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Everything posted by chrono
OOOOOOOooooooooooo........ That makes me VERY happy!!! . .. ... ..... The panels are abit large though.
Rats! Your the second person to point that out, about the trench shots. The only trench shots I have are the ones in RT when the flagship does a flyby, but they don't show very much at all, other then slightly detailed boxs. The reason why the launcher is like that is because it's described as a 'silo' type, but I can see how it would work if it was a mere copy of the turrent design. It would certaintly fit with the design! I'll try a quick & dirty prototype to see who it'll look. I'll probably keep the simple repeating divider and the overlapping bars and triangular parts mainly because they are straight forward low polygon details. I can add the launcher and other randomizing details later to further give it depth. I guess I'll just have to do some more research on that area before I take another stab at it. Google here I come! lol And as for scaling vs mecha, not yet. I'm betting my scaling efforts, in the end, will be only 'somewhat' close. And 'no where near close enough' for many ULTRA purists.
Just trying to visualize what the 'trench' or the black divider would look like with it's various details. This set-up is 70 meters wide by 20 meters tall with the depth being irrelevant. The round piece in the center is the anti-capital ship/bombardment missile launcher, 8 meters in diameter with a 2 meter armor collar and a 3.78 meter opening(not shown). All the designs used are offical except for the missile launcher(which I don't have an image for). Any suggestions?
Due to a nasty combination of holidays, work, mouse death, and a sudden attack of StarOcean addiction I've gotten little work done. Well except for a final version of the interior parts of the main engines which took a-hella-lot tweaking to get where I wanted it. Totally worth it though! Until I can get some decent lighting made up you'll have to settle with this crappy render.
I've finally finished watching this OVA series. Sw33tness defined! Sure it was abit spotty on plot, dialogue, 3D, and animations. But then EVERY anime I've seen had some "could've been better IF..." in them. I loved how they perfectly defined both the UN and the AUN's stances! That alone made for some good story, but then they added in the defacto destruction of not only a culture but of individual viewpoints of faith and 'damn' you were just waist deep in story! That's not even talking about the clear tie-ins with the established Macross-verse with the Protoculture or was it the ProtoDevilin? (or maybe it was the Invid.... ) and the establishing of character depth for secondary character! The story was excellent with it's NEVER showing who was a villian and who was a hero. It was a simple story about survival. I was happy as an elephant(or pig) rolling in mud!!! The dogfights were simply incredible and will be hard to surpass any time in the future. The 3d work was beyond INCREDIBLE(pun intended)! Those textures would make Transformers weep in shame. I can truely say in the first few transforming fights those planes looked like moving painting.
Lestat, That'll be a pretty sweet model once the errors(basic scale stuff and weapon mounts) are ironed out! I am surious though just how is the group gonna balance-out the amount of weapons on the ships? Major, damn! He just put that up!
Good work. But you really need to add some small details that'll really set-off the damage as incredible. On some of the areas where the paint is chipped off add some carbon scarring. Now with all of that damage you should also have some areas where rust has either started to form or is in full bloom. The finishing touch though is wearing the corners of your model and wearing some of the chipped paint areas so they look like they are worn due to constant rubbing. Looks good though, but I've always had a soft spot for Zaku's.
Anyways thanks for the feedback on the design styles. I did some more modifing(flattened the outer area to make a smoother and more integrated look. After placing them and rendering a few images to see how things looked, hey I got a low-level factory video card!, and found out that the style really didn't matter much because of the size involved and becomes pretty damned illrelevant at larger sizes. This will be the final model for the design. *see image* I'll post more tomorrow, if I can....
The Zililina Moluqe No.4 type Automated Mineral Pod design is pretty good. Looks solid and functional. The Meltran Recource Control Ship designs are pretty damned interesting looking and do imply, alot, that they aren't highly mobile and just fragile. Designs 2 & 4 really don't seem to work well as Melt RC designs since they seem to lose alot of their needed functional look. But design 1 would work pretty well as a research station or far flung sensor station. While the #4 design looks like a defense station/base. Design #1 looks like a simple copy of thier main base. BUT if you removed the larger center pieces and adding more size variance to the small bits in a random and nonuniform way. Design #3 looks flat out sweet! And I really get a Melt feel from it.
Ditto! That's great looking.
Ok as some of you already know I'm working on a medium quality 3D model of the Zentraedi(yes I know that name it's the 'true' name) Picket ship. I'm current at the point in model building that I'm wokring out the details. However using the information I've found if tricky. Right now I know where all the 'main' and secondary engines are at except for one of them. It's said to be placed on the 'dorsal side facing aft'. However I don't have any images showing exactly where! But I 'know' it's either just above the rear hanger or the cone-like affair on the ships top. So what I'm looking for is any views showing the ship from behind and above.
DAMN! Now this is a sweet MOD! Once I saw a Dessie I was hooked!!! Is that a DeathScythe wannbe I see!
I've been working on a small, but important piece of the ships design. One that will carry-over to other designs so I won't have to continously re-design. Pretty tough to decide what version best suits the overall design style though. That piece is the maneuvering thrusters! A. has offical pieces because it was taken from the fighter design. B-D. the outside area is what I'm going with, but each different interior is pretty close to the inherent Zen style. Personally I'm leaning towards 'D' because it nearly matchs the ships main engines and it a good hybrid between versions B & C. But tell me what you think!
