to every store in town but if I'm in one store for something unrelated I do check out the toy section. My time isn't wasted cause I'm already out and nearby. Of course when I search like this rarely find anything. Sure I could pay more online or drive all around town but I refuse to either. You know what? I like the sun. In theory you can live indoor 24/7 but I love stepping outside.
  6. John Travolta in Grease.
  7. Don't expect to see #4 on trial for another week.
  8. To create a sequel to this anime would be like having unprotected sex with your sister Yes sex okay with siblings as long as you use protection.
  9. PS: Heavy Spoilers? I think most have seen it already. This isn't like talking about the third episode of Macross Zero just 24 hours of its release.
  10. No Kawamori = No Macross. Yeah I agree. Kawamori is the author of Macross and his vision or his named heirs (trying to get him to adopt me) have the final say on what is Macross. Macross still is a decent production. It looks and feels like Macross. Might just be a remake of DYRL but I enjoyed when I first saw it. Mikimoto still did the character designs. My only real beef about it was the cheaper lower quality art in the final episode.
  11. I heard of similar stories of vultures being present once stock goes on the shelves. One story involves a scalpers calling several stores ahead of time and have each one hold a box from him. As the story goes another collector caught on and walk up to customer service asked if there's a box for him. According to the story the scalper confronted him in the parking lot and yell "Your ruining how I make my living." Whether stories like this our true. There are indeed vultures and not every TRU really carries about enforcing scalpers and hordes. There's is no way any of us can fairly compete. We could take a day off of work to get to the stores first but who wants to lose their job over toys? Those who plan to resell them on ebay can afford to. Some retailers like TRU have their online stores where you can order the a lot of the same stuff. Some collectors do that to avoid the trouble. I only do it when I have a coupon. Not only are you charage shipping and handing but an item will might be listed a few dollars more than at retail.
  12. Great the offical Hentai is just the next sequel away! The next animated project will be a prequel of Zor beeping a slug in flower garden. He then steals the flowers and slug envolves into to the Regiss. You don't want to know how Breetai loses his eye.
  13. Woe to the older Macross fan who decides to their kids with them and finds strippers giving half of us lap dances.
  14. Okay time to test it. Search Word: "Boob" Show Results as Posts Results 2 pages worth. Only 2 pages? The search engine must be broke then!
  15. Why thank you mister suck up.
  16. so the newer generation of anime fans focus on newer mecha shows because they are embarassed by the crap animation of older anime. There was one example of a guy trying to get his friends to watch macross but because it was so old, people tended to not care even if it was good for its time About that I don't get it. That being that older anime has embarassing crap animation. Granted some shows animation suck as and some of the episodes of Macross that were done but anime friend is a good example but there were a lot of shows in the eighties that had great animation and great stories. The art style was retro but they were master pieces. The new anime just has 'anime new anime style' but the art isn't really better it just looks new. We can take screen grabs from a dozen shows and most of us can guess with in a period of five years when it they made. Newer isn't better it's just newer looking.
  17. Okay the day before I started this post I came back from Kmart. Not my favorite store but I near in the same shopping center I was at so I visited their toy department. The were a little behind in action figures but the selection was good for Kmart. According to the "old rules" if Kmart has a decent ammount of action figures on the shelfs that are a little old it must mean the Toysrus has to have just gotten in a large order the latest and newest! Today I visited my bank and since a TRU wasn't too far I made a slight detour. Not only haven't they added anything really new since the Summer they are starting to use some of the action figure retail space to store extra Barbie and Dora and explorer stuff. Mind you the girls toys are some distance away from the boy stuff. TRU just isn't ordering any more action figures or employees or scalpers are picking things up by the case. When a store like Kmart has better selection then things are really bad. Edit: I refuse to edit before posting!
  18. How about we use the term "Questionable ideas"
  19. I'm fine with #4. There are the same ones that are being used now just moved around. I have some extra time these next two days. I'll move them around to test number #4 to see how it looks.
  20. Try add it as an attachement. If it's too big well then host it off site.
  21. Storywise, I doubt it will be any better. All they're doing is trying to pin all 3 very different anime into what freakshow of an animation then labelling it as 'Original'. It's Sentinels all over again, this time with better looking babes in skin-tight suits with a fair amount of cleavage. My thought exactly. What I'm seeing screams "Sentinel: The Revenge of Robotech!" It hard not to bash the story based on the art. It is animation after all. Good art is key! I use to collect comic books. Sure I had my favorite titles but I dumbed them once they started switching to a less talented artist. When I was into Robotech I thought the Sentinels was gonna be the bomb! IMO the Sentinel mini cartoon wasn't that bad compared the rest of the Sentinels media. Most of the novels and the comics screamed trash. Before I sold my Robotech comic collection last year I flipped through the comics. I haven't seen them in years. They filled the void back then but alot was just trash. Stories and designs were reduced to amature crap. I used to draw my own pictures of Robotech characters aged in new uniforms. My 13 year designs looked pretty gay and crappy. I swear HG most have digged through my trash can and stole half of them. Besides pictures what Robotech fan didn't try to fill the void with their own fan fiction? I'm sure a alot of it was just your Robotech fan boy dreams. In hindsight do Robotech fan boy dreams make a good story? Maybe the story won't be equal to that of 13 year old's fanfic but the art sure looks like it.
  22. If this series is going to use the Sentinels blueprint and/or the books as a template, then I will start to worry The art so far and the prequel comics seem to suggest that.
  23. English versions of Macross games in japan would be nice but if you import them you still have to modify your game system to play them.
  24. Wow Robocrap! Okay the character designs suck major ass. What with the pointed chins and super long necks. Remember the dark ages of Robotech and Macross when the only things you had to depend on was your own cheesy fanfic or some crappy comic book licence? These pictures take me back to that time. What happen to 'Sentinels didn't happen' and were gonna do Robotech right this time?
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