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Everything posted by chrono

  1. GOD does that remind me of my StarSeige days!
  2. The cover ships Oberth, D, P, and ARMD are all taken from the pages listed and are all keep to scale with each other. Check for yourself. So even knowing 1 length is enough to give you the measurement of any of the ships within the Perfect Memory book or within Macross itself. Now if we were to consider your analog to modern day navy's then the Macross herself would be considered a Super Carrier and the Oberth would most definatly be of the size of a modern Destroyer(more correctly over-sized PT boat). Oh and her over-sized weapons regardless of final size are totally offset by her massive engines. But now that you've got me looking at the PM book more throughly.... you don't even need any of the other ships to figure her length. Just find out the size of the missiles she launchs. honneamise In the end regardless of what her final size is keep her scaled within herself! MechTech is SOOOOOOOooooooo right on that point!!!
  3. That's why you simply rescale until the D or P match the scale of the ones attached to the Macross. Just include the O in the image that is being rescaled and then crop it out later and then compare. This way you've automatically rescaled. If that's not enough then scan the O on page 166 along with the D & P on 148 and the Macross from page 138 and do the same thing! Scaling isn't rocket science.
  4. Actually if you know the height of the Macross 1 then you should be able to round the number down in closeness to within 10 meters. Just scan the Perfect Memory cover and flip the Oberth and compare.
  5. Storyline: Agreed it's a solid A-. Animation: Disagree, at most it's a C+ due to it's low overall quality and consistance. The first few episodes are fairly ok, but it takes a dumpster dive afterwards. Soundtrack: B, it simply doesn't strike any cord nor does it make itself a part of the anime. Not like the soundtrack in Crest of The Stars does. Sub vs. Dub: No comment because the entire issue is only for the PURIST of PURIST(ie complete and utter losers). The Bottom Line: Yeah the storyline is closer, unfortunatly 'growth' for the Belldandy character is even further reduced because of it. Shame the entire series is gonna only be 27 episodes at maximum. We can only hope that it goes 'The Slayers' route for anymore.
  6. Hehe. Just picked-up my comic order for the last 2 1/2 months. Totally expected 3 Super Manga Blasts to be waiting. Low and behold I find a single copy dated January. Ummmm January.... WTF! I could understand the 3+ month previous gap because of the corporate merging, but to then take a 2 month vaction, within the space of 6 months(along with other projects being axed or slowly dealt out) tells me the DarkHorse as a manga source will be coming to close VERY soon.
  7. Packing stuff like this is like mold building. Same premise except your using foam(rigid or Soft) and want extra space around the figure and use double wall cardboard boxs along with PLENTY of "FRAGILE" labels on all the surfaces.
  8. Oh it's most definatly a market issue! Nearly every single manga distrubtor is reporting loses from light to heavy. Tokoyo Pop, a manga giant, has re-sheaculed(bleh!spl) their line-up for a lower release rate. CPM Manga has also done the same, going so far as to stop over 50% of their releases totally. DarkHorse, though having merged Studio Proteous, has only 2-3 manga lines(including their anthology) running now with is down from their roughly 10. Viz, a succesful company that's always kept pace with DarkHorse, has merged with a larger company even though they had revamped their manga line-up to be cheaper to produce(long before DH did). But now since Viz has merged their manga-line may see some type of scrambling with non-profit titles getting the ax. Del Ray, is gonna be fairly immune to market flux because it doesn't depend on a single fan based market to thrive. Now this is not counting the 4-5 smaller publishers that have stopped publishing, together they hold something like 60 titles that may never see a english release date. Also this doesn't count all the titles from the above publishers so the total manga count that may never see more then a single english volume is about 150 titles. Face it folks it's not about your hate of ADV. The ENTIRE market has crested and is beginining it's decline.
  9. Well at first I was intally 'bleh! it's another BIG ROBO anime'. But the designs tend to grow on you and the 3D is pretty damned good looken! I'm a story whore though, so that's all I'm interested in.
  10. Actually what has really happened is that manga was a FAD and several company's when under just like the company's did when the Internet bubble popped. ADV just adds to a nicely growing list of publishers that have had to make serious cuts, close down, or merge with others because of the Tokoyo Pop manga glute. Unfortunatly during the last 2 years MANY manga were liscenced this means that ALL of those company's that have closed shop, merged, or are encountering money problems will not be releasing some, and in some cases ALL, of their manga for several years if ever. Recently the HUGH series of 3x3 Eyes was cancelled by Darkhorse and right now their manga line is in a right mess. DC is under SUPER HEAVY fanboy assault for their childish, and highly ill advised, treatment of Tenjo Tenge. They assault is so heavy in fact that it was recently subject to an article in a company trade magazine. It's beginning to look like the manga industry has cycled again and by this years end we maybe seeing some major company's fall-off the map. Viz is already gone. DC's still in it's shakey first year. Del Ray is a publishing giant that's got all the right series currently, but most importantly knows that if people want something NOW you gotta deliver it! Really sad thing though that their really isn't that much 'must have' anime on this years horizon either.
