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Everything posted by chrono

  1. Not bad at all! But that surface better get ALOT of extra detail.
  2. Mmmmmm....... Nice! But I wish you had a MOD'der by the name of Ancient Angel in your group. The guys awesome, shame he's currently working on a RT mod for FS2 Open.
  3. Nice!
  4. Yep that was truely one of the best cross generational insults!! And coming from CA at that!
  5. It's been up for about a full month now and doesn't look remotly good. It's 70's period level animation quality(remember the Hulk?). This totally needed to be made into an R rated live action movie or R rated mini-series because by making it a 'cartoon' they have to remove or lower the gritty content for marketability reasons. Damn it wanna see "HULK EAT PUNY HUMAN!", lay the SMACK-DOWN on Giant "Wife Beating" Man, and see the ever 'noble' Captain "kick azz" American punt the Hulk in the nuts(all's fair in war son)! And since we've on the same topic... Doomsday draws nearer to the day Joe Mad takes the artistic helm of The Ultimates. Frankly I'd rather see another Battlechasers first....
  6. Still no high grade, or any grade, Zen's or Mel's. Come-on!
  7. Hmmmmmm..... Ok thanks!! *goes to think about an FS2 Macross mod*
  8. Really sweet work, Lestat! It seems site stablization was able to trigger work on the project. I do have a somewhat non-related question for those-in-the-know however. After seeing what the 'somewhat' new FS_Open can do, does anyone know if somegroup is working on a Macross MOD for it???
  9. Sadly, there isn't much. I haven't been able to find any further information on the case beyond the original 2003 news report, at least nothing online anyway. Here's a link the the original article. They also have a link to the filing documents at the end of the article. http://www.gamingreport.com/article.php?sid=10015 Enjoy 367394[/snapback] AH! Thanks. Over 150 claims of IP & Copyright infrigment!!! That court filing it broadline humourous and it's very clear that the lawyer and WW have try'ed to throw so much crap at the wall to both fog the issue(s) and to see if anything will stick. They have as much legal standing as a cloud of fog can support a bear. "OMG! Underworld used the word 'coven' to describe a vampire group. WE did that years ago! SUE! SUE!" LOL Coven has been used as a term for a group for centuries! This is ONLY about not getting a cut of Sony's pie and that's all. Yes their are similarities, but it's only about money and not IP & C. Frankly WW should be lucky that the decendants of 1930's-70's 'tradional' monster movies don't sue their asses off for clear and blatant IP & Copyright infrigments as well as TSR, and every author(Anne Rice anyone?) who's ever written a 'monster' book. I believe that 99% of the terms/themes in Underworld are so throughly public domain as to be Un-protectable unless it's a clear and clean cut case of IP rip-off. Having a pasty looking chick in a black leather bosea(spl) with dark hair can't break anything IP!!! That was great! Thanks Mr. March.
  10. White Wolf Inc. sued Sony over the release of Underworld back in 2003. White Wolf Inc. claimed that the work of writer Nancy A. Collins and their own intellectual Role-Playing Game properties Vampire: The Masquerade and Werewolf: The Apocalypse were used for the film. White Wolf Inc. actually presented a very impressive arguement. They listed dozens of similarites when they filled suit (although the derivations of their own properties is in question). I'm curious how that all went. 363473[/snapback] I need a laugh. Do you have a linky for their agruements? I saw this last week. Overall it was fairly blah, not even the action/fighting was more then slightly interesting. Too much Matrix-wannabe BS that not even slightly inventive camera work could make look good. I was never impressed by their wardorbe, 18th century/goth/black leather was flatout corny in the first one and never got any better in the second one. ONLY semi-decent clothing was what Micheal stole to keep warm. And speaking of warm I was VERY VERY happy that this was staged in Asia that really helped to give it an 'old country' feel to it. The plot wasn't as full as it should've been, not an Aliens by far, and wasn't never more then a chase & fight, chase & fight, fight & drink blood, fight , fight repeat. Kinda like watching a FPS to be honest. What I do like is that now ALL the chips are up in the air(the leading Ancients are gone, the lines are blurried between the two, both pack and coven structures are in chaos, and Micheal has to learn to deal with drinking blood) and they have a clean enough slate to actually write a decent movie. Oh and I was happy that they finally showed that vampires were more then just strong people with fangs and guns. That totally bugged the hell outta me in the first movie.
