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Roy Focker

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Everything posted by Roy Focker

  1. Btw the way Burger King Stuff is a joke. A member started a topic about no more Orange Drink at McDonald's in Canada. Since it was off topic I closed it. In my closing message I mention about how the Loaded Steak House Burger would be worthy of starting a topic. It was a joke. Which a couple of members here are running with.
  2. Roy Focker

    Yamato Toy TV

    Agreed. I'll remind people of Rule # 2 No graphic or vulgar descriptions/depictions of sex or sexual content.
  3. I am I the only one who likes the VF-22S more but prefers the face of the YF-21? 2nd Member to Borrow from the Burger King line.
  4. From what I read he had month and said "Shhh".
  5. Spoiler ending - Even though I didn't stick around to see it. Dead Pool I guess survives after the credits even though his head was cut off.
  6. This is almost gonna be as good as the Shadow Chronicles!
  7. I like to follow the quote of Kawamori that's in the Compedium. That both Macross TV & DYRL are just two different versions of the same story. Even their version of DYRL in different from ours. Later Macross series say they are based on the TV's story but all the designs are from DYRL. Including the flash backs.
  8. Just saw it. One Word Lame How about some more words. I will judge it by the continuity of the previous movies. I think it contradicts them. 1. Wolverine & Sabertooth are in Vietnam when they are recruited by Striker for a special team. Six years later is where the main story gets going. Scott is teenager back then. Okay Vietman ended in the mid 1970's right? Plus six years means the movie is takes place in the late 70's or early 1980's. Scott looks about 15 or 16 years old. The first X-men took place in the present or slight near future. Did the actor playing Scott in the first movie looked like he was 35? 2. You wouldn't know Wolverine & Sabertooh had such a history together from the first film. 3. Fans screamed when Gambit arrived. Do they realize if there ever is an X-men 4 that Gambit is going to look like a 60 year old man? 4. In the 2nd Movie we learned from Striker that Wolverine volunteered. Wolverine might not have always been a hero. In this movie he's the hero all the way. 5. Striker wants to capture and erase Wolverine's memories. He never gets to do that but he does shoot him in the head with admaniduim bullet. Striker doesn't capture him but the bullet ends up erasing the memories anyway. Movie was slow and like a bad made for cable movie with a big budget. Some CGI was pretty bad. Captain Picard makes a cameo. The younger CGI Picard. He only talks with his mind. Reason is not to show his power but because it would cost more to do the effect if his lip are moving. What I know about Deadpool is just from Wiki. If I was his fan I would be mad too. For a movie featuring people with claws it wasn't that bloody. More like PG. I think it got the PG-13 rating cause people said crap & you saw Jackman's Jackass. No one point at it and said crap though.
  9. Every time I see your sig my tummy cries for the one that got away.
  10. Wow should he really be proud of giving the Jackass host a sponge bath?
  11. He's pretty much the same guy but they pay him to be tool now. To give you an idea of how much people loved him. There was that infamous photo of MWer giving him the finger behind his back at an Anime Expo. He wasn't working for HG back then. He just like dropping in and telling people the "truth." He had a reputation of only showing up when news came in about the Rights to Macross.
  12. Watch Craigs List.
  13. If people could occasionally act normal we wouldn't need moderators at all. Some just abuse their posting abilities. They don't care about the forums, other members or about their friends. It is all about their fun.
  14. He'll be a Doctor Jekyll & Mr. Hyde. Turning to either Nathan or Sylar with out the other knowing it. Sylar will become a major threat but since he's also Nathan his friends and family will chicken out. Does anyone like pudgy Parkman? His stories are kinda lame and his character is a pussy.
  15. That sorta sucks I was thinking about Hikaru's VF-1J or VF-1D. Going to at least be $100 with shipping. I'm fine with an occasional stress mark appearing after a lot of use. I don't want to encounter these serious cracks in seeing in some pics. I'll wait for the 50% sales before I buy one these prefixed model. I'll get one of the fixed models and a destroid instead.
  16. I always rub all my new toys down with fresh pig's blood before playing with them.
  17. Okay I might be getting my first VF-1 1/60 v2 next month. I've been hearing about this broken shoulder problem. Is there any specific models more prone to this that I should avoid?
  18. One of my favorite VFs and out of my price range.
  19. Kinda of topic ain't it? I could see starting a topic about how Burger King stopped doing that Loaded Steak House Burger. That was good. I was so mad when I drove up a drive thru ordered it and was told they aren't selling it anymore. I was like "Why do you still have it now yor menu."
  20. Help me to understand this: We have a pinned Topic for all Robotech & HG stuff right? That says Keep it here only right?
  21. Okay it is a show about Super Heroes. You watch Super Heroes stuff to see a Super Heroes fight it out. Looking at the after fight damage to the room showed it was an epic battle. Did we see it? No. We should have seen bodies being tossed in to walls and crap. Viewers would be saying it was the best episode ever!
  22. I remember when the rumor first started about a new VF-11B that Kawamori was going to retcon the VF-11's dimensions. Is it statistically bigger?
  23. Try sending him a PM?
  24. Resolute just needed a bigger budget for an extra 5 minutes for a proper ending.
  25. Leaked Footage
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