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Roy Focker

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Everything posted by Roy Focker

  1. I'm going watch the live action English adaption as it was recorded - in English. I'm going watch animated Japanese original as it was recorded - in Japanese. For me it is about the performance of the actor on screen. Not the interpretation from another actor.
  2. 8K? Who even has a monitor to watch this in 8K?
  3. I like how they're keeping the look and tone. Sure there's going to be some changes but this feels like the show.
  4. I just keep thinking of He-Man whenever I hear that song.
  5. Under most fair use laws documentaries are covered. There's numerous unauthorized books about the making of countless properties. You can even use a limited amount of said copywritten material for such things. That doesn't stop IP holders from threating people with legal actions. You might be protected legally but lack the funds to defend yourself against such tactics.
  6. Looks a bit grand and over the top for a Craig's Bond.
  7. This topic has been locked. Did this before with some Star Wars topics. Hollywood is always tweaking your beloved childhood favorites. Some changes make sense and others don't. If any of these Sequels/Reboots are inferior products it is because of a number of questionable decisions. Here (like with other fandoms) we'll always get some critics that will use some "woke based" argument. These products are unsuccessful because they are bad in nearly every category. It is not because they made some changes to make things more inclusive. For those outside of fandoms it creates the appearance that fandoms are dominated by a bunch of intolerant people. When critics here object to such changes it is nearly always included comments about things being "woke." These comments tend to border on the political - something that isn't allowed. When topics like this drift away from the subject itself to a discussions on society that border on intolerance and politics things get locked.
  8. Maybe Ed will be the featured bounty. Paid to hunt a mysterious hacker, find out that it's a kid that learned some terrible secret and they have to protect Ed.
  9. Roy Focker

    Hi-Metal R

    Original owner. Transformed once. On display only 364 days, 23 hours and 40 minutes per year.
  10. Roy Focker

    Hi-Metal R

    Worth a try but these weren't officially sold here, came out how many years ago and Bandai not making them anymore.
  11. Roy Focker

    Hi-Metal R

    This just happened. When to move the arm out towards the side. First touch in that direction and it came right off.
  12. Craig's Bond is similar to Dalton's. Either actor would have fit in their Bond movies. Craig's Bond suffers from lack luster story arch. Casino Royal ended with him a broken man because of a broken heart. Kind of like the first novel. They could have focused on that. Instead we get his mother relationship with Dench and this dumb Blofeld was my adopted brother and he's been behind every evil plot that MI6 have faced since I joined them. I wish they did their own thing instead copying whatever was trending. When are they going to fire Purvis and Wade? They bring in new directors, new actors and new additional writers but Purvis and Wade have been on as writers for many of these films. Some good and some bad. Get rid of them. Really want to see this movie but if I waited this long because of Covid I can wait a some more for the streaming release.
  13. Thought I was done with their figures but the quality increase with little Roy impressed me enough to continue with them. I really like the look of this figure but concerned how a soft good figure would look next to non-soft good figs.
  14. That's what I see as the biggest issue with her claim. If it was only in theaters a large number of the potential audiences would still choose to avoid large crowded places. What's a few more months to wait for the later streaming release when we've already been waiting a year? If they kept delaying it until theaters recovered would anybody still care to see this movie? What really hurt this movie was making at after her story in the Avengers concluded.
  15. This topic has been locked. Did this before with some Star Wars topics. Hollywood is always tweaking your beloved childhood favorites. Some changes make sense and others don't. If any of these Sequels/Reboots are inferior products it is because of a number of questionable decisions. Here (like with other fandoms) we'll always get some critics that will use some "woke based" argument. These products are unsuccessful because they are bad in nearly every category. It is not because they made some changes to make things more inclusive. For those outside of fandoms it creates the appearance that fandoms are dominated by a bunch of intolerant people. When critics here object to such changes it is nearly always included comments about things being "woke." These comments tend to border on the political - something that isn't allowed. When topics like this drift away from the subject itself to a discussions on society that border on intolerance and politics things get locked.
  16. Ouch. https://variety.com/2021/film/news/snake-eyes-box-office-flop-gi-joe-toy-movies-1235026986/
  17. Got it! The fan in the Fan Racer actually moves. A couple complaints though. It should have came with 2 Hikaru figs to pilot both aircraft and a seated Minmay. They should have included a DYRL style Minmay holding hand for those who don't care for the cartoon style hands. The VF-1D looks awesome. If Bandai wants to make more non-transforming jets like the Fan Racer I'd buy all of them.
  18. That review matches the others I've read.
  19. Waiting US customs at DHL Ohio hub. Maybe I'll get it tomorrow.
  20. Reviews aren't good.
  21. Bingo. Looks like it was stop by Customs in HK and started moving again.
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