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Roy Focker

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Everything posted by Roy Focker

  1. Face it we're just getting older. They stole our fashion, our music, our pretty faces and now our anime. Damn those young whipper snappers and their mainstream friendly anime!!!!
  2. Independence Day + Stealth + Spiderman = Robotech Live Action Movie
  3. From my observations it has become more mainsteam. I do have conversations with 20 year old coworkers who will bring up that they like anime. They aren't nerdy looking either and I just pretend that I don't know much about it. Of course what they talk about is pretty much main stream.
  4. I'll go with the VF-11 Thunderbolt
  5. Nah just get a good connection and visit sms skull team
  6. And take pictures this time as some of us aren't going.
  7. PSP do I have to buy one now? Why not the PS3?
  8. Try a system update maybe? It did that to me once.
  9. Took me six days.
  10. Not sure if this is old news... Pizza Hut the official pizza of Macross Frontier? http://gigazine.net/index.php?/news/commen...zahut_macrossf/
  11. Falcon sure got quite a jaw on him. His gun hides whether his shirt is tucked in or out.
  12. I'm having some sort of HDTV program. I decided to cut cable. Unplugged cable and Tested what HDTV channels I would get with an old broken antenna. Then later a new one. Got all the correct local analog and HD channels. I returned my cable box and on a whim hooked the tv set to the cable outlet. Figured I would watch cable TV until it was actually shut off. Decided time to use the auto-program. Cable and Antenna search. Every channel was in the correct location. When cable was turned off I ran auto program again. I didn't want a bunch of static channels. Now my TV on antenna setting can't find some local HDTV channels that I had before during my earlier tests. If I switched it from antenna to cable it gets really strange. I have maybe 6 different sets of local channels in HDTV plus some channels with what I think random ondemand movies. With either antenna or cable setting I have all the TV shows I should have but I can't find anything.
  13. I don't know I'm still confused.
  14. Finished it this afternoon but didn't have time to watch the final until later. Ranked inchworm an scorpion. Awesome game. I expected some characters to meet their end. There was a lot of surprizes. I'm still scratching my head from it all.
  15. Yeah no fighting just make some loving
  16. Played with Dizman last night for short spell. That some strange results with the knives. Did you guys know that our master of the blade is already level 3? That means he's ranked high enough to start a clan...
  17. Was it? Technically being at the controls of a VF he didn't feel anything.
  18. Okay I demand one specific spoiler. Yes or No answer will do. I don't want the details. Does anyone grab Raiden's crotch in this?
  19. Think of this video game not as a video game but an Interactive Cgi Movie Experience Now some one pay me a billion dollars from creating that term!!!! Current playing 3 Part. Sorta guessed who "she" was. I didn't know that "they" were the creators of "them". Auto-Aim works good on level ground. I turned it on and kicked more ass then before. Shooting two guys at once. Aiming is best suited when your ambushing or they are above or below you. Auto is also good against the CQC and knife players. Just walk backwards and autofire. If you try to aim they'll kill before you have the chance to fire. Bob's Big Boy + Boss Hog > Big Boss
  20. Dispite people wanting to see "their Robotech" in live action. The actual film guys are most likely going to revamp, rewrite, recreate the whole thing. They would be idiots if they didn't.
  21. That sucks. The man as one talented genius.
  22. I assumed the game hosts was turning off auto-aim. I could really used it on the areas with level ground. Tips To go friends and search these names and add us to your list. List of Online MWers dizman greenfish Kamjin Keith Zet pouchman
  23. Please don't t. Keep it spoiler free for about a month. List of Online MWers Once one of us makes level 3 we can start a clan. Correction, Squadron. dizman greenfish Kamjin Keith Zet More? Others?
  24. List of Online MWers Kamjin Keith Zet greenfish Others?
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