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Roy Focker

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Everything posted by Roy Focker

  1. Don't get me wrong the VF-1 design is my favorite of all the Variable fighters. I prefer even the simple mass production VF-1A design over many of the other newer VFs. Yamato's VF-1 1/48 is one excellent toy and yet everyone who makes a Macross toy makes the VF-1. How many scales do we need it in? How many colors? If Yamato released it in more colors that actually appeared in the anime. I'd be interested. I'm not so interested in the ones they made up on their own. We are/have getting better versions of the Macross Plus Vf but they have been done before. With all these VF-1 running around we are lacking one thing. Enemy Mecha toys. We have the SV-51, Milia Quadlunn-Rau & that's it. Even Toynami makes one type of VF-1 after the other. If they were smart they could take advantage of this lack of enemy mecha by the better company and produce a Regult. I prefer Yamato to make one. With optional parts to change what kinda of pod it is and all sort of crap. I still have room to display more Macross Toys but can I put some thing in there besides the VF-1?
  2. Well my Summer Blu-Ray PS3 deals has been updated. Shipped on the 19th now I have to wait up to 30 days.
  3. So why should I give a damn? Great idea keeping what it is a guarded secret but are any of this disaster-invasion-city destroyed-large cast of actors trying to escape any good?
  4. Great in terms of character development. Look a Sivil's story. Starts off a crazy wild demon vampire sucking fairy witch and in the end she finds that she has the power to save her people. Seeing that she has the power gives the rest of the Protodevlin hope as well. Poor in terms of humans and Zentran saving the day on their own with high power excitement and action.
  5. That's FOCKER not Fokker.
  6. Well I didn't win a wii from amazon for 79 bucks. Was anyone here offered one? I want to win that TV one. My old TV has just started to show signs of death. Kinda sucks there are big sells tommorrow but the amazon deal is offered next week.
  7. How about this for news Sierria (spelling) Miller has been casted to play the Baroness.
  8. Did any one download that blazing aces ww II demo?
  9. Here you can't find the Wii. I don't want it but one day at work I saw a manager and coworker both calling stores looking for them. I think both were still on the clock.
  10. I believe it is a one shot comic. You see it on ebay every other month or so. I believe it is'nt that expensive.
  11. Really? Well it still doesn't work. Plus on the offical product site their FAQ does say "If your CD plays but not the DVD contact your seller for a replacement." I guess that means this does happen since it was on their FAQ.
  12. Could be then again there might be more than just one black Valkyrie pilot.
  13. It might as be that. If it was true I would watch that movie.
  14. I got my swap disc today. CD boots up but it isn't reading the DVD one. I looked at the disc and took a picture. Does this look like a defective disc to you too?
  15. I believe it is an offical radio drama, Renato posted a synposis along while back.
  16. Did you check these colors? http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/models.../she_vf5000.htm This one makes it seem tan http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/models...00boxinsert.jpg
  17. I can see having long out of print stuff to download but some of that stuff you can still buy new at a fair price. On the plus side it is way to get an electronic back up copy without having to hand scan everything yourself. Robotech Swim Suit issue anyone?
  18. Is there a reason why you guys should be scaried of boobies?
  19. That LCD would be nice but there is only $200 units avaliable.
  20. If we have paid sponsor now then I want some back pay. Okay Yamato send me my free valkyries.
  21. Megahouse looks the best so far. I might get one.
  22. Dont you hate it when they say one day it will ship in 24 hour & will take 5 to 7 days. It is day 6 now (holidays & weekends excluded) and I tracked it still in the seller general area. I'll be a monkey's uncle if that 24 hours was really 72.
  23. How much do you want to bet that under the helmet Cobra Commander is bald?
  24. I ain't buying it till they have Reach for the Skyler.
  25. This explains why she shop lifts. Vulcans are cold husbands and wives. They never show emotion and never ever say "I love you" Winona was just wanted attention. Any type of attention. Shop lifting was her cry for help.
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