Oh how blessed art thou computer who has given thy self Macross
Remember the old days? Before high speed connections, before YouTube, before the Internet? I think we take these tools for granted. If you want to know or obtain something go online and you're quickly on the way to finding it. This wasn't always been the case. In days past there was no Internet or it's use wasn't common. I have bunch Macross books and toys (Macross & Others) thanks to it. I have seen Macross that would never reach my shores thanks to it. I already knew that Robotech was made up of three other animated programs. I learned was left out & the original stories thanks to the Internet.
Before you went Online how big was your Macross Universe?
My first exposure like many was through Robotech. During the first airings (1985 & 1986) I was living in Orange county. Grandparents lived in Hollywood. Every visit to Grandma house we go included a trip to the Golden Apple. There I could obtain Robotech books, toys & comics plus a few Macross imports. The stuff from Japan looked nice but I didn't understand it. This wasn't just from a lack of understanding Japanese but from things like owning a DYRL book without seeing DYRL? Is this for a new Robotech Movie or something?
After a family move to the rest of America I was cut off nearly entirely from Macross. Go a speciality store and you could find a few Robotech items. Extremely rare occasions you stumble upon Macross items. My first contact with a non Robotech version of Macross was a copy of the CLASH OF THE BIONOIDS. Rented it from a 7-11 on a country road in the late eighties. That's how it was back then. You really had to depend on your local Asian community. If you didn't have that it was the comic books stores. Things improved in the 1990's. National chain Video stores & Rentals started including anime. I learned about Macross II through the RPG books. I learned of Books Nippon. Got their catalog and catalogs from other mail order places. Paid for over priced products. Then waited 6 to 8 weeks. Saw all of Macross Plus by renting Episode 2 & 3 at one store, mail ordering the 4th Episode and buying the 1st Episode at an other store. Now you can just go online and purchase the entire OVA for the price of one VHS back in the day. Hardly knew anything of Macross 7 before the Internet. Once I got online it open a whole new world of Macross knowledge and product to waste money on. You kids have so easy being to young to remember the dark ages.