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Roy Focker

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Everything posted by Roy Focker

  1. While it would be cool to see Kuran Kuran piloting his VF-25 there is one major problem. In Miclone form she's child sized. Won't reach the controls.
  2. Shame I'm not on the list. Gigile is off of it. Sure it takes balls to sing your heart out but it doesn't make you look manly.
  3. Like all Macross Mecha it depends on who's pilot it. Look at the VF-11C from Macross 7. Clearly cannon fodder but in one episode Gamlin is behind the controls of one and it becomes useful. Even if we think Destroids should have stronger armor they are also heavier and more slower. Being less nimble they are going to be hit more easier than a agile Valkyrie.
  4. Well if he survives... He'll like be a physically disabled for life. That a hard wound to recover from. Not to mention that lack of air will kill some brain cells. He'll be a vegetable. Maybe they will put him in an iron lung that looks like a giant carrot. Hmm what could they do with a giant carrot?
  5. Remember Kawamori himself said that during the end of Macross Plus for one moment Guld was the best. Of course he wasn't that good to live through it.
  6. Well I can think of one character that will have to lose their position on some list. Sure there was a similar Roy type DYRL? Ending but at least Roy died after beating Kamjin. This smiling loser died to wounds from an unnamed creature.
  7. Hope he can hold his breath and any other holes on their body.
  8. Every Sunday all the ads come out for the new movie releases at the big box electronic stores. The majority of the ad space used are for DVDs.
  9. Doesn't that require you to break your own legs?
  10. So with your machine little old ladies will build stronger bones and muscles? Excellent now we rock a bunch of little old ladies without breaking them.
  11. You changed the site? I demand at least the return of that music.
  12. Lets keep it in that art topic.
  13. I'm studying Ninjutsu. Look under your bed I'm hiding under it or am I?
  14. Way too much fan service in Frontier. Keeps playing to the lowest common denominator. There was fan service in other parts of Macross but it wasn't every other scene.
  15. She's got irritable bowel syndrome?
  16. But Which of the two is better? Do those images posted appear in both book? I saw a pictures of that Bridge Operator before. I had no idea that she was Miho Miho from Macross 7. Guess she got a transfer.
  17. This one http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/books/..._vfxprogram.htm or This one http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/books/...s_vfxflight.htm Other than 12 pages what the difference? My main reason to get one of these books is to make good scans of character colored/B&W line art. Uniforms prefered.
  18. Um Could have been posted on Combining The VO Topics
  19. Great movie! Zoolander that is.
  20. I stopped collecting years ago. Back in 93 I was collecting 6 issues a month. I dropped that habit for these various reasons: Bad or inferior art. Things are going really good and they switch an artist. If the art sucks. I'll stop collecting. Sequential art was replaced with one big large action panel. Writing was reduced to short 1 to 3 word bubbles. Price increased with better coloring process and paper quality but art and writing didn't. I ended up switching to reading roleplaying books. It was better value for my dollar. Lots more words but still more close to comics than an actual book. Occasional every 6 months or so I'll step into a comic book store. I feel like an old man. I'll barely recognize things. Even familiar titles look completely different. Worst are the prices what $3.50 average for a comic?
  21. I just saw it once. I'll buy it on blu-ray for repeat viewings.
  22. Oh man I loved the Earth Quakes! Only if they're high enough do people care. Around here if there's a 2.0 rumble 500 miles away people panic.
  23. I don't know about this. Visually back then Tron looked liked the coolest thing but is was a pretty boring movie.
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