That makes it loads better. I've always thought of the use of blue to be slightly more then accenting and having a somewhat neutral color to offset the bright white base and the red pinstriping.
And why oh why would I want to click a link without something that indicates that it's actually worth the bother? Besides the whole 'screenshots' button is lost in the background and could mean anything given that I'm looking for a MOD for a game! Those screenshots need to be in the correct area and not simply half-assed like they are. Anyways after much idiotic menu diving..... it's..... ugh! Could've spent their time better MOD'ing another game (Hegemonia) or adding their skills to an already established group.
Ummmm if your gonna PIMP something at least give screenshots. *there otta be a law......*
Only thing I can complain about is that it uses too much blue. But that hardly matters unless your up close, which you won't be 80% of the time. Other then that I love it! Though the cargo pod is pushing the limits of pun-ability.
Yeah RAD was 'fun' to play and it was really something once you understood and could manage the control scheme well enough. Theres just something soooooo right about watching a Semi truck sized Rocket Punch fly right over your head! The rest of the game was crappy though. The first ZOE had iffy graphics, but had a better story. While the second had better game play it's story was nearly total suckage, it's ending was neat though! The glaring problem was that the series was like chinese food! By the time your done eating your hungry again!!! RT Battlecry was pretty fun to play as long as you didn't game online through to PC. For all it's hits and missing it was a solid game that actually had a semi-good story to tell. It was fine to either buy or play, but it wasn't a keeper. Front Mission 4 is one of the best examples of talented, highly skilled people making complete and utter fools of themselves. The game not only had a dry and EXTREMELY boring story, oh geeze we're in the midddle of a Cold War and someones trying to start a world war!!!, but the game play is unorginal, haphazed and very very very boring. It's like watching paint dry! Chess is more entertaning. Add in the idiot bound story delievery method and this games not even a 2 dollar rental and I made the sad mistake of buying the damned thing too! Transformers is one of the best examples of console mecha that's out there. From massive level and well designed environs to excellent and varied gameplay. Throw in the incredibly well done video footage and it rocked! It's largest problem was that it's basically like RoboTech. A game made for selling toys. No real story depth, only 3 playable characters outta dozens of designs, and 0 multi-player OR online capability. Sure the Mini-Cons helped to extend gameplay as did the difficulty levels, but neither were helpful because both ended up being the exact same. Best Graphics: a split between ZOE2 and TRANSFORMERS with RT:BATTLECRY second Best Story: a split between RT:BATTLECRY and ZOE Best Gameplay: TRANSFORMERS Best Fun: RAD of course!
Boxer, That's a sweet looking design, but I agree with Lestat that it does look abit small. Maybe reducing the size of the eye would do the trick?.? I'd also add in that the engines should be more blended into the hull like other ships do, because right now they look more like UN Spacey designs.
And a side shot.
Oh lookie an update. *scoffs* *yeah right* I've been tweaking the mesh and seem to have gotten the engines correct, more or less, along with the launch bay and as you can see I've started working on the larger details. Still lots of work to do yet. TS is really starting to show how badly it's missing some tools though. :/ In addition to these I've started breaking down the design of the next ship the Thuverl Salan. I know it maybe premature but frankly it's better to get the research outta the way now then wait till I've started the model.
I'd like to point out a pretty obvious point. If Square hadn't made 'that' type of movie someone else surely would have! It could have easly been Dreamworks, Pixar, or any of the half-dozen 'big name' graphics studios out there. Whether people want to believe it or not company's like Pixar own alot to failures like Square studios because it clearly defines what the audience is after! A quality balanced show.
Macrossworldfest Japan 2004 fall
chrono replied to Bariaburu Faita's topic in Conventions and Local Gatherings
I LOVE IT! This is what makes life great! Crazy assed story's from abroad. -
I believe the Anti-UN forces nation make-up was from separatetist states. I think many countries had portions of their countries break off. Later many were retaken for various reasons, while others were able to expand quite abit. Large pieces of the old USSR, China, South America, IndoPacific states and both Canada & the U.S. would've been fractured. Most if not ALL of the European countries would've willingly gone under the UN's power, except for maybe parts of Germany. AT THAT TIME. (the early mid 80's folks though some are currently vaild) Later-on the Anti-UN forces would've naturely been largely dispersed by the Zen's barrage. Breaking the will of those peoples with the exception of a few who would later expand into space and generally fight UN forces there. Ever notice how much Macross looks like Star Trek? With the UN Spacey looking like Star Treks StarFleet? Except that the UN Spacey has an INCREDIBLY OVERBOARD military machine!!! Both are desturbing in the fact that there is a HUGH lacking of civilian ships.
You didn't like the intro? I think every PIXAR movie comes with a intro animation. Right? pixar animators have waaaaaaaaaaaay to much time on their hands. Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigggggggggght..... 4 years is to much time? The movie is good not because of it's 3D or it's story. It's because they BOTH worked nearly perfectly together. The plot was actually SOLID and thought out, so was the animation(slightly understated textures and vibrant colors) and directing.