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Everything posted by chrono

  1. You didn't happen to belong to Aoi House did you? ( http://www.gomanga.com/manga/aoi.php ) 336313[/snapback] Don't see that as totally bad. But yeah times have changed and watching ANYTHING new is more of a trendy & hip thing then actual interesting. Which is why there is crap like Nar.... sorry I can even say it. I totally understand though because I've found only 2 people in the local area who like the anime for the story's rather then the trendyness of it. Right now I'm bringing the one over to the darkside that is manga, but it's time consuming because he's the jock-type who needs more then just static images to enjoy the subject.
  2. It's kinda hard to take what the wolf symbolised. The wolf in various cultures means difference things so it's really hard to tell what the writers meant with it's usage. For myself since the wolf nearly always showned up after a Cloud sequence I got the impression that it was his past following him. But I also got the impression that the wolf was closely tied to Aerith and the Lifestream. Of course it could symbolise his growing realization that he isn't alone, which frankly makes the most sense. And Aerith/the Lifestream played along because we all saw just what the brute force method did for Tifa. *still misses Tifa's old outfit*
  3. Adding in those park lands and varing the buildings sizes goes along way towards giving the size a sense of massiveness! I would taper the buildings sizes downwards as you get closer to the edges to add a touch of realsim via urban spural.
  4. Yeah alot of the more current anime, 2000+ stuff, have been changing little bits every few shows to keep it more current, but they've not started to remake the them every episode though. They changed the O&C at episode 14 and not 15 or higher. I hope that others start to follow this trend and it evloves to every episode.
  5. Yeah 14 is a flashback/recap/starting point, but it's a pretty cohesively told continuance, including little things we've missing, and even goes further by pointing out the direction for up coming episodes. So it's not a traditional flashback type of show. Quite the opposite in fact when you watch the entire episode. When I first heard the new opening music I INSTANTLY thought of Ridge Racer until the new part of it kicked in. After that the music is utterly forgetable. The 3d has really been improving as you can see by the improvment on both the Nirvash and the Gekko-Go in both the opening and closing sequences, also we see that the cockpits on all the hero mecha are in 3d. We get plenty of hints at future episodes, including END type wannabes that totally remind me of Go Nagai characters, and a nice little shot of the END and my favorite pink hair psychopath! Gotta especially love the hints at Macross Missile Storms and one of the better 3d mecha explosions I've seen!!! I like the never ending over the previous one by alot! It's nice musically and moves along very well with this episodes making of Gekkostates ray=out. Now I hope some of you are seeing what I'm seeing and that's the move to towards new openings and closings.... per each episode.
  6. I have to say given today's technology where we have modeeratly small robo-planes. Adding in the more advanced alien tech and it's material would reduce the small of the Ghost by a good bit. But if it didn't then the Ghost would be agrueably most powerfull then the VF series just in sheer firepower alone, because it's size would match any of the VF series. And given how the Ghost was an unpiloted attempt at a cheap disposable military asset it would be smaller and require less materials, and cost, to build. So I my viewpoint go smaller.
  7. Like Sega? No. They'll lose ALL of their employees by then. Also MS has already said that if this system doesn't break even their quits on consoles. I'm still more then a little surprised that XB got such a distinctive japanese title. Hope they get more 'fun' games.
  8. That old Tenchi series is great blending well with and without the series and they smartly ended it before it went all Dragon Ball.
  9. Well that 's got me sold on it!
  10. Not really, she is in uniform and that is armor. *hopes that was just a photo-morph*
  11. Took in more then 10 million. Not bad at all for a partially run show. It won't gross more then 30 though.
  12. I don't tolerate praise for mediocrity. 333240[/snapback] Mediocrity among brilliance... go figure. But if all we had was brillance then that would be mediocrity. Frame your words better because if you can pull words like "mediocrity" outta your ass then you certainly can.
  13. Not from what I've seen of it. Looks like SE is going after the female gamers with it. Same as they did with FFX-2. In ALOT of ways it's moving in the direction of Star Ocean. It's definatly lost it's 'old school' feel long ago.
  14. YEA!!! More Zen! Solid work so far. How much are you hating those curves?
  15. Ever felt like your a dog chasing their tail? That's how it's been, for me, for the last week! It seems anything and everything went 'weird' on me. From car troubles, being moved lateraly at work, to using the wrong lighting set-up and having 12+ hour 'test' renders. UGH! I'm just glad it's the weekend.... and that it's american football season! Well here she is, my first finished project in Silo. Kiss my ass truespace!!! BWAHAHAHA!!! Learned LOTS about what I can do and can't in Silo, especially on the mechicanical side/finish side of the program. Needs more tools and I'd kill for a simple Max-like Stencil tool. I'm 75K over my budget and I could reclaim some of it, but I'd lose detail in some areas if I did. I'd really love to personalize this model along the lines of what the Valkries have but both my computer and Silo make it totally impossible. I had wait times near the end of the existing build of 10-90 seconds between moves and tool operations.... I have NO patience for that! Not when I've got 50-200 more things I need to do before I'm done building a section. No landing gear besides what I've done earlier and won't be making the rear between the mesh and the orginal designs have problems that have no decent looking solution. It was bad enough I had to 'punt' on the damned side thruster indent. Soooo enough wordiness.... [WARNING: Images are -teen-sized-] http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v648/chr...INALfrontan.png It's gonna be a little while before I post anything Macross, because I've gotta do the research for the Thuverl Salan(already drawn a top down ortho of her) AND I just may do some robot work(Shin Getter/Exaxxion) or a Saberhagen Berzerker don't know.
