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Everything posted by chrono

  1. I had the sad misfortune of actually buying the damned Prelude comic, more for evaluation and ridicule then anything........ really! It's straight A$$! Unpaided 2nd year college students can draw more consistantly. Doesn't really help that the style looks like a direct rip-off of a certain Marvel artist either! But what's really makes me pissed off it the stuipity that the people who did the CB had!! Why are you drawing a single damned line when EVERYTHING in ShadowForce in already built in 3D!!! It would've taken them only about 10 days to make the damned book and it would've been at a MUCH higher quality and for half the cost. But then again this IS HarmonyGold.
  2. It is an interior model of a display room in the German Museum in Munich. A studio here in Cologne has developed a very sci-fi-ish, amorphous interior design and they wanted me to build a model. The problem was that I cannot produce this inner structure within their time (and monetary) limits. I said the only way to do it in time will be stereolithography, but this is very expensive, so their decision was to go with just 3-D- animation and no model at all. Then the museum guys insisted on a model and I was back on it. Now I only build the surrounding walls and display areas and the structure will be "lasered" out of a resin block by another company. If I do my job correctly and they do theirs the two models should fit perfectly - they better do ´cause sunday is the deadline and I wont get the stereolithography until friday! Makes me slightly nervous and time is pressing hard, but it is still fun and I may be able to get more comissions from this company in the future. 346820[/snapback] They won't. It'll be close, but since 3D litho is rough you'll have to do some work to get it into the model. The finishing is gonna drive you crazy! GL!
  3. Damn! Spacey actually looks pretty good as Luthor!!
  4. The local Best Buy has the Demo unit in the store. Got to see it's game list on a 36 inch HDTV. I felt utterly and totally disappointed! It's CRAP! The games were simply nasty looking(early ps2 games looked better). I totally hope that they had it hooked up wrong somewhere. I really really really hope they did!!
  5. I believe you mea "The trailer raped my childhood." 346101[/snapback] Nonono. That's Lucas!
  6. That pretty much falls under. "Like DUH!" What didn't you like about it? The slim metrosexual Supes, that fugly brown-haired Lois, the lack of ScobyDoo primary colors on the suit?
  7. Given how it's also a Walmart product how can it fail? I mean they got a coupla thousand chinese grip boys......
  8. ???
  9. Seen the teaser Friday and was impressed by the camera work. The trailer sold me the ticket with the last panned scene. ROCK! I am however NOT happy with supes flying off in a spaceship, but it does lend some food for thought when married with Brando's voice-over. Maybe they are trying to re-build the idealistic iconic nature of supes.
  10. Hmmm...... *opens up his video folder* Trinity Blood - meh it's a dark brooding goth fun show(fundentmentally Trigun 2) Pslams of the Planets: Eureaka 7 - a good drama that keeps getting better Shuffle! - surprisingly good, but that's not highly unusal for a game>anime show Mushishi - damned good little mystic drama show Mai Otome(My Maid) - it's one of those fun shows that tends to grow on you, another drama with a little lesbian action hinted at Karin - I was hesitant about the show after I saw the first episode but by the second one I was reassured enough to continue watching it KamChu - straight-up Ghibli awsomeness! ON DISC Godannar - laugh and scoff all you want this is one of those shows that you can just kinda laugh with(and at) and turn your brain off for 22 minutes, the fan service and characters always agruing helps alot with this odd Getter Robo clone with horrible dubs in some spots(kinda-like a SAK reunion with all of the VA's)(and whoever made that damned box should be take out back and switched!) Tenjho Tenge - it's another one of those fun, drama, highschool shows that nicely marry history with the modern era. OMG - when it gets a boxset release WISHLIST with an OVA production level Zetman - hey it's a japanese batman clone! Pluto! - by the author of Monster, 'nuff said! PuchiMon(petit monster) - a fun little manga with cute little characters AirGear - by Oh Great T&A, another just fun manga Eden - hardcore SF by Hiroki Endo Deathnote - ummmm dark mature semi-goth Chikyu Misaki - starts out very cute but gets darkly mature quickly by Iwahara Yuji(this author has more that I'd also like to see made anime) BLAME! - sure it's matrix styled SF, but damn if they go with what they had in Ver.0.11: Salvaged disc by Cibo it'll rock hard
  11. Bummer about the commision.
  12. I'd just install a planetary sized solar reflector and freeze their asses into submission. Either that or wait 20 years for the population to decrease alot and then move the reflector and wait 5 years for the world-wide melting to further decrease the population (via drowning, mudslids, etc). And then just stroll in and claim the newly terraformed planet as mine. Or fire Sub-lightspeed hamsters in from their local moon!
