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Everything posted by Roy Focker
However most people are either unaware of forgot that Macross Plus was never intended to be a Macross story, but it was the only way Kawamori could sell his idea of a "Top Gun" type story to Big West to get the funding to make it. Yeah people are always forgetting that and at the same time saying M7 sucks compared to Plus. What you liked better people became "Macross" after a rewrite. Macross has been about the characters when Kawamori and company have character story to tell that think would be best suited in the Macross Universe then will see new Macross. More stories are good but I don't want them to be made like a cookie cutter. Also leave some mysteries. After every mystery is told what is the fun then?
X-men 3 Pics: Beast And Angel Revealed
Roy Focker replied to bsu legato's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
He're another issue. If Magneto can lift an entire metal bridge why didn't he just drop the whole friggin thing on the island? -
I'm not ready for that kind of relationship Roy 405359[/snapback] ha ha ha 405363[/snapback] Call me. Call me. Call me any any time.
Seliing Fanart @an Anime Con With Hg Present..
Roy Focker replied to Shin Densetsu Kai 7.0's topic in Fan Works
HG's Goon Squad will take Macross toys off dealers tables and rip up fan art. -
fart poo Hell Ass God-damn Motherfarter!!!
Roy Focker replied to Nied's topic in MW Site News & Member Feedback
Okay fowl mouth vice Mods your words now have the power to be truly bad. -
I just want to make a post to enforce the opinion that they are done up like whores in those pictures. Late last night I was watching TV. You know want came on? Those Sexy Singles Telephone commerical. Check your phone bill if you don't know what I'm talking about. The hair and make up is the same. "Call me. I love talking to older men." "Pick up the phone I'm all alone."
X-men 3 Pics: Beast And Angel Revealed
Roy Focker replied to bsu legato's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
Well what is Magneto's military background? Was he well verse in modern tactics? Sure he plays chess and is resourcefull but he was pretty much shown in the movies as terrorist not a military leader. -
If anyone is interested in doing Mekton Macross on in message board format I started a thread over here. http://macrossroleplay.org/forums/index.ph...ic=1017.new#new
X-men 3 Pics: Beast And Angel Revealed
Roy Focker replied to bsu legato's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
Now some retarded but important questions: 1. How is the school funded? I'm mean as they said in the movie some of the students have no place to go. So who pays for it? Even if Xavier was born into a rich family thing like cereboro and the black bird are gonna suck up a lot of money. The school doesn't make a profit. 2. What if I wan't to send my genius child to their school cause she was gifted but not a mutant. The mutant side of the school isn't really made public right? I could assume it is just a school for smart kids. Would they deny my child entry? I would then sue them. 3. Is Storm asexual? I saw the movie with someone who asked me. What is so great about Jean Grey that all these guys are in love with her. Then look there's Storm who sure it's ugly but no one is touching not even with a lighting pole. -
Grahamn killing a Hobbo. The Holy Kawamori. Macross themes placed in real ads were all good.
I agree they aren't hot. They look like they done up a porn stars. They could be average to slight better looking but they look like they had that Glamour shots treatment. Stripper hair and make up has to be treated like stage make up of an actor in movie or plan. On camera or on the stage you might need it but in other situation you look like clown or a whore. Not saying these women are whores but that what they look like here. It is the wrong hair and make up. A good make up and hair can make even an average dame look like a sexual goodness (your average super model for example). These chicks look like strippers. They should be crying.
I don't know to me it just look and felt more like a toy then others did.
X-men 3 Pics: Beast And Angel Revealed
Roy Focker replied to bsu legato's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
Saw it today. Not bad maybe a little too much for such short time. There wasn't much of a focus with the character plot lines. The whole movie was just to a build up for a fight. It reminded me of Transformers the Movie in which the majority of the character from the series were killed off and new ones introduced. Yet I was entertaining. I have some issues: 1. What was with that mutant with that oily duck hairdo? Was that I chick or dude? 2. Enough with the mutants = homosexuals references. 3. Wolverine can't use buttons? Instead he uses snaps? 4. Did Wolverine wax his body before taking Jean out? 5. Mystque in a human form looks like Rebacca with Charlie hair with Aeon Flux. 6. Good mutants are clean out white kids and evil mutants are ethic kids with tatoos and piercings? 7. If your a mutant you pick you're own Mutant name. So what happens when two mutants meet with the same name? Everyone is gonna pick a cool name right? Do they fight over the rights to it? 8. How much hair color did they use on Ontatop? It stained her scalp red. -
I'll Never Forgive Them For....
Roy Focker replied to Roy Focker's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
Cleaning and Organizing is what they all said. If your father came home and found half his beer can collection missing would he have accepted your story of spring cleaning? The spring cleaning bugs effects them all but its always the property of others that needs to be gone. -
I made the mistake of first trying the game on hard. My piloting was good enough I just didn't have enough cash to buy a decent plane for the last few levels.
