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Everything posted by chrono

  1. We could. But I think that it was said best in the manga Cannon God Exaxxion. "Hey it's like we're crawling! Can't we go any faster?" "But we're already moving at 120 mph." Scale kills when your on the ground and even being a full mile away isn't gonna help you when something that big is moving that fast! Just once I'd like to see them drop a Fuel Air bomb on a big monster.
  2. I've got to echo 1st Border Red Devil on this one. I got the distinct "Clash of The Titans" vibe from just the trailer! This has "pet project" all over it...
  3. I wouldn't exactly call them 'a group'. Far too many different agenda's on each others plates. Adam has a grudge about being confined for decades. NMM has grown a conscience for some lame reason. And Peter has been so mindfarted be EVERYONES own little personal agenda's from the shows beginning that he'll just tag along with about anyone who makes sense. So it's too loose for it to be called a group. kalvasflam, I can't see Hiro doing anything about revenge. He's accepted his fathers death even though he could've gone back and fixed his whole bit of stupidity to begin with.
  4. WuT!?!? Given the 4Chan level of QUALITY writting that existing in today's media how could you REMOTELY be "conflicted n' stuff".... ...good god does that sound like something from Penny Arcade...
  5. DA, If we assume otherwise suddenly you've got yet another group manipulating things, but without a single bit of background nor introductions never the very end of the season. Not even "The X-Files" series pulled that! And they pulled alot of stuff. So I can't buy into that.
  6. Shooting at a shape blocks away + film making = really stupid looking army guys.
  7. Umm... I could've swore that those were mere re-designs of existing designs.... and frankly fans put out redesigns faster than hate mail. We'll know more when we see more of the Capital ships and other mechanical designs.
  8. BAH!! Not even spoiler worthy material. The future paintings have ALWAYS been correct so the viewers already knew what was going to happen weeks ago! ((Yes NY does blow up! They've only saved it once, but according to both last seasons "future past" eps. and this seasons Sylar kill of illusion girl.... these only reinforce that the future WILL happen. )) @DA, it would be Claire's not Adam's. Would you waste his on a mere field agent especially when Claire's was so handy and easily gotten?
  9. In EVERY movie?
  10. Well there are players out there that will play all 4 mediums(Blu,HDDVD,DVD,CD) and aren't expensive nor really cheap. Last time I saw one was 2 months ago at around 600 USD.
  11. Inflation Girl! That was a good moment because it really adds to the generally WTF!!! confusion. Completely reminds me of the movie "The Thing". My only complain is that why do the characters always run past perfectly good and usable vehicles. I mean sure it looked good in the 1940's-1970's, but come on!
  12. Yeah shades... really small ones but shades none the less. was a brilliant move, but would've killed the show since basically the rest of the cast/characters stinks. Shame the rest of his 'cliffhanger' was crap though. Empathic Cop. Thrown out. Became Daddy's boy. Dead character. Needs off'd. The Indian doctor. Would someone just kill this annoying guy already. He doesn't move the plot along and has no real part in the show any more. Watching this show right now is watching the Hindenburg burn. Hella neat visually, but without feeling or relevance. Thank god the series is done. ::Edited by a Mod for major spoiler::
  13. Pretty much. This is why the Galaxy class was demoted/promoted to a CNC/Carrier/Support ship. The writers/producers of trek during DS9/VOY basically brought the modern naval concepts back into Trek when they found out war story's sold and brought the audiences in (This was why most of ENT was just a long war/FX story instead of humanities first steps to the stars and the creation of the Federation.).
  14. I'd pay money to watch that!! Ok after watching the new trailer it doesn't look that bad, but the camera work stinks and completely reminds me of the garbage camera work in the BSG2's battle scenes. I also firmly echo the points about it being nicely Lovecraftian. Sadly like most trailer/teasers now-a-days the plot's given away as are many of the 'awesome' scenes
  15. I truly don't see that happening. Both M2 and M7 only used the original Macross as an historical basis. The Big Head has firmly shown that M history doesn't need to be dealt upon and only the "here and now" only really matter for the story unless it's a required part of the story's background (m7's intro???). ------ Yeah there looks too be a City ship in the commercial as well.
  16. I see the forks your referring to now. Sadly the connection is fairly dubious like many transforms that hand wave the connections. Maybe I'm just tired of seeing the "dramatic zoom in while the hero transforms" camera work. I still think the design is more than a bit Fugly in all modes though, but that could be the horrible 3D making it look that way since the design is WAY too detailed to work with CelShading materials. I'm beginning to think that I need to stop looking at M:F material until at least June/July of next year because it's starting to look like something I'll pass on. Final Fantasy with mecha. And that's something that I never wanna consider Macross to be.
