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Roy Focker

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About Roy Focker

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    Roy Focker
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    Hmm let me think...Macross and Macross. Did I mention Macross?

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SMS Squadron Leader (11/15)



  1. Missed out on the Smake. Internet was out all day by the time it was working again it was too late.
  2. Maybe it will be inspired by the 3 Amigos? They're playing themselves. Hired to protect a village but think they're making a sequel.
  3. It looks like everything I don't want from this show. Trailer is filled with rock music and action. Andor season 1 was great show but, it was slow paced with a bunch of talking. The action scenes were few and far between. When they did happen, it had meaning. The action wasn't there to just keep people from getting bored. I hope season 2 is still like season 1. Maybe the trailer is just Disney trying to make it look more action packed than it really is.
  4. Don't forget this one too. GA0581 1:12 JUNGLE HOUND GRIDIRON Mechanized Div. (Green) 4x4 Military vehicle great for G.I. Joe Classified, Monster Force custom Action Figures
  5. If anyone was unsatisfied by the ending remember this was a show about kid characters. They would have to be the ones to save the day. Because they are kids it isn't going to involve that much violence. Nor could they have Jude have a change of heart and fight his old crew with a light saber as it would have made him the more of hero than the kids.
  6. You realize this was the Star Wars show specifically aimed at kids more than any other show (excluding the Ewok TV movies). No kids in the real world would be able to save the day like that. Kid centered fiction follows a different set of rules. If this was a show featuring adults as the leads, I'd questioned everything. Since this show is for kid and about kids, I'm judging it by a different standard did they tell a good story? Was I entertained? Did I care about the characters? To that I say yes. I'd put it up there with Andor. Both are good for different reasons. I'd even say it might even be better than season 1 and 2 of The Mandalorian.
  7. Exactly. This time it is a show featuring kids aimed at kids. Only the logic of Saturday morning cartoons apply. If one of these kids get stabbed through the middle of the chest with a light saber and survives I'm not going to question it like I would in some of their other shows.
  8. Some harsh reviews I see. Latest episode was alright. Nothing spectacular but okay overall. It is still primarily the show aimed specifically at kids. Judging by that standard its not a bad show.
  9. No complaints from me. Thought the Owl was too cartoonish but then I remembered this is the kid targeted show.
  10. It gets my seal of approval. Kids go off on adventure and encounter pirates. The tone is good. Kids can act. Watching it wasn't a chore. I look forward to watching the rest.
  11. Remember what allegedly happened with Rogue One? Disney wasn't pleased with what Edward made and had Gilroy do some reshoots. In theory Rogue One had some good ideas but something was lacking if they had someone else do the reshoots. A script that sounded better on paper or whatever. A good director but the wrong director for that particular movie. I think the Acolyte suffered from the same problems. This time none of the higherups ordered any reshoots. How could they afford it with the budget they already spent making it.
  12. I don't understand why this Captain America isn't dead. His wing suit might be capable of superhero stunts but isn't physical body still that of a normal human? There's no super serum running through his veins. Those mechanical parts don't encase his entire body like Ironman.
  13. Wait this is their first wave? Characters are too obscure. Each one is potential peg warmer. You include one such figure per wave for the "collect them all" collectors. The casual collector are just going to go for the main casts.
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