  11. An impressive number of cars. But not an impressive selection. Once again this game is 90% ricer, not a bad thing most of the time, but really lets face it when you leave out so many fundenmental car styles(ummm like where's most of the american models and german models at? again?) the term simulation goes out the window. I'll never buy into the liscencing agruement, because the people who don't want their vehicles in the game simply don't what their vehicles to be compared and clearly shown in poor light. Personally I'm still trying to get over the ample stupidity that is the inital FF to FR jump. Virtual no FR car that has less then 250hp can even compete, unless it's VERY heavily tuned that is and then your spending tons of time down in the FF curcuits. First Car: '90 Honda Civic CX SiR, moderate tuning FF (one of my favorite Beasts of the East) '83 Levin, Ultimate Turbine Lv5 FR (sue me I happen to enjoy Intial D) Best thing about GT4 is the wind sounds! Absolutly true!
  12. OMG! BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! *wipes away tears* That's just freak'n hilarious!
  13. The Woz, just turn on your Collsion Detection. This will prevent ANY mesh penetration from happening within the scene. However any time you use a plane with a hole made by a boolean you'll have problems. HOH! Oh and since your a TS'er go and try out Silo. I bought it and it simply fly's when it comes to modelling. It's worth the purchase because you get free version updates until the versions go to the next number(1.9-2.0) and just about everything is customizable!!!
  14. Well damn that sucks!
  15. chrono


    Impressive texturing!
  16. You wouldn't believe how happy that statement makes me feel Phyrox!! That was on of the largest worry's I had when I started building this ship. I'm very glad that it came through! To answer your question: Scale can be brought out by simply working downwards, by using few large details and as you get smaller with your details you increase their amount. The key is to limit yourself since it's very easy to get crazy with the small details and to make those smaller details fade into the whole with distance. That means smaller and swallower panels(from 3D and Real Life models) or thinner and more same toned paint as the models base color. However my style of detailing is borne thru MANY comic book influences.
  17. *dances in a happy circle* It's DONE! Well at least model building-wise that is. I've decided after lots of viewing and weighing of various factors that I'll not build in the hull weapons. I decided this mainly after seeing the final non-weaponed face count. Which is just a touch over 1.35 million and still thier is faceting on the model! If I dealt with the faceting and added the weapons then the final count would be over 3.28 million. A totally unacceptable number given my computers capicity. I won't be texturing it anytime soon and may revisit the mesh later and build it in NURBS instead of polys. Soooo enjoy the following final images. And please don't complain about the links, all of these images are over 190kb and are 2400*1800 in size so there is no way I'll be posting them in image tags here. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v648/chr...TopFINISHED.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v648/chr...PerFINISHED.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v648/chr...PerFINISHED.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v648/chr...earFINISHED.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v648/chr...ideFINISHED.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v648/chr...ontFINISHED.jpg . .. ... .... ...... ... *begins pondering just which Zen to build next*
  18. The color on that dragon is incredible! It's deep and glowing. Damn.....
  19. Well I've been in a lovely little place called vertex editing hell. I've fixed all of the known errors and have have started work on weapon placement(soooooo don't ask for a weapons exposed shot until the end) and trench greebling. Also I've kicked that stupid phong shader to the street and it's back to white/gray for awhile. Besides it was killing the render times. :/ Ok now with the imagery I've gotten the trench missile silo's (built to be animatable) and their greebles done and am working on the under nose and areas around the white area. This image was a test render to see if the new greebles blended with the reat of the details. Oh and how they do!!! Now on to the rest of the work.
  20. Well it seems that I've gotten it done QUITE faster then I would've thought! I'll leave it's texturing to someone more skilled then I. Now PM me where to send it!
  21. Thanks Hiriyu! It's a labor of love, so I'm doing the best I can with what I have. After reviewing my research imagery, and hearing you say that it's pretty rare, I've figured that the trench I designed will work out well with some adjustments and additions without becomes largely different from offical material.
  22. Yeah kinda. I got pulled away by the editing of my main project and RL in general. But I'm going to be working on it this week so I 'should' have it finished, as in sent to The Major, before Monday. I won't be busy with it's older brother for awhile, well except for roughing out designs.
  23. *rubs chin ponderingly* Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaallllllllllllly............. *has a few friends with Rhino* The ideal scale would be somewhere in the 25-35 centimeter range. I'll let you do the math. Ok before I sign off for the next few days, I'm gonna need trench detail information/screen captures before I even attempt any work on the trench! All I have is one example of such detail and it shows none of the weapons!
  24. Status Level 2 Detail is 90% complete Most of the ships hull is finished detail-wise except for the larger bits, the trench sensors, and some greebles for the large black areas on the upper hull. Those will be tricky and take time to do right. I'll probably not do anymore large renders until it's finished, modeling-wise, because all of that new detail has pushed the poly count to 936,000 faces and is making large renders time consuming! Now I'm gonna work on correcting several errors that have popped up on the hull's mesh and finalizing the Level 2 details. Level 3 details come next.
  25. Letting sit fallow is a good/bad idea. Good because it let's people have a breather from Trek in general. Bad because if they do bring it back in the next 3 years it'll be in direct competition with the upcoming Star Wars show. The Ugly, because the net SF sites will be swamped with ST vs SW fanboys and the cosplayers at the Cons will go nuts!
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