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Roy Focker

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Everything posted by Roy Focker

  1. My impression of Home. A visually superior to Second Life without all the features or adult/gamble spammers. You can create a character. Change hair color but you can't change colors of clothes. You get one room condo which you can decorate with the same white furniture. You can create you own club. I tried to do this but the game said "Club Limit Reached" I guess there a finite number of clubs and other players got them. How can I test feature this way? Outside of the condo there are a handful of locations. A theater, bowling alley, mall and a town center. At the bowling alley you can play simple arcade games, bowling or pool. Only if it isn't occupied already. What fun waiting? This is closed beta test. When it is open will it get worst? I want to do stuff, not wait. Mall would be interesting if store were open. Other than you just walk around, chat or dance. There really isn't that much to do.
  2. I only spent 3 minutes on it. Biggest complaint you can't punch anyone.
  3. Me! = Kamjin I can't remmeber if I signed up or not. I was checking my email at 7:30. Saw the email. Said to redeem my passcode between 5-8 pst.
  4. Ah but that was the VF-11C in Macross 7. That was the cheap knock off model. VF-11B is good one with the bayonet and all.
  5. Why not... For me there are many ties. Top James Bond Films (Overall) 1. On Her Majesty's Secret Service (1969) 2. From Russia with Love (1963) 3. For Your Eyes Only (1981), Thunderball (1965) & Goldfinger (1964) 4. Dr. No (1962),The Spy Who Loved Me (1977), GoldenEye (1995), Diamonds Are Forever (1971), Live and Let Die (1973), The Man with the Golden Gun (1974), A View to a Kill (1985) & Casino Royale (2006) 5. Moonraker (1979), License to Kill (1989), Octopussy (1983), Die Another Day (2002), The Living Daylights (1987), Tomorrow Never Dies (1997)
  6. I think Macross Zero will be the forgotten Series.
  7. One problem about House Ruling. You shouldn't have to. Excluding omissions any licensed RPG product should be accurate and playable without the need to house rules or taking a red pen to write in the correct data. Palladium made changes and were just sloppy. Robotech & Macross fans like accuracy. Don't believe me go to the Toy section and see how many people are looking at the latest picture for accuracy from Yamato. This was Palladium's chance to make up for 20 years of infamous mistakes. Here's another Crew Error: Bridge Crew of the SDF-1 Ship's Captain (1), XO/Airboss (1), Helm (1), Nav (1), Comms/Sensor (1) Security (4). Not counting the 4 Security Guards. They only list 5. There were 6 feature Bridge Crew character. Maybe they are ignoring Vanessa she does look a bit like Meg.
  8. A lot of them are still here. I think we had a alt fan memories thread somewhere.
  9. Btw the Cats Eye now has crew of 5. Over at Palladium's own forum, a Palladium Freelancer called Braden (Who didn't write this book) had the following to say about the Tomahawk's crew and complaints.
  10. Reviews don't look good. On Rotten Tomatoes it has 71% overall positive rating. The top critics only 33% approve.
  11. And more... There is even some scans of characters from the game. Shall I post them too?
  12. Some stuff I found on a google search. Scans from the Family Soft Macross Games. more to come.
  13. Kinda funny to read that on their forums. I can understand both arguments. HG wants to keep a tighter control our Robotech because they did a crappy job maintain even the most crappist level of continuity but they have to either give tell Palladium more official stuff or allow Palladium to expand things on their own. I think they also say that the copied line art drawings was another request of HG. You know I can see this line dying a couple of years not because of Palladium mistakes/lack luster work but from restrictions imposed by HG. Palladium seems limited in what they can do. Which makes me wonder why didn't HG just license the use of a game system, hire a few RPG writers and publish their own game? They could have the best control over things that way.
  14. I've to buy that one now I think I'll wait.
  15. Tonight episode is almost over. They killed a terminator with some MP-5 to distract it followed by a couple shot gun shells to the face. That was it? I seem to remember them being a bit tougher in the movies.
  16. Yeah like umm are you two finish?
  17. Sorry to tell you this but they are. The new infantry weapons of the machineguns & launcher types. The guns have SDC ammo & MDC ammo. Some of the MDC damage is pretty close to what the Mecha can dish out. Clearly they added these to allow Infantry to fight mecha but this never happen the Macross Saga. they had Mecha to fight Mecha.
  18. I think I remember the AR-21 having 70 rounds in the mini Macross guide book.
  19. Only new Mecha is the VF-1R Variant from the video game. All other Mecha is from Robotech the Macross Saga. They adopted names for some Zentradi Mecha from the Robotech Reference Guide. Nearly every Mecha has a Chaff/Flame System. Only things they omitted was lesser RDF NPCs , Zentradi NPC, some Zentradi ships, grand cannon. They did invent some infantry weapons.
  20. Did anyone find this part strange? Minmei's is a White Chick?
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