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Everything posted by chrono

  1. OK! Did a little digging around and found a trailer for the OVA. It's streaming so it's pretty sad and small. http://www.sunrise-inc.co.jp/seikai/st_frame.html
  2. That's just a beautiful statement! It's just a shame that writers no longer think of their works in that light any more. Damn you Stephen King! Though I agree with you March, Moore is also quite right.
  3. Their claims were designed to deflect responsibility, and their vague allusions to "hacking" and "code modification" were designed to lead the average non-programmer to think that Rockstar was totally uninvolved in how the scenes got there, without them actually saying specifically so, and thus being caught in a direct lie. -Al 313089[/snapback] They actually weren't caught in a 'lie'. Hacking and Code MOD'ing are illegal anyways(something that ALOT of these whiny assed people conveniently ignore and I haven't heard of anyone being sued or jailed because of it) and by their saying that those scenes are not 'in the game' are totally true. Mainly because of the context they used. It's like modifing your vehicle(voiding the warranty), having it breakdown and then bitching at the company you bought the vehicle from because they won't paid for the repairs. Then having the goverment step in and demand that they company pay! Beyond childish, but hey shps! But come-on people this is GTA! It has a long HISTORY of televised and publically discussed violent and profane behavior! Get a CLUE already!!!
  4. Oh think think that Aquarion has plenty of content, but they just aren't using them well and there are nasty logic holes that have you going WTF for no good reason. E7 IS starting to kick into a higher gear which is great because if the manga's any indication then we've got some nice plots and plot arcs coming up. I'm really glad that BONES got away from their overt copying of EVA after RahXephon, but still keep their high quality music approach. I think it's the little things over the last 6 episodes, like the 'main male leads' character having vertigo(which is thankfull so far not used alot) and his 'low man on the totempole' position and it's viewpoint, that have really begun to grab my lasting attention. But overall it's got one of those 'nice story' feels to it and that's what makes me coming back for more.
  5. Yes it's to be out VERY soon..... ... as in 7-22!!! At least the dvd-box is according to NewType 7-2005. If the adverts right it looks like it's going to go with established characters. A good and "bad thing" in my view.
  6. Yeah I can understand about the clean views. Having the orginal reference material available is great, but it's sooooooo unclear sometimes! This was a little experiment on sinking the black detail into the large rear fins. It was just to see what type of effect sinking this minor detail would have. Frankly I'm pretty happy with the effect, so I plan on using it. However I'll change the shape into a more 'V' like channel or add thin raised bars(via the turrent missile launcher). The depth is roughly about 1/8th of the fins thickness and is a normal extrusion. But whadda you think?
  7. While I feel QUITE honored that you think that they are worthly. I have to burst your bubble. They are MY interpertation(spl) of the shape and there are many errors, in my view.(For example the top thruster is fairly off in about 4 areas and the bow ventral surface is pretty damned wrong.) Go with the orginal source material except for that problem prone frontal view! GAH! Horrible! I've got a question for you though! How do you feel about the situation with the side thrusters and their relation ship with those black lines? I've got an idea how I want to go about it but I'd like to hear your ideas on it.
  8. Oh a fall release. That least it's quick. Though if the makers had their head together they'd have subbed the episodes right after they did the japanese version! Cuts out the middle man and makes them more money.
  9. Gnerl Fighter Pod update. Lots of little things changed and I'm about to extract the final main body mesh, so this is a milestone for the project. C&C is welcome!!! Had to use Photo Bucket for the images.
  10. Still find it dead funny that people still bitch-'n-moan about material being dubbed. Especially given how the option to watch either version has existed for years now. Though I agree that translation can be iffy sometimes.
  11. Thanks for the info! Gonna get this series and maybe take a stab at building the Exelion in 3D.
  12. Just saw orginal series ep#2 and really like the designs and overall style. Especially the styles the ships have. Who did the designs for the orginal Buster series? And did they have any art books come out for it?
  13. Saw this trailer when I saw the SWIII movie. Felt like I was watching a Buffy/Andromeda hybrid that had equally poor acting. Really campy. Hope the movie isn't so long that the directing and acting styles totally bore people.
