Okay the Star Wars Expanded Universe. I think I read most of the New Republic Stuff. I enjoyed the Thawn stuff and the X-wing books. Most of the other stuff was, "Luke discover some lame ass jedi, yada, yada, yada." Seemed like some fanasty crap and not Star Wars. The there was the New Jedi Order books. I read the first two. Chewie was killed off, new big bad alien invasion crap would be the theme. Didn't they try that with the "Truce of Bacalva" book?
The other day after several years of not giving a crap I decided to read up online of what has happened since I stopped reading. After reading a bit I'm lost and confused. Currently they are 40 ABY. I think we are only 30 years after Episode Four. Boba Fett had a love child or something. Luke has a son. Of the stupid named Solo kids. Anakin is dead, Jacen is a Darth Lord of the Sith. Didn't luke bring balance to the force or something by turning Vader good? Wasn't the whole Jedi vs Sith thing resolved with Episode Six with the Emperor's death? Plus Mara Jade is dead. She seemed like some forced book character you always knew they hooked up with Luke so you wouldn't think he's gay. I found her back ground to be a little too much still strange she'd be killed off. Worst of all there are a ton of expanded universe characters running around that I don't (or care) to know crap about. Are these books even based on Star Wars anymore or are they sequels to themselves?