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Roy Focker

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Everything posted by Roy Focker

  1. Yeah the VF-1S with a Beam Saber is one of my favorites (I think it is a joke pic)
  2. Valhalla III is the best out of the three in launch mode only. Looks dull in the other mode.
  3. Random Macross Selection with Prices Back Then... Gold Book $300 Character Portfolio $10 TIA #1, #2 or #3 $20 each TIA #11 $26 EB #27 $16 VHS Macross II $24.95 for 55 minutes Clash of the Bionoids $34.95 92 minutes
  4. I want godlike powers but I'm too lazy to move my ass.

  5. Hi, Roy I think you're hot.

  6. I really have been the longest active non Admin Moderator. This topic is just so me.
  7. Hey if they can't fix Far/Near sightedness you think they can fix your spine?
  8. Thanks to the release of Macross II & Macross Plus one the first things I search when I went online was Macross. I only got about 5-6 items from Books Nippon. Stuff was expensive back then. Translation = as minor I couldn't get a real job and allowance/birthday money only went so far. You can beg family for money but only to a certain degree. I still have one of their old catalogs somewhere.
  9. I'm going with that answer. There are a ton of lazy people out there. Old people are the worst offenders. Once you start getting older people offer to lift heavy objects for you. Offer to give you the nicer seat. They get better parking spaces, preferred seating on the bus. Senior Special discounts. After a while they think are entitled to a discount everywhere because of there age. They assume that someone will pick up or get them something. Our society (well many societies) teaches us to respect and take care of the elderly. These old bastards have taken advantage of us. As a side effect of no longer doing simple things like opening a door for themselves their muscles have shriveled, along with other body parts to the point were they are crippled. If only they weren't so quick to use the motorized carts before they actually really needed them. Next time you see a active senior citizen be sure to give them a thumbs up or a man-to-man head nod. When you see a weak one be sure to yell, "You're what's bad for America and you smell like pee." Oh of course anime seems to be very youth obsessed. When characters age they age bad. Look at Ray for crying out loud. He's suppose be about 28 but looks 50. Mao at 51 is like really 102 in anime years.
  10. Oh how blessed art thou computer who has given thy self Macross Remember the old days? Before high speed connections, before YouTube, before the Internet? I think we take these tools for granted. If you want to know or obtain something go online and you're quickly on the way to finding it. This wasn't always been the case. In days past there was no Internet or it's use wasn't common. I have bunch Macross books and toys (Macross & Others) thanks to it. I have seen Macross that would never reach my shores thanks to it. I already knew that Robotech was made up of three other animated programs. I learned was left out & the original stories thanks to the Internet. Before you went Online how big was your Macross Universe? My first exposure like many was through Robotech. During the first airings (1985 & 1986) I was living in Orange county. Grandparents lived in Hollywood. Every visit to Grandma house we go included a trip to the Golden Apple. There I could obtain Robotech books, toys & comics plus a few Macross imports. The stuff from Japan looked nice but I didn't understand it. This wasn't just from a lack of understanding Japanese but from things like owning a DYRL book without seeing DYRL? Is this for a new Robotech Movie or something? After a family move to the rest of America I was cut off nearly entirely from Macross. Go a speciality store and you could find a few Robotech items. Extremely rare occasions you stumble upon Macross items. My first contact with a non Robotech version of Macross was a copy of the CLASH OF THE BIONOIDS. Rented it from a 7-11 on a country road in the late eighties. That's how it was back then. You really had to depend on your local Asian community. If you didn't have that it was the comic books stores. Things improved in the 1990's. National chain Video stores & Rentals started including anime. I learned about Macross II through the RPG books. I learned of Books Nippon. Got their catalog and catalogs from other mail order places. Paid for over priced products. Then waited 6 to 8 weeks. Saw all of Macross Plus by renting Episode 2 & 3 at one store, mail ordering the 4th Episode and buying the 1st Episode at an other store. Now you can just go online and purchase the entire OVA for the price of one VHS back in the day. Hardly knew anything of Macross 7 before the Internet. Once I got online it open a whole new world of Macross knowledge and product to waste money on. You kids have so easy being to young to remember the dark ages.
  11. I think the Protoculture will always be surrounded in a mystery. Humans will never likely surpass them in super science or in legend. Humans have surpassed the Protoculture by not making the same mistakes.
  12. Ozma is not macho enough to beat Roy. Wears an ear ring and listens to fire bomber. Sure he seems to act tough but every third episode he's injuried. Roy drinks to extreme levels of alcholic poisoning and then jumps in a Valkyrie to kick ass.
  13. Some time during, history of the world part I. How we doing. Any converts today? Not a one Nay Nay Nay We've flattened their fingers We've branded their buns Nothing is working SEND IN THE N.U.N.S
  14. Spoiler tags around an picture? Um no.
  15. Screen Legend died today at 83. Off Topic yes but give it a day.
  16. A Macross Frontier movie coming means two things. Either a bonus longer episode or a condensed re-telling of the series. If it is a condensed version what story elements or complete episodes would you omit from the movie. Michael & Kuran Kuran are gone. They would still make an one line appearance but there story is too secondary compared to Alto, Sheryl and Ranka. Same goes goes Alto and his family. Leon's coup. He was such an obvious villain but was too minor compared to Grace. They could done an episode or 2 with the NUNs chasing down the SMS but his defeat was rather quick with no conflict.
  17. I'll just steal Duke's post and edit it for my own use
  18. Okay ban me. While I feel more neutral the ending seemed rushed with too much stuff going on. Think how much time they spent in earlier episodes creating problems and most of them were solved in seconds. Too fast to really answer that much. Plenty of good mecha porn but that doesn't help the series that was too long with a finale that is was too short. Sorta felt like the Macross Zero Finale. There's a big build up but the end it is really quick, bunch of crap happens. I'm eager to see the movie as the series was about 15 episodes too long in the first place. Remove the all the filler episodes, add ten additonal minutes to the ending and my opinion of frontier will increase.
  19. Don't know what to think maybe I need to wait for the subtitles. Seemed kinda of rushed. I guess I wanted Grace or Leon to give a "if you meddling kids only minded your own business my evil plans would have worked and here's why." I'm still scratching my head about what all the "villians" wanted.
  20. He actually was given a temporary time out. It was meant for 3 days. He seemed to end it early on his own. A couple of days off is nothing serious. Just a reminder that a member need to cool down and that there are rules here. It was meant to help before things get too serious. His attitude before and actions during convinced me there wasn't much help for him. In the future I hope when we mods (especially I) have to give someone a time out they use the time wisey. Shall we close this topic now?
  21. Japanese XL I bet would look like a muscle or baby-T on you.
  22. This would be a nice one to have: http://www.cosmint.co.jp/order/ordermade/a20.html
  23. I can easily explain that. You see the linens in that closet were cleaned by Oxyi-Clean, the Stain Specialist. The power of Oxygen infused with the cleaning power of water energized those clean linens. Any one who knows a thing about chemistry knows that is such a reaction reduces all super powers.
  24. Okay how about Macross Frontier The Movie I & Movie II with 3 minutes new footage.
  25. Considering the amount of filler episodes they could easily re-edit and package the entire series as 3 hour movie for next summer.
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