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Roy Focker

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Everything posted by Roy Focker

  1. Help Needed ASAP During the last 1 hour my PS3 isn't working. I turn it on and get this message that the system is too hot. Here's how I used the system today. 1. Played MSG online for 2 hours straight followed by 1/2 an hour on the web browser. I have used it for long periods before and it has never over heated. 2. Moved the system from under the entertainment cabinet to more easy to reach location with more room for air. I didn't bump or drop the PS3. Planning on taking it to a different location today. 3. After a hour of the system being off popped in the Serenity Blu-Ray two minutes later got a warning that the System was too hot let it rest. Did that for 10 minutes tried a game disc same issue. Waited 30 minutes tried to clear away vents. Turned it on again. Placed in no disc just scrolling around the games and movie clip that are already on it. A couple minute later same thing. Additonal Information: Doesn't feel hot or even warm. PS3 went from an Off position (currently in a cold room) to HOT after a couple of minutes. I think I here regular noises from the machine. I don't hear the fan going in over drive or anything like that. Do I hear the fan? Not sure mine is rarely that loud.
  2. There are reports of problems with the Serenity Blu-Ray being played on the PS3. Lucky me I got my copy in the mail and have a PS3. The following issues have been reported: An extra feature called the Alliance Data Base won't play and the movie will freeze at about the 1:13 minute mark. Haven't watched the movie but I watched the extras. The Alliance Data Base would not play. I followed a solution people posted on other forums. Delete the saved data on your PS3 for the disc. Put it back in and don't update for Blu-Ray live when prompt. Yes you either get to see the data base or Blu-Ray not both. I'll still need to see if it freezes during play.
  3. Speaking of Predator check out Dutch http://toynewsi.com/news.php?catid=273&itemid=13822
  4. I think Carl Maceked loved it. The South Park pardoy was good.
  5. I bought the Quantum of Solace Game it sucks. Played the Lord of the Ring Conquest demo. Pretty fun too me.
  6. I think few people used them.
  7. Maybe Grand Admiral would like to explain to the rest of you why he is Reporting a Post claiming a Personal Attack against him in this thread when from all appearances he is equally involved in this sort of debating. Yes when people Report a Post we read the Post in Question and review posts leading up and following it.
  8. When you play the disc things move pretty fast on the screen. With all the action you're not gonna notice it.
  9. AEGIS Before you die, there is something you should know about us. ROY What? AEGIS I am your father's brother's nephew's cousin's former room-mate. ROY What's that make us? AEGIS Absolutely nothing. Which is what you are about to become. Prepare to die.
  10. Distribution is convoluted mess. Waves are skipped in some areas. Some arrive in some areas two months after they do everywhere else. A state in the middle of know where will get them a month before everyone else. States along both coast will get things last. You'll find people complaining about never finding a certain hfigure and someone else saying the same figure is clogging the pegs in theirs.
  11. Names are reused in Macross. Maybe Aegis is my long lost son. Maybe Aegis is my clone. Maybe he is someone else's clone but my surname sounded cooler.
  12. That settles it! Where is Skullone? We need to bring him back! Release the Kraken!
  13. Sounds like a simple case of "if you want to sell our product don't sell there's." BBTS just decided they rather have Toynami as supplier than Yamato. If you want to voice your displeasure don't buy from BBTS. Canceal your standing orders with them. All your orders not just Toynami ones. Let them know why you cancealing all your orders. Money talks if you refuse to use BBTS they act.
  14. Only if they aren't occupied.
  15. I thought the purpose of HOME was another way to advertise PlayStation Products. You enter HOME walk around the town square with nothing else to do but Dance or watch the Game Tailers.
  16. Modern Cartoonish Character Designs = Pass Mecha Design with Sneakers Playing Basketball = Pass
  17. Well my notebook/lap top whatever is the proper name LCD screen is showing pressure spots or dead pixels along the sides. Owned it for about 2-3 years. Spots are along the screen's border with one side having a lot of them. Only notice them if your looking at the screen's borders. Got me somewhat concerned with how much life my screen's got left. 2-3 years old is still new to me. I figured I replace my notebook after 5 years of use. Notebooks are cheaper now but if get something new I want it too be really good. With the economy the way it is my budget is limited. I don't want buy something I don't want nor have to make monthly payments. I don't want to put aside other things on my to buy list to buy something I already have. I did a bit of research. Doing your own replacement screen doesn't seem like a too difficult of a repair. Problem is finding one. They aren't listed on your big box electronic store sites. Random google shopping brings up some results but I'm wary of sending money to "Discount Larry's Laptops" anyone know of some legitimate parts stores?
  18. Glad people liked it. I did the drawing and BoB did colors and fine tuning. Thanks for saving a copy. I lost mine years ago.
  19. Yes but they tend to look like crap.
  20. Yeah you need the HDMI to get the proper picture. I paid about $25 for mine at the time the PS3 was $60.
  21. I guess there was new update for MSG 4 Online. More maps & characters. Not sure if I will get it.
  22. Well not much else to do there.
  23. I tried days ago. It wouldn't let me. Said that they reached the Club Limit.
  24. I guess it had to happen eventually. My VF-1A DYRL Hikaru you know the first VF-1 Yamato did? I was looking at my Valks. Haven't paid much attention to that one in years. Storing it on display in IKEA glass cabinet. Well this early all white VF-1A started going yellow. Strange enough the yellowing isn't located on just one side. Like an arm shielded by the rest of the toy has yellowed but parts exposed to light haven't.
  25. I'm flattered. Email me.
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