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Roy Focker

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Everything posted by Roy Focker

  1. Bud comes in packs of 6, 12 or 24 cans I believes.
  2. Dude you can't afford shoes but you can buy this console? These stories of violence is just insane. It's a toy you'll get today or next week. Is it worth getting shot over? The people paying thousands for one share the blame. If you buy one from a private party you have to wonder how the person aquired it. Did they stab, shoot one or steal to sell it you. Sick sad bastards.
  3. I ended up being first in line for the first showing. Some Observations: Judy’s M: Is she a new M or isn’t she? The film is post 9/11. M hints being in the business during the cold war. This suggests she’s always been M before Bond was 007. In Bronsan’s films she came later. She’s playing the character the same way. This M keeps telling Bond that he’s a blunt instrument. In the novel YOLT Blofeld tells Bond that’s he’s a blunt instrument. The insult from Bond’s most hated enemy becomes the line of his boss. Plus the old witch has some nasty yellow teeth. I really don’t like her. My mother adored her long before she won an Oscar. I still don’t think she’s right for the part. Her being M is a case of, we got a really actor available cast them anyways. The same can said be said for Craig. Craig’s Bond: Yes he’s a good actor but after watching he’s not right for the part. Whether he’s best or not doesn’t matter because he’s the ‘it’ actor to get. This Bond gives a cold or cruel vibe. Craig fits Fleming’s cruel killer. There has never been an uglier looking bond since, well never. The girls want to screw him anyways not because they are attracted to his face. I’ll get to that later. One thing he lacks is that boyish charm. I doubt his Bond could convince anyone to open her legs. His Bond is cruel and dead in personality. His best bet for scoring is to find a girl who wants revenge sex or really is depressed. Trust me I got a great ass and a decent package but I don’t feel the need to wear really tight pants to show off either. There is plenty of tits and ass shown but its all Craig. Heck most of the half naked bathing beauties are Craig too. Plus we see a wang on a dead guy! Not Craig another dead guy. How do you make Bond grittier? Dirt and blood. This bond needs to shave and take a bath. No one wears any makeup. You can even see wax in Craig’s ear. While Craig is a new Bond most of the same people are still behind the scenes. The action is more brutal but they find ways to stick in the cinematic destruction which ends seeming out of place. Don’t get me wrong it was a good movie, with good actors but it doesn’t feel like Bond.
  4. Another question. People are getting robbed in line waiting. WHy are these morons carrying cash? Haven't they heard of plasic or checks?
  5. Question? Why!!!! I mean what's the point of getting it day one?
  6. One of my bosses has about 3 of them preordered. He plans to keep one and ebay the rest for profit. The bastard.
  7. Well besides trying to make friends with a Japanese person you always hire a professional to translate it.
  8. And no one came to ask the Da' man himself?
  9. Roy Focker

    1/500 SDF-1

    In shop class I just built a box out of wood.
  10. Retro Post: It's spelled Focker not Fokker Damn it!!!!!!
  11. They just sound corny. Number and colr reminds me of Star Wars. Luke = Red 5 Works better for me than say Luke = Wet Boy.
  12. In the series towards the end the seem capable of getting Kamjin ship in ship space. By Macross Plus one of them is an engineer who designs VF for General Galaxy. Even before the their full contact with human they showed signs of patching up. Prior to contact they did the best they could and used the factorys for the rest of their needs. Being technological retard as a generic trait was something of Robotech and the Robotech RPG. The origin of the Zentradi like battle suit in Macross Plus was never revealed. There is a likely hood that the design was just as old as all the other Zentradi mecha but it just wasn't encounter by the UNS during the SW1. With 1000 Zentradi fleets flying around there is a chance that some will have different variants of mecha,
  13. I'll bite... In no order of importance. 1. Macross TV 2. Macross DYRL? 3. Flash Back 2012 4. Macross Plus 5. Gundam 0079 6. Macross 7 7. Gunbuster 8. Cowboy Bebop 9. Orguss 10. Gundam 0080
  14. You know what is strange? "End of the Circle " was the first sign for me that I admitted Robotech was messed up. I must have thought up twenty different fan fic conclusions before the internet existed. Sure the sentinels wasn't great either but I was still a fan of robotech for many years after. I'm still confused by following the Sentinels/End of the circle themes.
  15. "My head is like a Shark's fin" - LL Cool Jay
  16. Also how many people know about this dvd outside of Robotech fans? They need to get the rest of anime public aware of it.
  17. Remember we'll be watching them.
  18. Macross Plus is held high because it is a mecha-freak's porn. I think a large portion of Macross fans are fans because of the mecha and the best mecha scenes are in Plus. Macross 7 is disliked because it is departure but it still is fun and feel like Macross but some fans are just so turned off cause doesn't meet their expections.
  19. Trailer looks good and makes me want to see the move but if you tell me the movie is a James Bond film I'll think your joking me.
  20. Hey Max's Q-rau colors.
  21. Try Kinokuniya Bookstores if you can find one near you.
  22. First guess Hobby link Japan. Also try ebay and foggle.
  23. Yeah they can fly. It happens a few times in Macross TV (and not the anime friend episodes). Of course they don't seem to fly was good as say in fighter mode.
  24. I'll see it later oh yeah. OT.
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