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Everything posted by chrono
And another. *i've soooo gotta get a remote linkable site!*
Lestat, Yeah that's true, but after studying some of the images from the Perfect Memory book and the Macross part of RT I think I can toss together some decent surface details along the lines of what they envisioned. A very military and practical look with panels that have rounded corners. Pretty straight forward once you see what it is. Reminds me of some of the surface details on the SEED ships from the Trigun manga. Regardless though I'm interested in what type of detail your going to have on those HW2 ships of yours! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sorry for the long gap between updates. Working 12 hours isn't the best of things to be doing and have free time too! Sadly not much of an update. Just more model clean-up and scaling really. Frankly I'm slightly embrassed by this, but I got started REALLY late in the day and only got to work on it for a few hours. The nacelles are finally starting to come into focus and are nearly done. As soon as I sort out the shape of the exhausts I can then work more on the lower nacelle, which is pretty incorrect right now(but none-the-less close to the shape required).
I'm FAR more concerned how the system can be used against it's citizens then some other country's whiners who's country won't even have an R&D department for it's own defense. When they spend TRILLIONS on this stuff then they can complain.
dejr8bud, Your right people just don't read sometimes. LOL If anyone would've looked at the image more closely the box says "value pack". This means that a stand alone unit WILL be cheaper then you think! It's a classic marketing ploy. The DS WILL run pretty damned expensive too! Anyways people will be buying the PSP and price won't be as large a factor as you think it will be. Remember the intial cost of the PS? 300+ & the PS2 wasn't that much more costly. The gamers have already given the "go" on higher prices because of their frenzied intial unit buying.
Yeah the way that 'buster rifle' is built in the design IS pretty nifty!
What's causing the 'jaggies' are the size and number of the rivet dimples. They cause a 'Z' movement. Try the panel lines with smaller rivet sizes, less rivets AND no rivets at all to see how it looks. Sometimes you have to leave some detail behind because it's not additive to the overall scene.
Cool sounding MOD! Good finish to the Oberth but the textures make it look pretty dark. You may want to lighten them up somewhat. Have you tested it in-game yet?
Ever have the feeling that your spinning your wheels? The lack of clarity on this ship is just kicking my ass in so many ways. But, hell, I'm love'n it! Ok some things: *The bottom is finished, sans the details. *The groove is finished except for some VERY small adjustments. *The nacelles are only about 50% done and currently WAY the frig off! *The overall scale is abit off and it won't be finished until the nacelles are done. Overall I'm happen with what I've gotten done and the mesh I fairly clear with some intentional errors. 808 faces with a smoothed version of 50K. But something has been sitting in back of my mind since I've started. How in the world am I gonna surface this thing! There's virtually NO upclose detailing of the ship, or ships, in the anime nor in published reference materials. I know of 3 images(scenes) that show such detail, but those are on other ships. I suppose that I could adapt those to this design......
That's a pretty sausy ship list! Can you give us some background information about the MOD?
Thanks for the comments!!! Well I was able to get more fine tuning done and had to start the outboard engines earlier then I would like too. Last update until the weekend. Sorry about the size!
Lestat, Thanks for clearing that up! Though it IS marked as a cruiser in RT. I've been able to get a copy of both Perfect Memory and Macross Design Works. So with those and the fan sites out there I'm now set-up quite well with reference imagery. This is what I've gotten done so far with the picket ship. Right now alot of the overall shape is good and nearly finished, but I'm still tweaking here and there(small stuff that has meaning). The groove is new(as of today) and is in need of large scale adjustments. For right now I'll be refining the central body until I get it to the point that adding the nacelles won't be a problem.
I don't know HOW I missed that over at CGtalk!!! That render is hella sweet and it looks very well made. I'm just wondering if it's transformable.
Well they are the ships that get tasked to 'scout' early in the anime and then are quickly destroyed by the SDF's main weapon. They have a pointed nose, that has a groove sloping up from the bottom, that tapers backwards into a widening body that flares outwards into 2 'engines'. The belly of the ship also tapers backwards and downwards into what could be called a 'gut' before quickly sloping upwards the the body's end. In the middle of that slope is another 'engine' that looks 'glued' on. It's not the Heavy nor the Strike Cruiser versions. Gods I wish I had made a list of these things!
Oh yeah! I also finished up that type 3 missile too! I've decided that I'm going to work a ship next and that it will be the RT's version of a Cruiser class. If you know the Macross name and any addional info then go ahead and tell me. I'd rather be informed then otherwise.
