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Roy Focker

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Everything posted by Roy Focker

  1. And I loved the part when Boba called Blue face an old man and 5 seconds later Boba is helmet is removed and he's an oldman too. I wonder how they'll ruin Kenobi. Maybe he's the one who saved Baby Yoda?
  2. Team Boba are also pretty stupid when it comes to tactics. Boba "I'm pinned down and need help." Teammate "I'm going to join you and get pinned down instead of staying across the street and trapping the enemy in a crossfire."
  3. I didn't know a thing about Blue man group dude. Other than he's some cartoon character. The Wookie had more of a build up over the course of this series as potential foe for Fett to have a show down with. Seems like they decided to make the Wookie a friend and needed a last minute baddie for the final fight. Many fans only follow live action stuff. We don’t read all the books, comics or watch the cartoons. If additional homework is needed to understand things that means your show is lacking.
  4. Only watched half the episode so far and I just have to say... Our heroes are morons when it comes to making plans. We've got all of our people spread throughout the city watching for signs of trouble. Nearly all of them are pretty much by themselves without anybody to watch their backs. What could go wrong? I can't keep track of Boba's Motives. The people need me because I'm the defender of this city. Maybe all this stuff with him falling in love of the city and its people happened during the previous 2 episodes in which he didn't appear in.
  5. You know what I would like to see? A Picard prequel based his days on the Stargrazer. He commanded that ship for 22 years during a period that wasn't covered on screen. They have to recast Picard of course.
  6. Sarlacc and Suns of Tatoonie might be murder on the skin but they don't explain all that extra dad bod weight. Did he eat some of that BBQ Sarlacc meat on his way out?
  7. This week's episode was solid. Season is headed towards its conclusion. A few characters I'm pretty sure "died." Still a much better show than The Book of Boba Fett if you remove the Mandolorian episodes. You can honestly believe that this character's change from Psycho killer to someone who is learning to respect human life is real. Can't say the same for Boba Fett. This might have to do with platform self-censorship. For murderous characters like them to change they need to see the suffering that action like theirs have caused. Disney's Star Wars is too family friendly to show such suffering on screen.
  8. See Azrael's post above.
  9. See I'm trying to wrap my head around why people would enter a topic on release day.
  10. I can't recall if we have any official guidelines related to spoilers. The general rule most of us follow is no spoilers until something has been out for a while. You can hide spoiler talk but we're still careful about what we discuss out in the open. I have a suggestion and I like to get some member feedback on it: Allow Spoilers. I know people don't like others spoiling thing for them. But we're all here to discuss these topics. At times this can be hard to do when you're trying to avoid spoilers. People want to talk all about the latest movie or show during the opening week. Spoiler talk is okay a few weeks later but by that time our interest has moved on. If someone doesn't want to see any spoilers, why are they reading a topic about it on opening day? Some guidelines should still be followed. You don't post spoilers in an unrelated topic, and you don't post spoilers before the official release date.
  11. Stupid question. In the previous episode they established that the New Republic's X-Wings patrol Tatoonie's orbit and not to mention the Mandalorian knows how to contact Luke. Why don't they ask them for help? If the Republic got patrols there it means they must consider Tatoonie part of their turf. Boba just has to say he's a concerned private citizen leading a community watch and would like the Republic's aide. A crime boss asking them for help seems weak but they've already established him as a pansy in this show. As for Luke he doesn't know the Boba gone soft. Do you want spend the rest of your life knowing there's a ruthless killer on the loose with a grudge against you and your family? Aiding Boba in this can really help mend things.
  12. Just watched Season 3 Episode of the Mandalorian. At least Boba made an appearance in one scene. Can't remember if he had a line or just nodded. The Jedi never did learn that they're no attachment rule leads to the creation of monsters. We separated Anakin from his mother. Told him never have feelings from anyone and looked how that turned out. We told his son the same thing. He went against our advice trusted his feelings came close to losing it all but in the end, it was those attachments that gave him strength. Now the Jedi are back to the old we have to cut all bonds. It is really F-ed if you ask me. Poor Kylo. Han and Leia dropped the poor trouble kid off with Luke saying, "We can't handle him." First thing Uncle Luke tells Kylo is "Forget your parents you're never going to see them again". Wow no wonder he turned out just like Gramps.
  13. Episode 5 was good but might have been overshadowed by The Mandalorian...I mean Boba Fett. It didn't advance the story that much. It was a bonding episode among the team and ended with a cliff hanger.
  14. How is a star fighter going help him with his job? He might be in space for days or weeks tracking a bounty. That's a long time to be sitting a cockpit. Where is he going to keep his bounties?
