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Everything posted by wickedpr1nce

  1. I'm thinking about it but I'm not sure if I can fit that Millia in a wedding dress and still make it fit in the cockpit. Guess it doesn't have to be perfect right? Oh yeah... anyone out there want to sell me one of their 1D kits as well as maybe extra 1/48 pilots???
  2. This has been a long time in the making. It has taken me many many months in completing this since the only spare time I have is in between commissions. Instead of doing an orange VF-1D trainer, I decided to go a different route. I'm a fan of the color blue so I went ahead and used John Moscato's kit for this conversion into a Virgin Road valk. I also went with blue lens instead of the normal green. Figured I can try to make something stand out in all of that blueness within the valk. I believe the head scheme isn't supposed to be that way but I really didn't care. I wanted to have a little "trainer" feel to it. Let me know what you all think... good or bad. BTW,,, Just a FYI... this will be going to Evilbay within a week or so. I'd like to give a shout out to Gabe Q for selling me this kit and also to the Captain for such an awesome straight forward VF-1D kit. Can't get any sweeter than this.
  3. As promised, here are some battroid pictures of Jetfire. For some reason I couldn't find my heatshield for it so that's the reason why it isn't in the picture. For the TV arm armors, I doubt anyone would want to trade that for a set of DYRL arm armors. But if anyone's sane enough to want to trade, I'm always up for them.
  4. Thanx everyone for the compliment. Battroid pics to come tomorrow with the correct head and red lens. Just a FYI... this is not the final coating. It's why there's still a gloss to it. Reason why it's the wrong armor is becoz I did NOT want to use one of my TV super armors. Think about it,,,, would YOU want to use one of your TV arm armors for this considering they don't sell them as standalones????? The DYRL FPs are an abundance so why not right? Minor imperfections but I can live with it.
  5. Yeah I am going to put the Autobot insignia on the heatshield. Again I'm just waiting for the sticker sheet to arrive. I'll try a smaller size insignia on the nosecone before committing or not. I guess it's like you said,,,, it bothers me a little but that's just me. Anyone order from Reprolabels.com before? I think that's the website which I placed my order. Wish someone here would do those sticker sheets instead... especially Takatoys. His is thin and real impressive for being stickers!
  6. I'm waiting for a set of Autobot sticker sheet to arrive so that I can apply it to the FP including the one that goes on top of the 1S head. Not sure if I should apply it to the nosecone but here's my question.... Is that Autobot insignia on the nosecone a distraction to some of you? Just curious as I'd like some opinion and feedback on this if you don't mind. Reason I wanted the verniers to be gold is that I wanted this to stand out. For example, if you were to put this Jetfire smack in the middle of a hundred Macross valks, it should be the one that you notice first and foremost. Hope that answers everyone's questions as to why it's gold.
  7. I couldn't help it. I have all these miscellaneous Anasazi decals lying around so I put it to use. It was either leave it plain jane or decal it up and since I don't know of anyone who produces Transformers waterslide decals, I just went with various Macross decals instead.
  8. It's not completely done yet but I just wanted to see what everyone thinks here. I haven't been on for many moons here and have just recently started picking up my toys again. I've been really busy with other things in my life and it's rather good to be back here. Anyway, I've added my own little kicks and I've also tried staying true to the original Takara/Hasbro Jetfire. The 1S head that's on it is temporary only until I can get a replacement. I also may end up putting this thing on Ebay at the end of this coming week if anyone's interested. Sorry for no battroid pics,,, got a little lazy at the end and didn't want to transform it. I'll post some pics of it in battroid mode eventually in a day or so if anyone's interested.
  9. you probably didn't push the trap door with the hook in far enough. here's a pic to show what i mean. maybe that will help.
  10. wickedpr1nce

    Please Read

    here's some pics of my 1/60's somewhat busted shoulders graham. i took the liberty of checking my 0A thoroughly and of course there's stress marks and a "Y" hairline crack on the same shoulder. i've only transformed this valk into battroid mode and it has stayed that way ever since... same goes with my two 0S valks. talk about fragile shoulders.
  11. wickedpr1nce

    Please Read

    i doubt it's half of the 0A owners. more like all of the 1/60 zero owners were they to inspect theirs. i just checked both my 0S that are on display today and all shoulders including lefts and rights have white stress marks on them. mind you i don't even play with these and i've only transformed them from fighter to battroid mode for display. i have NOT moved the shoulders till today. it's been like that since the day i've bought them... yet, still there are stress marks.
  12. all white areas on both valks have not been painted. only the FP have been painted as well as the nosecone, feet and one of the canopy. i just stripped the paints off of the valks since i didn't want any issues of paint chipping during transformation. definately if you see someone selling any of Anasazi's decals, make sure you're the first to grab them. they're definately worth the mini bux.
  13. a couple of Minmay Guards using Anasazi's waterslide decals. as you all know, devin is no longer producing these awesome decals. it's a shame coz for anyone who has never seen them in person, you've missed out. these are only 90% done. guess you can say i got lazy. i decided to make the Minmay Guard Paris Act fastpack armor a little different as you can see. it turned out okay... just different i guess. i also decided to make these Super FP Minmay Guards instead of the usual Strike FP Minmay Guards. i must say one thing,,,, these are definately unique looking valks once finished. they are quite a challenge especially with all the various decal placements. some were quite challenging to place but i must give credit to Kurt and Devin. btw, all critiques are welcome,,, good or bad, i can handle it.
  14. it's taken me a while to finish this guy up. i've always loved Rosario's Ostrich and KidKorrupt's super O back in the days. finally have a chance to do one for myself... the way i want it to look and want it to be like. btw,,, it's not finished. still have to incorporate the sazabi hands onto it as well as the antannae. i changed the color coz blue's my favorite and wanted it to be different. critique this for me guys... i can take the good, the bad and the ugly. lay it to me.
  15. i thought something didn't look right with my cockpit. there was an empty space on mine when i compared picks to mechamaniacs. john... i'm missing this as well... 2 of them since i have 2 orders. checked the other and it's missing. both in vanilla colors.
  16. a little bit of scenery change. minor but at least it's different from my other valks. now i just need to finish up my kakizaki 1S with green lens to match these.
  17. payment has been sent!
  18. yeah it should be 103. didn't think you'd notice that when i requested for the waterslide decals from devin, i think he forgot to put in the numbers 103 when i said i have a TV max. well,,, it's either he forgot or just that he couldn't do it, so i just used dyrl 013 which is better than nothing. i could have cut the numbers up and rearranged them but didn't feel like it.
  19. this little guy really has nothing to do with the title but i thought i'd just share it anyway. hate to say it but TV max is one of my favorite valk so naturally i had to make myself a mini TV max out of one of them banprestos.
  20. put me down for 2 non-pigmented sets please.
  21. they are 1/100 sazabi hands. i just haven't had time to paint them to match the 1S. i tried putting 1/48s in the back row and then 1/60s in the front... even the banpresto valks but they block some of the view of the 1/48s. wanted a full view of the 1/48s more so oh well. gotta make sacrifices for the best!
  22. i hate to say it guys but i think i've gone overboard. i'm beginning to wonder if i have one too many valks... of course nothing like Godzilla and Kensei but man no room to stack them boxes anywhere. yamato 1/48 hikaru 1A - 7 roy 1S - 4 max 1A - 5 hikaru 1S - 3 low viz - 1 hikaru 1J Non FP - 3 hikaru 1J FP - 1 max 1J - 1 millia 1J - 2 strike FP - 8
  23. finally got a couple of those display cases from ikea. too bad they can't hold more i.e. per shelf.
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