  14. I'm gonna try and see this one in the theathers but I don't know just yet. It was nice that I actually saw a trailer on TV about it though! Gives me hope that a local showing will happen. Oh and Baba Yaga is a Russian myth/folk tale, but is also found in the eastern parts of Europe.
  15. A7, Why don't you just drop the SubvsDub bit. Your clearly bias so why even bother wasting the time typing and further slamming Dubs. If I get this series I'll pay the 200 or so bucks for it when ADV re-issues it 2 years from now. Like they did with RT & EVA(state side).
  16. Well after seeing the first 3 episodes I figured out just why I like the show! It's the music!!! Sure the entire idea is cliche-EVA/Rah-Xephon by hey it's by BONES. Anyways the way BONES handles music in it's series is top noche and this one is no exception! The way it uses 80's, classical, and modern music is nearly at Star Wars levels and it really helps to off-set a hugh amount of the shows silly little cliches all the while helping to lighten the atmosphere when gags and sillyness abound! This series is gonna be a 'MUST GET' series for myself and will find it's home next to my Steel Angel Kurumi and Slayers series.
  17. mac, good stuff! Gammera, sw33t! can't help but feel that their not scaled right with all the vehicles and people standing around. The_WOZ, Interesting way of doing afterburners. It's the bruteforce method though! A set-up of several layered cones with the right shaders will get you a better effect. If you've got a particle system use those with a mixture of layered shaders that are animated to transition from color to total transparency(if I knew the exact settings I'd tell you).
  18. One of these days I'll actually get a website built for this stuff. FighterPod06102005side.tif
  19. New project. The Zen Gnerl Fighter Pod This will be a quick little project because the reference is pretty through and detailed. Leaving little to figure out or puzzle over. My polygon limit will be no more then 175-225,000 and I doubt I'll hit that high a number given the main body is currently only at 47k. Right now it's early in the build so not much detail yet and there are some glaring errors. If anyone have any cockpit imagery they wish to share I can build an interior also. FighterPod06102005ang.tif
  20. Well, he is doing a Gundam manga at the moment called "Ecole du ciel" or something. If that's your cup of tea (not mine, though). I reccommend Cherish and Reverb, they're both one-offs. GEK! He's drawing Gundam! Oh well gotta pay the bills somehow. One-offs of what type? GN's or single chapter story's?
  21. Awww! Come-on, the only reason your watching it is because it's got what'shisfaces name on the designs. Besides it's big robot action who needs a plot!!!
  22. Noticed the ugly(fugly) simplifacation of the newer anime too, huh. I'm still wondering why they stopped using black shadows. It's hard to tell whether it's the cost(time) involved with making a detailed anime, the lacking of skilled talent(across the board), or the style change that seemed to happen when computers became dominant for anime work(alot of the current stuff reminds me of crisp watercolors). Frankly I think it's the lack of skill that prevents his works from becoming anime. Damn I want more of his work in manga!
  23. I downloaded Media Player Classic for screen capturing reasons. heh kinda of a mistake, because I could see the framerates with it. So I went back and post edited the firing animation getting rid of alot of the niggling stupid stuff. Now I'm happy with it! Beam7.35.avi
  24. Yeah which doesn't make my point wrong at all. Just because it was coined as a negative phrase intially doesn't mean that the term covers 99% of media SF. It's totally subjective and dependant on the shows materials. http://dictionary.reference.com/search?q=Space+Opera http://dictionary.reference.com/search?q=Science%20Fiction Just as the Science Fantasy term covers alot of material that has both fantasy & sf leanings. Phase Doubt, the Amber series, the vampire hunter & fairy detective novels by Hamilton, and Grunts by Mary Gentle are examples of such.
  25. Actually, almost all animated SF is space opera. Not really. For example no Gundam series qualify's as a Space Opera. ZOE, Detonator Orgun, and Legend of the Galactic Heroes do. Voices of a Distant Star most certainly does. Manzinkaiser, Bubblegum Crisis, Trigun, AND GUNNM(though with the Last Order storyline it's beginning to) do not because they are 95% planet based and their story's have no ramificantions for other planets. Anytime you never leave near Earth orbit you don't qualify as a Space Opera. Space Opera has larger casts and requires alot more movement then singular nations and planets.
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