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Roy Focker

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Everything posted by Roy Focker

  1. A few months ago I started a thread about the Empire vs the Rebels. This time the focus on Star Trek's Federation of Planet vs Their rivals. In Star Trek villains often become friends. To make things easy villains who became allies can considered as the other side just for comparison. So it is the Federation vs Klingons, Romulans, Carsadians, Borg, etc. While I hate to say it. I'm against the Federation of Planets. Here is one of my key reasons.... Vulcans I don't Trust 'em! The staple so called friendly alien race to us human in Star Trek. I am I just the only one that has a problem with them? I for one wouldn't want them making decisions for me. Whether they are my star ship captain or running the federation. Giving Vulcans power is a bad idea. They are too damn logical. If you or your love ones are in trouble a vulcan won't do P-diddly squat. They'll just look at the facts, odds and weigh the risk vs the gain. A Vulcan won't give a crap about you. Now Spock might have some good qualities but he's half human. 100% Vulcan is 100% Bad News. A more important reason to hate them is they make horrible spouses for humans. Marry a Vulcan and you'll have an unloving mate. They won't comfort their children. They'll never say I love you. If you ask them to say it they give you some lecture about it being an illogical question. You will be talked down to all the time. Make things worst they only get intimate every seven years. Sure when they are horny they you *uck you like animal but as time passes and your older & fragile that Vulcan won't care about your health just their hormones.
  2. The man contributed a lot to the abstinence movement.
  3. Yeah AZ & CO seem to be the states that get them first & get restocked. Here they skip waves and what is new is already 2 months old.
  4. Wait 50cm is that Minmay doll around 19 inches high?
  5. I don't know about leather wrist bands. I more into fun with exotic fruit than leather.
  6. I always thought Akira was over rated.
  7. Hey it took months to find it in the store as well. Awesome wave.
  8. Dynasty Warriors is being released this week. I'm spending my Best Buy gift card on it. Read the early reviews. Same reviews you always see. Why do the critics dislike this game so much? Is the games fun to play? Yes good enough for me.
  9. Yeah you heard me Mekton. You may see a topic about the game here and there. Now we have an unoffical Mekton forum. It is a sub-forum of another RPG Board (a Macross one) but this section is to talk all about Mekton. Exclusive Mekton Forum!!!!
  10. Maybe it just technical errors. I agree of it's importance. It inspired me to start my own scanning project.
  11. If you hasn't seen Doctor Who. The actor might be best own here as the villian in Gone in Sixty Seconds.
  12. I know a fan of his Doctor Who. I couldn't get into that series. He could work.
  13. Clash? Was one of our favorite movies growing up.
  14. This one was too short.
  15. Wait I've only seen the first wave of comic packs. Now you are telling me the third comic wave is out. What do you mean by out? Out is asia? Out in Colorado again week before any where else? When a new wave is out the West Coast doesn't see it in months. Proof I've only recently found wave 5. Never saw wave 4!
  16. Wasn't there an episode of the A-Team featuring a crystal skull?
  17. Got a $100 gift card in the mail for buying my new TV at Best buy.
  18. I'm think about how Rex becomes Cobra Commander. I assume Rex had to be skilled enough and have a good character to be part of the team. A G.i.Joe should be able to resist normal methods of persuasion and corruption. I than started to think will the Movie Cobra Commander be like the cartoon one? What if it was the don't ask don't tell policy? There is no reason for Rex if I was right for the team to leave it. There is no good reason to believe that the team is incompetent enough to choose some that wasn't right to join.
  19. I get it through cable. It was either them or Dish service. At the time it was the best deal. Fios is an option now. Ever notice how hard it is to find how much every companies charges for service after the special trial offer ends? I know a girl who works for my cable company's video trouble shooting department. Was former coworker and is still in training. So I can't pick her brain completely yet.
  20. Not through a hdmi cable but that one with the dozen plus cables. Yeah HD movies through cable aren't that very HD. I think most of the stuff out there is just SD scaled up. One type of programming that tends to come in good are sports.
  21. Try posting on this thread http://macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?show...=143&st=480
  22. Okay I'll whine about watch TV as well. Okay I have SD channels and HD channels. Some are even the same networks. If I were to watch Fox on HD my screen shrinks. Looks all crisps and stuff but isn't filling up the screen. If I expand it looks like crap. Watch a in SD I watch it in full screen and looks fair. This for both HD and non HD shows. HD ones look slightly better. I also doubt how HD these cable channels are. I can watch HD movies but I know my Blu-ray or even DVD often look better.
  23. They are talking about on the Joe board must aren't happy. If you try to google image search you'll find some gay mild pornish picks. The actor was a former Arbcombie & Finch model. He is best known for playing white thug looking guy who learns to dance in the movie "Step Up"
  24. I don't know I still think Craig is really Sarah Jessica Parker dressed as a man.
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