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Roy Focker

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Everything posted by Roy Focker

  1. I'm looking for the Yamato VF-11B trigger finger hand. Lost mine and moved so it's gone. Would be cool to pose it battroid with the gun pod.
  2. Interesting it could being balding from the back of the head or Hat hair Hikaru.
  3. Did anyone see this quiz before?
  4. Mekton should of picked it up. After they release Gundam in 2020.
  5. I notice cooking fish Hikaru has a hands the can grasp. Are these the 'fisted' hands with Max? Max's face and hair look right but I agree with Graham with the glass. Are they suppose to be removable? Maybe sculping the head with glass on might of had a better effect. The pilot suit looks off right now. Not the part of it but how it fits on the dummy. Needs to be snug and fitted. Even it means glue and screwed on the figure I'll grudging accepting that possible comprose if a removable version is too tricky to get right.
  6. I don't think he is. Those who preordered paid a very pretty penny only to have ADV make a budget set a few years later. The Animego set is falling part crack or defects. Put those two together it is a waste.
  7. The animego did a great job however, I think the actual dvd are defective. There are glitches in my that increased with time.
  8. Well a realistic gritty Bond would screw men if wasn't gay. If M tells him to seduce a male forgein agent...
  9. Question can you play the Macross PS2 game on it?
  10. I'd guess they are just trying to get people to buy a Launch arm as well. For what it does it ain't cheap and it doesn't do much. If you have it holding VFs on display people might want to buy one as well.
  11. I agree with you. Love and music? transforming combat jets? How over done are those things in Macross we need something new.
  12. Not that debate again.
  13. Well my USPS service has changed for the worst. Around two months ago I got a letter all torn up inisde a usps envelope with the message, "Oops are bad from the post office". Last month I had packages sent to me that the mailman shoved and twisted in the mail box. They were books listed in good condition they were in fair condition by the time I got them. Funny thing is there are these large secured box were I live for stuff that doesnt fix this idiot tried to make them fit anyways. Oh here's the kicker. My Grandmother died last month half way across the country. Pops sent me a letter with all the funeral related written material and local news papers article on it. The stuff came all torn up inside a usps envelope with the message, "Oops our bad from the post office." No I haven't told the old man stuff came torn to shredds. Had great service before but these last few months it gotten pretty crappy.
  14. Problem with the in the rough Bond is that he should already be polished. He is a what a mid level civil servant with high security clearance? Where were his manners? charm and grooming? He is still a Navy officer in it. You'd expected him to be more refined then a brutish thug. What ever refinement he naturally lacked his school, navy and the MI6 would have fixed well before the movie.
  15. Well um gee Agent One's post is over a year old and he has been been. Kinda silly responding to it now. He can't respond back. On the other hand I being someone who works in a union can. From my personal experience that well it only is good for those who got it at the start. Glad you can make 20 bucks an hour. I sure loved reading my union manuals and seeing how the new and adjusted pay scales sorta screw out the new people of the same pay. Well I could still get the same pay in theory it just takes longer for me to reach that point. I also like the change in health insurance. Those hired after a certain date like me had to wait twice as long to get it then those before. Even at that point it a bad health plan. I've reached the point where I can upgrade my insurance. Funny thing if I had no job I could have gotten better insurance through the state. I wish I knew what the union got in exchange. As union board member I'm sure you're at a point where in a union actual gives you something. Not all the unions are as great as yours some are pretty self center were old guard have no problems selling out the next generation as they get to keep theirs. For the new generation in my union the difference between being in a union and the basic the fed forces all businesses to give workers is very thin. Yeah senior union members are very pro-union but for the rest it's not always so sunny. Now don't respond to this post for another year. Back to the subject. UPS they got some on sexy short shorts. A girl who was a part time package handler tired to recruit me to work their once. I got legs and I know how to use them but I don't want to be a sex object all of the time.
  16. I know that answer! Duh the Mecha porn fights with the hidden homosexual themes. Look at Macross Plus two strong male Valkyrie pilots shooting each other with their gun pods? They aren't interested in that mushy stuff with Myung more waving gun pod at other pilots is for them.
  17. But it always be a love triangle. Love stories always have conflict and typically that conflict is often a love triangle. If it isn't another person than it is an some other symbol for something. Say the next story is about a pilot and his girl friend. In that case his valkyrie is the third party.
  18. Okay big shocker Macross isn't just show off robots. It's a love story with character who just happen to fly robots.
  19. Still she could at least get a weave too.
  20. The later.
  21. MAHQ their information started from the Mecha Domain. I prefer it's style and format better.
  22. Wasn't Zor high from smoking protocuture when he tapped that slug's thorax.
  23. "Over 25 years after the original robotech launched a generation of anime fans" Okay Robotech's came out fall of 84 and completed it's first run in 85. 25 years of robotech would be 2009-10. If Robotech is over 25 years old it would made in 1981. Pre-dating even Macross. Hmm is 2009 the expected date to release the Shadow Chronicles of Riddick? CHeck it out even the Regiss has huges hooters! :huh:
  24. Triple profits is pretty good. Maybe it was through fraudulent purchases maybe not but clearly there a was big enough connection to make him a person of interest.
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