  13. Oh yeah!?? So is he going to put his watermark across the screen and act like he owns it and is the creator?? You know like he does with ALL Macross pictures he puts on his site? 345069[/snapback] Pretty much and arroganly blends the groups credits into the shows credits. Like it's gonna raise them any money or give them copyright abilitys. But I could give a rats ass about who's doing the subs as long as it's remotly understandable. And I firmly believe only a small handful of people actually give a poo either. ******************************************** That aside, I love the little bits that the secondary characters get. Like Gidget pursuing Moondoggy(even getting laid in those ruins lol) and Hilda dominating in her relationship with Matthleu(a wimp but I think he likes it). Holland those is clearly becoming the 'bastard' character of the show, but you don't know if he's running away from something or running towards something. A bit of both I think! Just realized today that Renton is actually pretty damned mature in the way he handled Eureka's stead withdraw from their relationship and Eureka's being childlish or a SINGLE time that Renton wanted to be alone. It's just so great! to see anime characters who have multiple aspect personalities and are shown, not just a 'given' thing because they have a title or position of power within the show. Man I can't hardly wait to see what type of clash they are going to get into later on in the show!!!
  14. I have been since about the time episode 5 came out. I like the manga's art as well if not better then the animes.
  15. The manga version is pretty cool. I just like the normancy that the story has.
  16. Ok, so I was wrong about the whole minor character growth thing! After watching episode 18 I realized that it was subtle build-up that was actually quite deep. And 18 really explodes with Rentons little 'Sure I'll more it!'(that was the poo wasn't it!! ), Renton's easly handling of those guards, and most surprisingly well done Eureka's lashing out at all those very close to her. Added bonus was the fact they the production is getting to be of higher quality and I've finally seen the first non-anime hair highlights from this CGI era! Toss in GONZO's bold move with their use of textures(not the simple color tones that you normally see) in Gankutsuou and by damned it looks like we maybe headed back towards the 84-85 quality pretty soon!!!
  17. Oh I'm sure the games are fine! But really the only thing that they have going for them is the art involved. So it already has an instant fanbase of some size. It's the same way with movies and TV shows(anime included). Toss out a 'name' that is highly recognizable(Cameron? Spielburg? Cruise? Lina Inverse?) and people will be attracted.
  18. Well the first one only sold anything because of Kosuke Fujishima being involved and since fans will be fans it's not really surprising that they are trying to earn more money from it. It's the same with the Sakura Wars materials. Frankly the character designs don't make me want to watch this and the mechs look pretty damned chessy in a MTNT kinda way, and the CG work is VERY sub-standard.
  19. Totally agree! It's actually a good likeness, could have a tighter shirt to look more bulky though. The title threw me, because I thought it was Gaiman's Sandman!
  20. I'd rather watch ED209 take on Godzilla, before I'd watch a RoboCop remake!
  21. Naw just remove 1 or 2 characters from your party and play around in a kinda safe but high EXP area. The area around the one gate where their are Destroyers & Seraphim is a good place for awhile. But it's deadly when you get past a certain point in the game(50k Destroyers become 100k+ and the Seraphim become VERY strong). I stayed there until I could take a single character across the level with easy. Should only take about an hour per character and don't forget to keep those multipler items on! But before doing that start finding the stronger items and making some of the better weapon/armor combos. Heck you can set-up some seriously cool weapon/armor add-ons with some time and alot of money. JB0, Yeah I started just to set items that attracked monsters to make it easier leveling up. In the end though I just spent more time in the fighting arena. Stopped playing at level 230 though because the end guy always broke the items that kept me alive.
  22. Yeah I too love the difficultly of tri-Aces games. Still haven't beaten SO2 yet, since I keep tripping the damned games difficulty level every game. Druna Skass, you need about 15-25000 hp on your characters before you can deal with Luther and probably a different group set-up if your using Abel(quick but lacks strength). A good guide to your strength is going though the final level without getting killed and without taking short-cuts or avoiding enemies. I personally used the classic party set-up to beat him (Fighter, Multi-purpose character, mage/healer). Fayt, Cliff and Nel were my chacters with Fayt dealing the heavy damage(Dimension Door) from close to immediate ranges, Cliff giving close-up pressure and stunning at immediate ranges(Fists of Fury/Acrobat Locus/Hammer of Might), and finally Nel proving all-purpose support and damage via Whirlwind/Lighting Chain/Flying Guillotine It's also a smart bet to add those various immunity to damage(hp/mp) and immunity to status items to swords, armor, and items. Just what till you crack open that 'hidden' dungeon! YEAH BABY! YEAH!
  23. The Dub it coming out within 2 months. Just buy the damned thing!
  24. Ok, I went into the clip with an open-mind, even though I come from the RT side of the table. The designs continue to remain unimpressive. Where the frig's the detail at? Have they no clue. The OVER THE TOP usage of CG for everything except the backgrounds is gonna kill this effort. The charaters are TOTALLY CG and use the Maya's toon-like shaders (poorly at that). The only things I'm not sure about is if they're mo-cap'ed or not. The camera work is pretty standard stuff, but not poor either. The action is clearly an attempt to capture the flavor of Macross Zero. HAHAHAHAHA! Not a fricking chance. Overall, currently, it looks like RoboTech 3000 V2.0.
  25. No, you're not the only one watching it! But right now there really isn't much going on other then minor character growth/inspection.
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