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Everything posted by chrono

  1. Yeah really!! But he should go all EMO soon enough, since the show is so layered in stereotypes, going bisexual and hitting brother and sister. I'm still freaked out by little inumimi girl....
  2. It's just reinforcing what many people think of HG. So I say let'em continue to hang themselves!
  3. Your friend might have seen the Robotech 2: The Sentinels movie. BOT. It's good to know that decent subs are now out!
  4. Well that 60,000 number is not only highly questionable (the macross had 80k by herself), but it disregards the several million Zentraedi left over after the War. Now given how some Macross fleets were fully Zentraedi, that UN Spacy had the HUGE Factory satellite, and when M:F takes place we are now 2 full generations removed it's very feasible.
  5. Sorry mac666, but the problems are still there. It's a scale and LOD issue. Those panel lines are simply to large for the model being around 3-6 feet wide.
  6. Glad you think so! But for myself and what I've seen so far I'm fairly underwhelmed and if it positively doesn't blow my socks off on the first episode then I'll pass on it.
  7. Given how it's 5+ months behind the original ep1 show date the potential for improving sales, pre-empting subbers, is long pass. Now it is still at the same existing 'break even' sales that they've been complaining about. As UNSpacy said I'll keep the existing American fans interested... at least the ones who care enough to buy it.
  8. http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2007-...tream-subtitled Interesting.... I can't help but wonder how many people won't even bother buying the R1 disc's....
  9. I suggest that you watch at least 3 episodes before you buy a single disc and even then it doesn't get to the point of showing you the amount of dickery that Gainax pulls with the show.
  10. Will Smith gets back to his Roots with comedy "Hancock". Let the puns ensue. IMO, MEH! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n0zhKUs2oe4
  11. Well I've only seen the square ones on the Scout & Light Missle versions. The regular BP is always shown with round ones, even in the show. Going with the square version would be coping out on getting it right though... I wonder how Capt. America handled it...
  12. Digging up the dead.... .... but I figure that this is as good a place to post this question as any. After a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG bout of just not wanting to do anything in 3D, EMO'ing, and getting seriously PO'D at this project I'm back on the 'horse' as it were. However I have a question. I've been working on the side thrusters (of the BP), and specifically the exhaust ports. Are they round or square in shape? I've seen both and it's really not that clear, so I'm looking for opinions. Also if someone has some pictures of their BP's I'd like the links, especially if they are taken from a bottom looking up. Here's some wires for your troubles....
  13. Maybe the "Director's Cut" DVD will polish it up some. But seriously how is it stacking against Omega Man & The Last Man on Earth?
  14. Yep it's "EPIC!". It would make an excellent flag for the new nation of EU. It really did some 'fluffing' in 4Chan's /m/. Though it's still not as "EPIC!!!" as what they did with those glasses & the 'Muppet Show'!
  15. It's mainly on the Daedalus's front, from what's viewable, but I'm sure that it pops up in other places as well. It's really not good to use random gradient panels unless they are heavily edited. Have you asked on the Maxwell forums about your problem??
  16. Your going to hate me... But the panel lines on the blue areas are too wide and deep. They catch to much light and stand out WAY too much. The white areas have the same panel lines, but don't stand out nearly as badly as the blue ones do. So you probably will only have to tweak the Blue lines. Also the UV's or the textures themselves are slightly messed up, because they lay on the surface oddly and look squiggly in some places on the beams. The gray areas that have the gradient 'plated' look need to be scaled downwards. I'd personally avoid using that texture style because it's from the 90's when Babylon 5 was bleeding edge TV FX and has long ago given up it's ghost and now just looks bad. I'd suggest that you use 'noise', fractual and others, to give the textures a better color variation. And I'd definitely use photograph stock instead of 'painting' the model with a painting program. It'll give you better results.
  17. A lame cover story for their attempt at a Bishie male character. Can't help but wonder if we're going to see some Homosexual overtones between him and the instructor.
  18. Can't see that happening unless they change the audience at the base level. Including potential audiences. And then really how many of us posters goto foreign movies or foreign tv channels? I'm sure they'll try though! @Oihan, don't buy into the ratios that the company's state. They used the same tactic with manga and confused the audience enough to believe it while promising far lower prices and better quality. NEITHER have happened (hell DarkHorse has some of the worst manga prints anymore) and the prices have already started increasing to where $13 USD isn't unusual (14.95-16.95 before). BUT unlike manga, sub titled material has never had a wide market appeal. So they have to tip toe the audience vs price line.
  19. If I was a girl I'd have probably wet myself laughing so hard! Seriously when was the last time there was a good story that revolved around a school or near it? *not counting Genshiken* Macross, any more, is for mecha fans who love planes.
  20. Oh the Localization company's get this. But the subs would have to nearly double in volume in order for the company's to see the same profits and the market is way to much of a niche for that to happen easily!
  21. Kinda like how they are now? But seriously though. Unless you are already a fan of anime, a lack of dubs would definitely continue the revenue drops because you would see fewer people buying buying localized anime versions and even then DL's would be hard pressed to WANT to change because it's "Free!". Besides a company already brought that up at a CON and it WILDLY backfired on the company's President. Who was very embarrassed by it.
  22. Your argument is ONLY valid if your recordings don't step out the door or transferred to the computer and then hosted on the Internet, and then it fails because it's become the typical 'entitlement' one. You may feel that it's a silly law, but it doesn't mean that it's to be ignored. It's like complaining about getting a ticket for jay-walking in front of a cop driving down the street! ----- @Mr March, That's a neat article, but it doesn't really get into the specifics of the debate that would valid some things. The increase of fan-subbers during those years(sure it's a floating number and somewhat difficult to find), new season licensed and older animes licensed, prices charged, and fans ratings per anime genre. But at least they didn't have the mega drop that manga did! I do wish that they would stop doom saying the situation though. Yes it's hard out there, but it doesn't mean the end!
  23. They've been working on M:F for over 6 months. M0 had single episodes that needed that much time to 'close' to the anime look, and on an OVA budget at that! Your BSG comparision fails because the CGI studios where BSG is done are very mature studios. Japanese & Asian studios are not even near the same level of maturity and are still only marginally advanced from the late 90's. It would still take the J-studios at least 3-4 months to get even near the same level as M0, but the BSG studio could do the same in under 6 weeks at a much higher quality level. So IF they do keep the Spring release date it would be best to wait for the DVD releases, so you don't have to suffer with Aquarion level 4Chan QUALITY!!! Basically don't expect better quality than what has been seen in the trailers. Sure they could squeeze in "OLD crowd favorites", but that's about it. The whole 'logical progress' idea has long been thrown out the window because they are still using design ideas that are over 70 years old.
  24. That only works if he didn't steal it to begin with! But he did so it's the crime of receiving stolen goods. DURH!!!! Your VP only remotely holds up when you are only handing out your recordings a few times to family and friends (locally in a small city or town), and then aren't being copy'ed again. But your VP completely fails when it comes to dl's from the Internet, because then you are copying copy's! Also you are copying copy's of material that is not broadcast in your area. And even if it IS in your area you are still copying a copy unless it's from an official release site which would make it legal. Otherwise you are receiving stolen goods.
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