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Roy Focker

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Everything posted by Roy Focker

  1. Anybody else's 1D from AE been put on hold by DHL? Read there's a variety of reasons fot a hold and I'll contact DHL if it doesn't move time. Interested if I'm jthe only one.
  2. I thought the same thing. When I did the pre-order AE had me select shipping. DHL was the only usable option at the time so I went with that. Looking at the 4480 price and Japan Post tracking number I assumed it had to be EMS. Just fed the tracking info to DHL and looks like they've got it. ETA by the 26th. Everything I got shipped by DHL from Japan so far arrived in 2 days. Should get it by Friday by my estimate.
  3. Waiting for AE to send me shipping cost.
  4. Roy Focker

    Macross figures

    I came today 3 days ahead of schedule. It was just before I went to work so I only had a few minutes to fondle myself. (Why does that sound so filthy?) Had run the arms under hot water to get the biceps to move. KC has been good with customer service but I felt that these figures were too fragile to handle and was going to stop collecting after this one. Only handled it for 5 minutes but the build quality and appearance seems to have improved. Build quality might have to do to increased size. Can't wait to play with myself.
  5. Roy Focker

    Macross figures

    Estimated delivery for mini-me is Saturday.
  6. It is good that they are creating several times to order them instead one specific time. Allows people a chance to get them. Down side is you can't combine items to save on shipping.
  7. Roy Focker

    Macross figures

    How's Ro...er...my articulation do I have more range of movement compared to Hikaru
  8. So this The Mummy with a Disney Pirates of the Caribbean filter.
  9. Impressive appearance for the size and laughable for the price.
  10. Where's the Viper? Beachhead was listed but marked Sold Out. Viper doesn't even show up at all. At least I got finally got a Cobra Trooper/
  11. I wonder if the joints are stronger now because he's bigger.
  12. Roy Focker

    Hi-Metal R

    That Monster toy felt pretty sturdy. Guess I'll be extra gentle with the arms from now on.
  13. Is he in Jerry's Apartment?
  14. Pre-ordered the 2 Hawks. I was a fan but not a big enough fan to buy them all. Will look nice in misc shelf.
  15. I miss those days too. There's no more dedicated big toy stores. Major Toy companies only have big box stores and they have to play by their rules. Action figures are low priority for big box stores. If you want to buy one of these figures consider yourself lucky if you're only paying $50 for them off eBay. If a toy line is accepted by a big box stores it means only the scalpers will be able to buy them at normal prices. Most of these stores only get one single case and that's it. Only when these same figures are also offered at online collector stores do we have a chance of getting them at normal prices. No big box store is going to carry Thunder Cats, Silver hawks or even Robotech figures. That means they aren't worth the effort for the major Toy companies. Smaller Toy companies are willingly to make them but at a higher costs and longer waits.
  16. Why is Hard Master so young?
  17. A year wait. How's Super 7 QC? I'm In. I so wanted to collect them back in the day but they were hard to find and cost more than other figures. Only had a couple.
  18. Delayed? A couple weeks ago they ask for me to confirm my shipping address.
  19. I think he's maybe too big for it. Lambert was just a slender guy. He looked like the underdog. Even though he was the title character it still felt like he could lose.
  20. Why not just call it "Ninja-The Movie!" Looks like to could be a fun, mindless action film but I'm having hard time seeing this as Snake Eyes. Nothing they've shown so far suggest they know who these characters are. The key moments that define who Snake Eyes isn't that he became a Ninja. He's defined by tragedy and the bonds he made during war. I really hope that when Storm Shadow introduces Snake Eyes to his Ninja he does so by telling them "This is my old army buddy. He's going through a really hard times right now." Going to predict the entire plot. Snake Eyes a talkive drifter that get's in a bunch of fights end up helping Storm Shadow out of a jam. They insantly become friends and Snake Eyes trains to become a Ninja. It is one of those fast instant friendships that make no sense. It would make sense if it this was a movie about love at first sight. A running joke between them is that Storm Shadow thinks Snake Eyes talks too much. Scarlett makes contact with Snake Eyes and warns him that his buddy has been secretly working with the Baroness who works for a bunch of evil criminals. Snake Eyes doesn't believe her but ends up finding out that it is true. He has to fight Storm Shadow and during the fight Storm Shadow cuts his throat and says something witty. The very last scene has him putting on the mask for the first time and in the next movie he's replaced by a stunt man who never takes the mask off or says a line.
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