Wow! Eight days have passed since I last posted here and no I'm not lazy! lol Just getting things done and having to deal with a buzy work week. ANYWAYS.... She's finished except for textures and animation, which I've already begun working on. I did all the addional work that needed to be done on the beam turret and sorted out the scale and made the little adjustments to make it look better. I've also taken the liberty of cutting grooves where the black strips are and adding thin detail pieces to help give better depth to the design. I also rounded some edges and removed excessive polygons. Sorry for the image size. *I've soooo gotta get an account for this stuff so I can just post a small image link!*
Sorry to sound like a line from a song or a psy. book. But sometimes you HAVE to see into the depths of your inner darkness(depression, apathy, nilism, etc) in order to really enjoy some of the things we take for granted in everyday life(friends, family, sunshine,etc). It also spurs personal growth and helps the individual to avoid such things because they now understand their 'limits' better. So if it takes anime to invoke it.... so be it! Add to your self-destructive behavior, by listening to the ending song from Steel Angel Kurumi and thinking about the words and the characters. Or watch the last part of the anime AlienNine! But if you wanna wash away the current feelings go watch the old OMG OVA's or OMG Mini-OVA's! Though I really don't see how you could watch ANY series through without being bored outta your skull!
Well the Zen Missile Turrent is complete when it comes to the modeling aspect. The texturing and animation can wait till later. I've grown to hate this design, because it's so damned vage in the way it's drawn! You'll notice that some of the corners are not rounded. Well that's because TS can not handle such operations with ANY effectiveness unless it's VERY pre-planned and done with splines. So there is no way in hell I'm gonna spend several hours trying to manually move vertexs around to make a small and very none important edge "look good". Give me LW, Maya, or C4D and I'd do it in a heart beat!!! I've ordered the Macross: Perfect Memory artbook, so I'm kinda waiting for it to come in before I move further ahead with the other projects like the Missiles and other little things.
You guys do realize that this game is meant and designed to be multiplayer and not really single player. Single player now-a-days is only a handwave at that non interent crowd. Besides there will be several dozen, if not hundreds, new missions made by the fanbase from TT stock over the next few years. But do what everybody else does! What 2-3 months for the price to drop and then buy it!
VERSION 2 Laser Turret Base UPDATE ARGH! I'm really hating this, laser, turrets base! It has such an impossible shape. It's really wasted alot of time today. The only good thing is that I'm very happy with the current shape, unfortunatly it's like 27,000 poly's. A few more final tweaks and I'll freeze the shape and then optimize the hell outta it. I'd sooooo love to had a simple and bug-free fillet tool. I'd be able to easly cut that down to about 8000. I also got the finished shape for the base detail finished and in place. This render is of better render quality and without much reduction beyond what jpeg starts at. Sorry about the size but it's simply better. *and after 2 hours of editing the poly count is down to 16k which is 'good enough'*
Whoa those were boolean operations!?! I avoid them like the black plague, even in TS 6.6! Crappy things they are. The Draw tool is our friend. A tip when working with non-planar faces is to change the phong shader to 'faceted'. This allows you to better see the poly's orientation. Also if your going to work with alot of curved surfaces use a Sub-D plugin for a better surface instead of time consuming hand modelling using splines. Oh and when using references in the TS size the object to the pixel size of the image. It won't be distorted then. Great work though!
They were in RT.
Thanks guys! @Macross_Fanboy, I understand why it may 'look' better, but from what I've seen of the forum it has ALOT of general airplane fans so it's probably just the change of subject that does it. Get a few Veritechs in the hands of a guy who understands lighting though..... @Mr March, Naw I understand how it is with forums and the whole "that guys got game, so I'm ONLY gonna check for his stuff everytime I log in" dealo. It doesn't really bug me that much anymore. I tend to look at the amount of views as a bigger guage of my work then the amount of reply's. Plus it's older anime stuff and not the highlighted objects, so people may not know or really care about the designs. I haven't even try'ed to make the Zen Monitor effect yet. I really don't believe that my program can actually do that effect justice!!! Though I'll have to at least try to if I plan to make the scene I'm planning.
Ok I'm guessing from the lack of response that it's all-good then and I'll move on to the next part of it.(IE the base and other detailing) Anyways I got distracted by a damned Zen missle turrent and ended up making a missile for it. It's not finished because I've run into a problem on the details. The problem being the blacked out areas of nearly all of the Zentraedi materials! Is it a shadow from a light source hidding a deep hole in the object or is it merely a black strip on the object? I'm thinking that it's a dip in the object that was put there to portray some shadowed detail that would've been to time consuming to draw every frame. I REALLY need you RT/Macross fans input on this subject!!! Anyways the eye candy.
Version 2 time. Well final got some "me" time 'yesterday' and was able to knock out a new version of the cannon itself. I'm much happier with this version in the way it's built(built for Sub-D so it's easly scalable), it's poly count, and it's scale and proportions, which is pretty damned close to offical right now(at least in terms of the Perfect Memory images). So you RT/Macross fans rip into it and tell me your opinions of what is wrong and could be adjusted! Aside from the turrents base & ball. Those are gonna get re-built. Personally I 'feel' somthings off but I really can't place my finger on it. So tell me what it is!!! Oh and I've uploaded a larger image for easier inspection.
Damn! That detail is tight!!! How did you get such good looking surface detail? Because everytime I do surface detail the height always is 'wrong' somehow. Also what program are you using 3D wise?