  15. Not a bad first episode for season 3 of the Mandalorian. Problem is this is episode 5 of The Book of Boba Fett. I enjoyed it because we got an episode from a different show. That doesn't say much for your show when people are thrilled to get an episode that doesn't feature one your main characters or the main plot. This wasn't even a good episode of the Mandalorian. It was pretty average and still was better.
  16. They don't look too bad. Assuming these are aimed at preteens. They look bad If they're aimed at adult collectors with adult collectible prices.
  17. Boba carried a scoped blaster rifle. Even a Jedi like Luke can get distracted in battle. Fett almost had him before a wild swing from Han struck his Jetpack. If he only sniped Luke from the deck of the sail barge this whole would have been over. Instead Boba jetpacks over to fight a Jedi within reach of light saber. I used to think Boba had all these great adventures before his demise. Where he outsmarted and out fought all of his targets. Now I think Jango died before completing his training. Young Boba most found Jabba's name in Jango's address book and got hired on spot. He's been there for decades. Absolutely horrible at his job. Jango's armor kept him alive. Jabba knew he had a rookie but saw value in having Mandalorian on the pay role. Thought of a Mandalorian being sent after you has to keep most smugglers from trying to double cross Jabba. That whole line from Vader saying no disintegrations wasn't a comment on his killer reputation but on his cowardness. Fett over kills because he's afraid. He was going to shoot Chewie before Vader stopped him. Vader needed them alive for his trap to work. If Chewie was killed Han and Leia would have fought to the death. Boba wasn't thinking about the plan. He was acting on fear. In the Book of Boba Fett he tells Fennec that he needs his armor and ship for his plans to succeed. He also wants her on his team because he needs someone with brains and brawn. She has both. Fett is at least smart enough to know he's neither. He does know that his armor and rep is enough to create the right appearance. Fett gotten his ass kicked nearly every fight in this show so far or he talked his way out of it. He hasn't grown past the need for violence he's just afraid of being exposed as a fraud. Didn't he out smart Han by following him to Bespin? Han not the smart either. Fett tagged along other more competent Hunters long enough to pick up a few tricks that Smugglers like Han try to pull. He tried to fight Luke up close. Would a coward do that? If he was flirting with the Special Edition Dancers earlier that day he would. His secret was only known to Jabba. Everyone was expecting him to be a badass that day. The fear being exposed as a fraud was too much. After losing that fight he became even more cautious. Fett looked pretty bad ass fighting those Stormtroopers in season 2 of the Mandalorian? Don't they share the same DNA? All of them bumping their heads. Stormtrooper armor limits visibility and mobility. Stormtroopers are trained to fight against modern combatants. Ewoks bested them because of the weren't trained against primitive tactics. Just like they had no training against Tusken Raider stick fighting. Once Fett got his armor the odds were against the Stormtroopers. Even a fraud can seem to kickass when fighting alongside 2 real bad asses. Mando and Fennec are like Hikaru and Max. They keep the dead weight alive (most of the time). He'll have his chance to proven himself real soon, but we all know that he's going to spend most of the finale riding the Rancor. He just has to hold on and let it do all the work. Fennec really should really be in charge. Fett needs to learn that he's just a figurehead. Dude is so caught up in his legend he's going to get them all killed. At least that my opinion of the character after watching this series so far. I hope the finale ends with Fennec saving his ass and slapping him. She should remind him that he's just a puppet. An ending like that would really upset the fanboys but would make so much sense after all of his cowardly and dumb actions. It would really subvert those expectations.
  18. This article does a nice job explaining problems with the show. https://www.denofgeek.com/tv/star-wars-the-mandalorian-save-the-book-of-boba-fett/
  19. 3 hours? This will be on HBOMax right?
  20. My favorite line. Droid: That was your last bacca treatment. You are completely healed. He still looks about 60 years old.
  21. A semi-spoiler free mini review. Episode 4 was a better than Episode 3. I'd say Episode 4 should have been extended by 20 extra minutes and it could have been the first 4 episodes. The other episodes were pointless filler that made Boba Fett look like an idiot. When Boba and Fennec reappeared in The Mandalorian you might have been interested in learning how they got here. Visually they gave you enough clues. Boba was dressed as Tusken Raider. We could have assumed he was either rescued by them or killed them. Disney gave us 3 episodes of flashback of him living among them. Episode 4 features a flash back of him finding Fennec. In just a couple lines of dialog he explains where he's been all this time. Those lines and his clothes are all you need. There's more cyborg stuff. We know Fennec has a robot-stomach. Fett takes her to Cyberpunk doctor with techno music that seems so out of place with Star Wars. Fett also almost gets them killed be being a moron. They have a slapstick scene with droids. And he finally explains his motivations.
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