  16. I was browsing(trolling) the 'Net when I came across this site. It shows several build-ups in VERY nice detail from prep to finishing. However the main reason I'm posting it here is the quality of his airbrush skills. Simply incredible! (WARNING MATURE MATERIALS) http://www.paw.hi-ho.ne.jp/reshizou22/
  17. Let's not. It sounds like a VD. Coming together pretty well now. Really don't like the your version of the chest plate though. The whole upward pointed center area throws it off.
  18. Coming together pretty well. I'd scale up some of the builds by about 10-20% though because they are slightly too small.
  19. Man. Sometimes I wish that they had a Tank version of AC! Seriously though I'd love it if they actually had a 40's-60's version of AC with some modern weapons. Early jets VS props.
  20. Alot of the problem is that style has over taken substance. A great example is Masamune Shirows works todate. Appleseed started out pretty well, but by the end of the 4th book nearly every shot was of Nut in some quasi-sexual pose. After that his works went to poo becoming little more then cover girl art(not a bad thing ). Frankly I think that this has ALWAYS been a problem in animation world-wide. Disney's animation really is a fine example of art lost. Also another problem that has crept up is the trend of "re-imagining" manga for anime. A couple of examples is: Love Hina, GUNNM(battle angel), and Hellsing. Love Hina manga had a everything needed for a solid anime. Action, plot, and T&A. But someone was able to convince the people involved that it's better changed then directly transfered over from it's source. GUNNM nearly suffered the same fate, but the key difference was that the artist held control over the lisence and wanted it copyed from the manga. Hellsing suffered from something else entirely different. It went to anime FAR too soon and suffers from lack of usable story depth, dozens of manga-anime suffer from this exact problem. The CGI trend. The current trend of CGI diffenatly has it's roots in the "style or substance" problem, but I firmly believe that it's more or a production level environment problem then a lack of skill or patience. We've seen what skilled japanese/korean artists can do, but frankly those have times that span years and not a few weeks or are singular projects done for movies by 4-5 people. And last but not very least by far is the Information Age over exposure. People are now, or can be, exposed to hundreds or thousands of anime & manga titles! So overloading on any genre is an incredibly easy thing to due. But it's the same with every subject out there!! So moderation is the key. Personally I pick and choose what I watch and only buy/rent what I want. Just 'cause I like complex storylines doesn't mean that I'll go out and buy Gilgamesh, Elfen Lied, or any of th dozens of others that are from that genre. ... .. . ... still don't know if I'm gonna like the 'new' Hellsing or not though. It's abit 'flash cartoony' for me.
  21. Totally agree with you on Feist's Magician series(or whatever it's called). Sure in many ways it's tradional power fantasy, but it's a very good read that brings alot of subjects to the table in the way of how history dominates groups of peoples and their views of the world.
  22. The results of an ISBN search http://dogbert.abebooks.com/servlet/Search...&SID=0916211282 Cover by: Keith Parkinson (THE Keith Parkinson!?! if it is then he's certainly capable of the level that was on the books back) Illustrations by: Kevin Siembieda, Alex Marciniszyn, Randi Carter, Steven Sheiring, Kevin Long Oh and just because RT has it's roots in anime doesn't mean that it was a Japanese artist. It's actually a little naive to think so. Just because you might have access to it doesn't mean that it got used. And going to the publisher is ALWAYS the best place to look if your trying to find out information on a book. Doesn't matter is they have the license in question or not.
  23. Umm... alot of books have the cover art and illustrations credited in the front of the book with the copyright material. Also the publishers can be contacted about such information and have no real reasons to not tell you, well unless they stole the work for their use.
  24. I'd hammer out the technical points(whether it's an ARMD or a sister ship for the Oberth) while relaxingly working on your 'yellow plane'.
  25. Like like this could be another Z.O.E. 2 style game. The AI better be ramped-up quite abit as well as the story. Every problem should have no less then 5 different solutions and several different usable characters. Multi-player is a complete must-have(for nearly ALL PS3 games). Only thing that I should be even remotely required to read better only be text based messages written on a computer screen or paper. ANY dialogue that I have to read automatically gets the game a failing grade, ok except maybe the Star Wars copycat screen in the beginning. ALL possible with 25-50 gigs of disc room. The real ass kicking this is that ALL of this imagery is on alpha development kits! Just wait till the REALLY polished 2nd year PS3 games come out!!!
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