Interesting you do see the use of arm fast packs used as a shield. Reading the book my first thought about fast packs would be a Pod stuffed with missiles or boosters. I knew fast packs would the last thing I would attempt to tackle. A lower SP and low DA would seem right. Sure you can consider them shield to a degree but they are still carrying fuel, boosters and missiles. They aren't a solid hunk of metal for defence.
Since when has Protoculture toilets been pointless?
Okay been working again with it. Biggest math pain in ass is multiple systems. Every time I decide to change something I'm redoing the math again. Might be easy of I was designing from stratch instead of trying to follow the system to reach an establish goal. My stats so far aren't much different from others I found with the expection of few difference of opinions most end up being pretty close. Reading more of these books have allowed me to understand the stats that other have made so far. A lot of current conversions are written by the gaming system mecha creationphiles. The every day rper without the proper reference material will not be able to make heads or tails of things. This might explain why sites like Macross Mecha Designs did so well. Even with Palladium inferior system the format estabished by the website wasn't confusing to the untrained eyes. You have to be informed to make sense of some online Mekton material. I am strongly convinced through my reading and research that Mekton is the better anime Mecha system. The MTS seems a bit too much a process of solving a math puzzle. The ability to customize systems, weapons and additonal rules make Mekton Zeta Plus worthwhile. Not sure how many customs I'll do. I know what I want and what my standards are. Some already nearly meet those standards. Best thing I could contribute is some easier to view formatting and to get a online game going.
I'll Never Forgive Them For....
Roy Focker replied to Roy Focker's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
Ha Ha ha. I know I'm having fun with these topics. The experience we all have is pretty common. The first most important woman in our collective lives had little respect for our property. They used it to make us obey and out of sheer cruelty they threw out or gave away our property that they saw as useless. It's one thing to take a property away for a misdeed but its another just to get rid of them for nothing. Haven't adult members here experienced their current women of their lives acting jealous of their collections and make threat against it? Women are danger to your collections my brothers! She is jealous harlet who will deny herself to you and you from your property just for her own sick pleasure. Join me for a weekend retreat. Where we will rediscover our man-hood as we dance shirtless around a campfire with our Valkyries howling at the moon!!! -
More retro toy stories. This time the subject is toys and stuff that you had but your parent(s) types or others allowed mistreatment. You weren't careless or rough with this toys. You treasured them yet the people who had control of you. Screwed your toys over. Each a horrible act against your privacy and respect for your stuff. Mine: For doing a yearly spring cleaning that involve my toys. If a toy had any broken or missing part it was thrown in the trash. It didn't matter the degree of the break. Last year it happen I lost my millieum Falcon and the next day this kid was playing around with it. Never was I so pissed. If the toy was broken piece of junk why does this other kid have it now? For making me share the General Lee and its Bo and Luke Duke figures. In 81 this one of my favorite new toys. Yet I was forced to share Luke with a younger kid that being baby sat. The bastard broke Luke and I still forced to keep sharing and watch the bastard break them all. For forcing me to allow a kid of a family friend to borrow my rudder crockadile toy. It's been 21 years and I yet to get it back. The moral of my story. Don't share!!!!! If you have kids don't force them to share!!!! If you decide to force them to share then make sure that things are returned in the same condition. If a someone breaks it demand that the kid parents pay damages or pay them yourself to your own little brat.
What I never got was when they controlled what I could get. Not talking about price or toy safety. Just when they decided that you'll get this toy because they think the other one you want was just some trend. You point out the toy that you liked and were even smart enough to point out that it cost the same ammount as the last toy but in the end they bought you something else I hated that!
I'm still curious of how accurate this information is. Fan speculation or is it from Macross audio or text that has never been translated.
Okay time to share. I'm sure when you were young there were some toys that really caught your fancy but no matter how much you begged they never bought them for you. Did you eventually find these toys as an adult or still searching? Some of mine: A Bandai 1/55 VF-1 The price was affordable back then but for some reason they made me get Matchbox crap. One Xmas I got enough Matchbox Robotech toys to equal the price a VF-1. Never did get a one. Got a Jetfire as an adult and a Yamato. Any Gijoe figure from 1983 or 1984 They decided I would collect Star Wars when I wanted Joes. I eventually nearly got all of the figures from this two years. The Terror Dome Too expensive they say and well now it really is too expensive. Tomax & Xamot Figures Their excuse? Too expensive considering it is the same figure. I ended my buying myself loose. That Spiderman Ski-mask in the sears catalog Was it that expensive? You want me face to freeze?
I had one for a week and sold it. The VF-17 looks decent enough in Macross 7 but that toy just doesn't cut it.
X-men 3 Pics: Beast And Angel Revealed
Roy Focker replied to bsu legato's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
I still need to see this movie but I'm starting to think... A bunch of colorful back ground mutants = a bunch of colorful back ground Jedi.