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Roy Focker

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Everything posted by Roy Focker

  1. I think I'll take this time to remind people of the "Rift" movie. A property from Palladium Books that Jerry Bruckheimer got the rights for. That was about a couple of years ago. Getting the right to do a movie doesn't mean a movie will actually happen. This just the first step it may take years before it ever reaches production.
  2. well that does sounds like bok.
  3. For those that care. A new edition of Mekton is in the works under the nickname "M Zero Project". Sounds like it is in the early stages but the combat damage system option known as the Cinematic System from the Mekton Z Tactical Display will be the base for the new core combat system.
  4. Okay I think we all owe Tobey an apology. Don't you get it? Tobey had to have posted here years ago under another name. He started a "Cast a Live action Macross topic." You made a few cracks and us mods said, we don't do these sort of topics here. Upset at us Tobey went to get the rights for a live Action Robotech movie out of spite. Now look at us. Here are talking all about the possiblity of a Robotech Movie. Tobey is having his revenge.
  5. I have about 10 hours maybe. Finished Char & Amuro. Currently on Camille at the second visit to Gytpros (sp?) 2. Medium setting. I get about 30 minutes to a hour of play.
  6. I doubt the movie will be set in any establish saga of Robotech. If it is made it could be a new story. Aliens, transforming robots and the name Robotech is all it needs.
  7. Come on and lets keep our fingers crossed for a Zero-G coca-cola musical number shower scene featuring Tobey!
  8. I heard that but I was too busy scratching myself to say something earlier
  9. Just because it is Robotech doesn't mean they be flying Vertiechs and Tobey will Rick. He could be Scott on a cyclone. Tobey was in a hit franchise. All the mega hit properties from the 80s have been bought up. Natural others like Tobey wants to get a piece of the action. Robotech wasn't grabbed yet. If they actual do make this I could see it as the end of Robotech that we know. The Robotech cartoon saga and Shadow Chronics of Riddick will be pushed aside and ingored. HG will likely put all the focus on Tobey's Robotech.
  10. Wow is this real? Well Tobey is old enough to be a old time Robotech fan. Spiderman = Success. Transformers = Success. Spiderman + Transformers = Super Sucking Ass Success that should make money!
  11. Gee months ago it sounded like the deal was nearly done and the book would be released about now. Since they've got it does mean they will do it. Then again I'm still waiting for Recon: modern and Warpath. It is suppose to be Manga Sized. I'll buy it to check it out but I'll still be using Mekton.
  12. I'll read the whole thread later but if you're gonna watch something watch it how the creators intended it. Not some hack dub by some studio in Canada. Are you gonna trust a country whose whole economy is based on Mable syrup to do Anime justice? Besides translating dialog the dub director and actors often do a different take on characters. Of course some people will say if I have to read sub titles I'll miss something. To that I say what are you retarded? Aren't you idiots capable of glancing at one sentence understand its meaning and look at the images at the same time? It is not that hard. Does it take you five minutes to read one line. When you're driving on the freeway aren't you able to read the road signs and keep your eyes on the road? Yes you can. You do it all the time. If you can do that then you can read subs. If you people honesty need dubs then please stop driving.
  13. Why wait for a coupon from borders. Try ebay. There's a ton discount game book sellers there.
  14. I also enjoyed this movie. I'm not waiting in line to buy the DVD but if it's on TV I'll sit through and watch it.
  15. I think the 1/6 are almost like an experiment. Robotech also has the I-Men and there was the matchbox line. Some English speaking Macross fans do collect action figures. Question is does the average Japanese Macross do the same? We known they'll buy expensive transforming robot models and toy. Do these Japanese Macross fans also import the latest Star Wars wave from Hasbro?
  16. Okay nerds. Occasionally we get you talking about roleplaying games. I'm guilty of collecting them but unlike you fat, pimple faced swine I take baths. We can have you stinking up the place in several topics. I made this a super topic so you can practice on how not to attract women. Why limit it just to D&D. Talk about any game except Exalted and Wushu. I'm sick of people praising both of them for every game setting.
  17. Will bestbuy take back a techincally used system that has nothing wrong with it? You might have to just eat that $50. I'm enjoying the demo games. It will save me even on renting games.
  18. Retarded question: Okay I can go online with my PS3 but is it protected from viruses and the like. My computer is and both are using the same internet connection but is there a chance I could pick up something on the PS3 while surfing? Retard Complaint: Every psn name I want to use was taken. I wanted to be Roy or Roy Focker, etc. I didn't want to be Focker1 or RoyX. All the other name ideas I had were taken as well. Why can't I use the name of my choice?
  19. Now the same post in english. My PS3 arrive at 5 pm today. 11 hours after leaving the local UPS depot. Played the Gundam game for about 30 minutes of medium. Black Tri-stars took me out both times. Game is tougher than I expected. Looks good even on my standard tv. Went online with the PS3. That's where I'm starting to notice the tv screen size problem. Gotta order my for blu-ray movies soon.
  20. well i got ps3 online using it now. hard to type with control er gundam game kinda tough.
  21. Watched the preview. Is it just me or is CGI being used for gore now? The violence alone should make this NC-17 or something. Yeah I liked the violence in the new Rambo preview but I considered that to be more of a comedy.
  22. Found the game today. Yippy now I have to wait for my PS3 to arrive.
  23. According to my local stores website the gundam game is back ordered but I'm gonna check them and other stores in person today. My PS3 arrives Thursday I want to play a new game on it.
  24. From some reason I hated it. Can't remember why.
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