  11. Oh soooooo tell me that's not a scratch build! I soooooo want that one and the F2-C.
  12. Oh in the hell did they get Chase Masterson!
  13. Speaking RahXephon fighters has anyone brought those out yet?
  14. The first season was solid because it was 'new' and still has some of the better backgrounds in anime. Second season got all CG'ed and went a little wonky with it's pokemon "power-up" gimmicks, but had better animation and even dipped into more mature themes on occasion(the love triangles, and the gray early "villian"). All digimon after that was spin-off's, like Gundam. Still it was a pleasant change of pace from Card Captor at that time.
  15. Fort Max, Homenaise doesn't have a clue, nor do alot of the distrubtors, when it comes to pricing. Those prices will be nearly half within the time it gets to the retail stores and they are extremely niche products, which alot of older anime is. But if I'm gonna pay R2 level prices for this stuff I damned well better be getting the Ultra Mega Super Deluxe Omega Special Edition Collectors boxt.
  16. Pretty much. And the Canadians would hate it because it would be like child porn for them.
  17. I gotta say that they really went all out laying waste to everyone in the issue(personally loved how Widow 'offed' Jarvis) and how they brought together an incredibly well thought out reason for how the issue ends(an international colition of racial and national minorities). I really loved all of the little sublte and not so subltely drawn 'hints' were done, bravo! And the designs are staight-up awsome! Hints at a Chinese Hydra organization via those suits, somewhat logical looking high-tech troop carriers, a pretty nice looking Crimson Dynamo, and of course giant robots! Oh and Ultimate Wolverine Vs. HULK is also verrrrrrrrrry good! Especially on the second page where the HULK OWNZ wolverine!!! When that happened I could only ask myself "Why didn't they don't that YEARS ago!
  18. So it's not an su-35?
  19. The jerkiness was pretty bad. I'm wondering if this is just unfinished and that that will be smoothed out in the final release. 270741[/snapback] Sorry, but that's simply not true anymore. What trailers are now are simply what has been 'finished' and 99% isn't going to be polished anymore and is equally likely that those are the 'highlights'. You probably will see later improvement, but not for several eps. and you'll see lower quality because it's more then likely a 13 ep show(correct me if i'm wrong on the shows length). The cg is poor and their is NO reason for it. Hell, hobbyists in america do superior cgi anime then the japanese do. It's gonna be at least another 5-8 years before industry produced anime pulls it's standards up to roughly 2005 levels.
  20. I ended up buying the box with disc 1(only cost me 22 US!). And since I've never seen a dubbed version, nor watched any subbed version of Macross I get to see what the 'purists' are droning on about.
  21. I have to agree. Like most american movies/animation it IS over hyped, but then again Hollywood 99% of the time over reachs in their greed. This would've been a small cult hit if it wasn't pushed so much. Kinda like some of the older black & whites with Vincent Price or Flash Gordan.
  22. OH freaking UGH!!! Not more of this patheic "save the earth" BS story/plot-ism in the disguise of serious character drama! If this wasn't on earth then I could totally buy the terrain, but not even over consumption(which is very much bs in itself) can explain away the landscape. That's enough to prevent me from even wanting to buy the R1 releases. And if it turns out that the 'alien' things in the show are actually earth lifeforms sent from 'motherearth' then I'm definatly NOT supporting this show. Enough bs is enough! IF this is Earth several hundred thousand years into the future OR it's on another planet then it's somewhat easier to swallow.
  23. It's funny you mention that -- I've been meaning to ask; why do so many modelers go after "enemy" paint schemes? Especially some of the most despised enemies in history? I wonder if people feel embarassed when showing off their German (nazi!) markings. Personally, I think it's more of an appreciation of the talent that went into those designs. No one argue that the Luftwaffe didn't have impressive airplanes. Yet most people abhor ANYTHING related to Nazi German or WWII Japan. Modelers don't seem to have any qualms about it. Any insights? 358698[/snapback] Yes. One is that model builders tend to buck trends and be more indiviualistic. Another is the incredible amount of 'hero' models out there. Even another is that the 'bad guy' schemes are rarely done at all and have barely been investigated by over half of the model builders out there. Also many model builders don't look any further then the designs themselves, whilest others disregard the philosiphy(spl) backing there designs.
  24. Last time I saw that word was to describe a shape of either meat bun or rice ball, of course those spells were probably wrong.
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