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Roy Focker

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Everything posted by Roy Focker

  1. Better than making a porn like that other kid in the movie.
  2. Not bad but I've noted it like a lot of cell mixed with CG animation always involves grey outlines. What happen to black?
  3. On to something more related the subject of the TOPIC itself. As someone who owns a real copy of Flash Back on VHS and backup (possibly a boot) on CD. I can tell you that no subs are needed. Only they would add lyrics. The dialog are just a couple of words at a time and you have read them before on Macross TV. The new animation doesn't include new dialog so you don't need it subbed.
  4. Tiger lol totally wacked
  5. Well now a days HG got enough geeks employed with Robotech that any questions Palladium today would get better answers. Palladium might go cheap on this. Take the material they already wrote. Replace the rules chapters with rules from the latest version of Rift. Commission new cover art. Type up 3 new pages.
  6. In memory of Duke Togo: "Ha!"
  7. So, who actually liked the End of the Circle?
  8. Roy Focker

    Robotech RPG

    Palladium News: http://www.palladiumbooks.com/press/press2006-11a.html Sounds like they are doing Robotech again. I guess they begged for enough money to stay in business. Their system isn't the best for Robotech. Who knows maybe this one will get caught in never to be released limbo again with all those other games they promised.
  9. I'll bite. Best Bond: Sean Worst Bond: Woody Allen Best Bond Film: OMSS Worst Bond Film: DAD Best Bond Villain:Who loves ya bady? Worst Bond Villain: Carver Best Bond Girl: Teresa Worst Bond Girl: Tanya Roberts Best Name for a Bond Girl: Domino Worst Name for a Bond Girl: Sally Shemale Best Bond Villainess: That red head italian chic from My Thunderbalz. Worst Bond Villainess: Mister Witt Best Evil Henchman: Frau butt Ugly Bunt Worst Evil Henchman: Tatu Best Bond Car: DB5 Worst Bond Car: Lotus Best Bond Gadget: Nuclear Vibator Missile Worst Bond Gadget: Nuclear Vibrator Missile Best Bond Outfit: Tux from start of Gold Finger Worst Bond Outfit: Craig's blue boy speedo. Best Bond Theme Song: OMMS Worst Bond Theme Song: Golden Eye Best Bond Director: Young Worst Bond Director: DAD
  10. Cool I've always like the VF-5000.
  11. Roy Focker

    Takatoku VF1's

    They're toys it should never be about how much they are worth in cash.
  12. Hey Macross + Arnold = Good Movie.
  13. Chase Masterson Was that big breasted girl at Quarks in Ds9 who shagged his brother.
  14. From what I gathered on the Bond fan boards they saw Brosnan as just a pretty boy. Craig was a darling that they wanted. He's okay and all but some of the fans had some really serious man love for him.
  15. The 2D art looks like of the same quality of current anime but the 3D just looks like crap. PS: The great anime saga of a generation? Is that because Mark Hamil is involved?
  16. I know that cg doesn't look so hot.
  17. You're mechanical art is stronger than your character art (as least from the samples shown). Very Old schoolish not that there is any thing wrong with that.
  18. Saw this on ebay it is still up. I bet Lisa's wang is twice as big as Rick's http://www.auctiva.com/hostedimages/showim...=0&format=0
  19. Yeah I'd image seeing a building flood with water really increased that urge.
  20. Macross Plus = Mecha Porn Great Mecha Porn that you can watch over and over again to the exciting climax!
  21. Well story errors and two different Bond in the movie best decribed by the various writers and director. You had those who did the out landish Bond and someone to bring it down. Ended making like there were two movies playing at once.
  22. I'll have to find out.
  23. Was that TRUTH commerical?
  24. So two different colored eyes with a scar that cry blood isn't a Bond like villian cliche? Yet in the novel he is the same Bond. The characters ability to truly love changes in them. He gains it and loses it with Vesper only to do the same with Tracy. Casino Royal was the first novel but wasn't an Origin Story. The reckless arrogant brutish thug transformation to uber spy origin would have came about during the war. Where the young James Bond is recruited by the service. There's a few Fleming short stories deals with a few of these. By the time of Casino Royal he's already Bond, James Bond.
  25. Still I'm confused about the action. There are some good realistc action scenes like the restoom, stairs of the hotels etc. Then there is these over the top chases, explosions, building falling down. Those parts look the same old Bond but with more dirt on Bond.
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