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Roy Focker

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Everything posted by Roy Focker

  1. Dude if your palms are getting that hairy you need to cut back.
  2. Related question for those from LA & greater California, who have moved away. Have you ever encounter California hate from people?
  3. Got your invite but that lobby was filled. I played in someone else's survival team. It sounded like they might fixed the mic issue. I have few regrets for returning mine. The leader of my team was an ass. Had a southern accent. Surprized and was calling the whole team stupid. Funny he ended up being on the bottom or scoring. Finally I just typed, "Will you please shut up you hick. Much Love." Started asking me to suck it and started to describe it too.
  4. Been playing with the expansion pack the last few days. What about the Reward shop is it open yet?
  5. I actually have real copy of that FB 2012 book and those pics aren't from it.
  6. Ah the weather. I remember it being 65 degrees in the winter and everyone putting on their winter jackets. Quite funny.
  7. I'll believe iwhen Disneyland reopens the Tron ride!
  8. Born and raised in LA, Orange counties. I lived more years outside of it but LA is still home. Got love the fast pace. Even escalators move quicker. Best thing are good places to eat. If you ever lived there you just get spoiled. I'm constant stated of being disappointed because things just can't compare.
  9. Great movie not as fun as Iron Man but better movie over all. Thing the freaked me out about Heath's Joker as how he licked his scars while he talked. I thought Harvey survived. Eric Roberts talked earlier about how falling from a similar height wouldn't kill some one. Plus I could have swore I saw Harvey's chest moving. Music was loud and drowned out the dialog.
  10. First was in 2001. VFX1 promoted the idea shortly after I met him at anime expo 2001.
  11. Tommorrow the American DVD release of Spaced comes out.
  12. If I were you I avoid reading at all cost. Rumor has it that many Sci-fi & fantasy authors belong to a cult that spans the world. Don't let these con artists brain wash you.
  13. Did anyone arrive confused thinking they were at the wrong convention?
  14. small window of opportunity is very small.
  15. It all currently down right now. The store and the online game.
  16. I noticed was it kinda hard to do a knife kill. Was playing a zombie game. Ran out of bullets forced to use a knife.
  17. Great now Kawamori is doing it!!!!! Remember back in the day when Isamu's day dreaming flying hand was the only Macross hand gesture?
  18. New maps are good thing so maybe but will have to buy a new character to change clothes?
  19. At the top my screen it says (OFFLINE) Macross World World Forums. There has no posts since last night. Only new posts are from moderators.
  20. Does anyone real like the comic packs in comic colors? Back in the day they had a limited coloring process. A classic issue is classic because of a memorable story not the colors used.
  21. So these down-loadable movies from my PS3, are they complete movies with all the extras I'd get from a regular dvd? If I down load one HD films and then buy an HD disc of the same movie will it be the same quality?
  22. Yeah that what all the stores have in stock. During the last month I've notice something at a few Targets. Not counting the latest movie toys, Target isn't restocking any toy. Look at other Toy lines they are letting the pegs run dry.
  23. Reminds me of Xanadu.
  24. Hey it's been month. Don't hide the spoilers. Big Boss lives? I guess it is the ultimate surprise. Didn't play the prior games but from my understanding he was pretty dead. Funny he shows up and dies after giving a 3 hour speech.
  25. I'm going with President of both but being President of the NUNG means Squat these days. From all appearances the UN Government has been decentralized with each fleet having complete control over their own army, people and resources. All loosely under the NUNs banner.
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