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Roy Focker

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Everything posted by Roy Focker

  1. Still haven't played since act I. Will try again Sunday. Been playing the online mode. Had better luck with the head set today. Some people I can hear and can hear me. Others not so good. Accidently killed a guy with friendly fire. He was standing next to an enemy jerk started calling me a newb. Kinda strange how you be calling people newbies when the game came out a couple of days ago. Then I had some people yacking. Is everyone online a kid with Southern accent?
  2. Question did anyone else buy the MSG headset and are they having problems with it? On sale for $39.99 at Best Buy it sound like a good deal. I've have yet heard it working right. Not sure it's a problem on my end or with others. Before I enter the game it seem alright during the system setting part. I enter a game and hear people asking "can you hear me?" I say yes but they don't reply. In my last game I think they heard me okay but I just got mumbled static from a guy.
  3. Just finished act 1. I think I'll just do an act every other day or so. Played the online version for maybe 9 hours total still at level one. Not so sure about the head set.
  4. ID is Kamjin Was having fun until the expert players jumped in. If only I played 20 hours straight.
  5. 6 minutes remaining for the install. Funny you get to watch him smoke a cig while you wait. I got the headset too. I have to charge it for 8 hours. It that kid size headset or do I have big ears?
  6. I knew these character designs were too girly. Only girls can cosplay the male characters.
  7. I hope he doesn't mean just the VF-1. I like the VF-1 and Macross Plus VFs but I wished Yamato would release other mecha first before revisiting earlier designs at a different scale.
  8. I'll picked my copy after work tommorrow.
  9. So if they are doing a 1/200 figure of the VF-9 does that mean we'll start seeing these other VFs at larger transforming scales?
  10. Official Character Art Appreciation Topic Your one stop source for sharing images of all Macross Characters. Sharing of your own fan art is still allowed in the Fan Works Section. This topic is to share screen grabs and images by other artists. Macross World is based in the USA and as such your image posting behavior should comply with public standards of where Macross World is based. If any images (posted or linked) that can be interpreted as explicit in content, actions will be taken by the administration to the maximum extent of thread closure and/or user banning. Any image that promotes a character with a child's appearance in a even the slightest indecent manner will result in the banning of the offender. Macross World's Administration will be the sole judge of what is considered indecent and their decision is final.
  11. If the thread was closed that means a break from posting images of that character. What are you doing here? You could pointed them in the direction that thread since stuff was still on it.
  12. One is offical. Which one? Maybe Frontier will explain.
  13. I was disappointed that the quality of the animation which was good through nearly the entire episode dropped drastically during the fight with the Purple flying wolf dog. It returned afterwards. I assume that they had to re-animate that scene for some reason and sorta did a half ass rush job.
  14. Good idea. How about one month spoiler free after the release date?
  15. Soon A Church forum? That's a little extreme isn't? Hmm so let me see if I understand correctly we have either Church or Disturbing Bleeding panty drawings of little girls? Is there nothing in between that? Let me make this clear. As along it is not explicit/vulgar drawings of adult looking Characters are okay. When it comes to child looking characters they can't be shown even a slightly suggestive manner. Whether for humor or not it isn't allowed.
  16. Sure it looks cool but what can really do with a hundred of the same figure? Do people will have that much room to display all at once or does the majority go in a box. My opinion is that collections should be displayed. If your collection is so big that it has to be stored in boxes (and rarely see the light of day) your just a horder.
  17. This not something to joke about. Especially if it is coming from you. Guys there is kidding on this issue. This is serious.
  18. Yeah just 3 of us during the testing. More fun playing along side people you kinda know.
  19. Yeah guys I meant a break from Klan Klan pictures. People were too enthusiastic in the kind pictures & links they just had to share with us. This was not cool. This topic was left open it is alright to post pictures Nanase. Please think before you post certain messages though.
  20. How about a picture of the VF-11 next to that other brand's Regult toy?
  21. Mod Talk: Limits where pushed and went over it. It was either to be closed or posting rights would being taken away. Offending party knew it was a wrong yet had to just share it. A real good lapse of Judgement there. Next time don't share things like that. To make it worst those that posted about how wrong it was also hit the quote post function. Resulting in the link being repeatedly re-posted. I think you all need a little break from that topic. Chances are when and if things return it will be under a generic all characters from Frontier image topic. That incident showed that these topics require special attention. Easier to keep track of one risque image topic instead of several. Now don't anyone go on there own that start a topic or start re-posting images (even the cleaner ones). Rights were abused and everyone gets break. If a member decides to end that break before it offically happens they will get a specialized break of their own.
  22. Warning: Let's not go for two.
  23. I have theory. About life in general. People change when they have kids. Some are no longer fun because they start thinking like a concerned parents all the time. It was okay for Han to shoot first. It was okay for FBI guys to carry guns.
  24. Well considering VFs had boobs and mouths in Macross 7 just makes sense that they should be expressive like Transformers. Now Micheal can be with Klan Klan with out the use of sizing chamber
  25. Seemed like a waste of time. Not as much as the last episode was. There's some character development but not much for the larger story. Which still by episode 9 remains mostly a mystery. The expressions on the VF-25 seem too sentient for me. Sure it transforms but it's not an Transformer.
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