  17. It's already designed! It's in 3D so all they have to do is "print" the thing. Anyways on the commercial.... At the 5 second mark is that a big arsed Yamato styled warship or what! Also it looks like their will be a version of City 7 ala City 10. Looks yummy though!! At the 9 second mark we see, "poo BLOWS UP!", another ship with a 4 nacelle setup. Warship? Ally? Foe? On this note it really does look like this will be a partially human on human war with some aliens thrown in. Come on Anti-UN!!! LOL! At the 7-8 second mark the transformation sequence clearly shows that Macross has now become the home of Super Robots. Valk's flying apart and recombining via energy beam handwavium oh freaking my! Not happy at all....
  18. Glad you like those. I hate'em! Those feet look like bad copies of a Gundam foot.
  19. I watched Mondays ep. and by the end felt that the entire reason why it was shown was due to the writers strike. Every key 'flashback' scene, except for Hiro's bs, was shown and nearly all of the niggling character questions were quickly tied up and the "season's" ending confrontation between Peter & Sylar were advanced into the final phase. In a way this has saved the season because it's been very boring and just poorly written because it stayed with most of the existing characters but kept on bringing in more characters overloading both the show with cast and the viewer with unneeded materials. They badly needed to have only a few of the characters from first season and the rest new characters/powers. Also having a good portion of the story "Internet Only" certainly doesn't help the show either! Sophomore year dip.
  20. I doubt it. The design is hardcore bishie, so unless they can give him an equally "Bishie" haircut I doubt that it will happen. I just hope that they don't have him falling for his instructor.... Knight26, I think that was a rip from both Gundam and TTGL, so that it has more "flash" for audience appeal & "wow" factor.
  21. It's been in development for a good long while now and it's merely a proven technology taken from the attack helo. About as 'new' as a GameBoy is.
  22. The only place I use to ever hear that argument was on 4Chan! Where hate = love. But the people who generally say what you've said was that are the people who are rampant fanboy's who are so wrapped up in their 'love' for GitS they'll shout down anyone and everyone who remotely disagrees with them. Survival of the loudest if you will, I guess. I do think that people have long ago accepted the style change in 2D CG, but find the pure 3D CG work too jarring from the norm when it's not heavily smoothed out like in the Gits2 movie, and that's part of the issue. It just wasn't polished enough. AppleSEED suffered from inconsistent work and a switch to an immature medium that doesn't have enough talented (not just skill taught) people in it yet to make it look 'great' straight from the beginning. But even when people say that "It looks bad!" it maybe a single scene, area, or object OR even half the show to the entire show. However it nowadays can not be so casually dismissed as "subjective" because of the shear amount of CG that is thrown at us on an hourly basis builds up so much exposure to it at ALL levels of quality that if it's not equal to the mediums leading style it truly is substandard and thus "Looks bad." through long experience & exposure to the standard. ----- @Batou, GitS did start directly after AppleSEED ended. AppleSEED ended one month and GitS took it's place the next month. Appleseed had some SWAT action in it but the leads were moved quickly into Special Forces (you don't go out of country on military counter-terrorist or riot actions otherwise). I throughly believe that SEED focused Shirow's ideas for GitS with SEED's nearly continuous talk of defining human(ity) and all of the geo-political talk.
  23. Well it's that normally where the squadron patch is at?
  24. Well sometimes give has to take place from the designers POV because it turns out to be an ugly model in 3D when it's a true transfer from 2d to 3D. But most of the time if it's a good design it won't change. Interesting hearing about 2 fleets. Maybe both fleets were sent in the same direction because of a possibly high concentration of habital planets OR something happened that they need to merge the fleets together. But multiple fleets aren't new because of M7 having 4-5 different fleets. But this does help to explain why the intro had so many colony ships!
  25. The largest hindrance to 3D anime is the amount of time it takes to polish both the 3D and 2D so they are seamless. It's completely doable on a series budget in the US, but it takes an OVA or Movie budget for the Japanese. It's want I've said for years now they just don't have the work flow experience nor the technical experience to make 3D mesh well with 2D. So as long as the 3D is terribly easy to spot then it will forever be considered by the masses as "bad". sketchley, all well pointed out. But as you read through AppleSEED you see that the writting and art both get better and it seems to 'come together' for Shirow. I think by the middle of the AppleSEED series he had a firmly laid out idea of what he wanted to write about during the near future in his career. GITS's basically shows that Shirow is now a mature mangka of his own.
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